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Healthcare Professional Nurse Leader: People Management

Essay Instructions:

The main elements of this assignment are: 
• a justification for my proposed ePortfolio structure based on how my professional role aligns with relevant industry standards or competencies
• a reflection on my current evidence-collecting practices
• three new written descriptions of my practice and reflections on my learning as examples of quality evidence 
Please find examples of healthcare industry standards and competency framework related to nursing and Australia (NSW) executive capability framework
Professional practice This relates to the professional, legal and ethical responsibilities which require demonstration of a satisfactory knowledge base, accountability for practice, functioning in accordance with legislation affecting nursing and health care, and the protection of individual and group rights.
Critical thinking and analysis This relates to self-appraisal, professional development and the value of evidence and research for practice. Reflecting on practice, feelings and beliefs and the consequences of these for individuals/groups is an important professional benchmark. 
Provision and coordination of care This domain relates to the coordination, organisation and provision of nursing care that includes the assessment of individuals /groups, planning, implementation and evaluation of care. 
Collaborative and therapeutic practice This relates to establishing, sustaining and concluding professional relationships with individuals/groups. This also contains those competencies that relate to nurses understanding their contribution to the interdisciplinary health care team
Communicate effectively
Present with credibility, engage varied audiences and test levels of understanding Translate technical and complex information concisely for diverse audiences Create opportunities for others to contribute to discussion and debate Actively listen and encourage others to contribute inputs Adjust style and approach to optimise outcomes Write fluently and persuasively in a range of styles and formats
Work Collaboratively
Build a culture of respect and understanding across the organisation Recognise outcomes which resulted from effective collaboration between teams Build co-operation and overcome barriers to information sharing, communication and collaboration across the organisation and cross-government Facilitate opportunities to engage and collaborate with external stakeholders to develop joint solutions
People Management
Manage and Develop People
Refine roles and responsibilities over time to achieve better business outcomes. Recognise talent, develop team capability and undertake succession planning Coach and mentor staff and encourage professional development and continuous learning Provide timely, constructive and objective feedback to staff Address and resolve team and individual performance issues, including serious unsatisfactory performance, in a timely and effective way Implement performance development frameworks to align workforce capability with the organisation’s current and future priorities and objectives 
Manage Reform and Change
Clarify purpose and benefits of continuous improvement for staff and provide coaching and leadership in times of uncertainty Assist others to address emerging challenges and risks and generate support for change initiatives Translate change initiatives into practical strategies and explain these to staff and their role in implementing them Implement structured change management processes to identify and develop responses to cultural barriers
Deliver Results
Drive a culture of achievement and acknowledge input of others Investigate and create opportunities to enhance the achievement of organisational objectives Make sure others understand that on-time and on-budget results are required and how overall success is defined Control output of business unit to ensure government outcomes are achieved within budget Progress organisational priorities and ensure effective acquisition and use of resources Seek and apply the expertise of key individuals to achieve organisational outcomes
Think and Solve Problems
Undertake objective, critical analysis to draw accurate conclusions that recognise and manage contextual issues Work through issues, weigh up alternatives and identify the most effective solutions Take account of the wider business context when considering options to resolve issues Explore a range of possibilities and creative alternatives to contribute to systems, process and business improvements Implement systems and processes that underpin high quality research and analysis

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Nursing and Leadership
Nursing and Leadership
Nursing is a complex field relative to the fact that the situations that most of the nurses encounter on a daily basis are quite demanding professionally and at the personal level. It is common for a nurse to encounter issues of cultural differences, medical errors, medical complications, health emergencies and personal or family issues all on the same day (Cna-aiic.ca, 2016). This means that, nursing tends to take a toll on the nurses whether young in the profession or experienced. While experience in some of the cases is very crucial, in some of the cases due to the dynamicity of the health needs in a mixture of legal, social and cultural needs, the nurse may have to develop different skills each time they encounter a challenge (National competency standards for the registered nurse, 2016). This is to mean, that, even though the nurse may have encountered a similar challenge before, each time, there are different details to the challenge that make completely unprecedented (Nursingworld.org, 2016).
As a leader in the nursing field, it is important to take into consideration quite a number of factors that bring about professionalism in their teams. As a nursing leader one has to have the right skills that inspire others to work towards a common goal, such as quality patient care or quality patient outcomes. Ideally they have to possess qualities aligned with courage, integrity, proper communication, collaboration, critical thinking stress management and initiative. The leader in nursing has to make sure that they have the ability to bring together their team to achieve the set out goals. This means that they have to come up with ways to help the team members own the project and deliver both at the individual level and at the group level ("Effective Nursing Leadership", 2016). Given the complexity of the nursing field is always important for the nursing leaders to understand that they cannot run their team from an authoritarian point. Collaborative care is one of the most researched topic in the health care sector. This is relative to the fact that, quality care is derived from the individual contributions that every other member of the team brings to the table (Cna-aiic.ca, 2016). This means that as a leader, it is important to understand that, for the team to be effective and efficient, every other member in the team is given the mandate to control their own objectives and levels of creativity ("Effective Nursing Leadership", 2016). It is thus a common practice for leaders in nursing to give away part of their power, in order to empower their team members (National competency standards for the registered nurse, 2016). This way, every member feels valued and at the same time, they are able to give their creative inputs to the various challenges that they face with reference to creating winning collaborative care on treatment plans. Each and every member of the team has a significant role to play. For them to be in a position to exercise their creative and critical thinking in their respective professions, it is important that they are given the tools and the mandate to do the same. Unlike most other fields that have standard procedures and practices such as manufacturing, the nursing field is highly dynamic (Cna-aiic.ca, 2016). As such, it is not always possible for the nursing leaders to maintain control over all the processes that take place in the group. While maintaining the oversight authority, it is crucial for the leader to give the various members to bring to the discussions and decision making process, their varied insights and expertise which are then evaluated by the entire group before the leader confirms the last and final approach. Different situations will require different approaches and thus it crucial for the leader to understand what processes require their authoritative stand and which ones require a collaborative approach ("Effective Nursing Leadership", 2016).
At the global level, the nursing field is one of the most dynamic fields relative to the influence that technology and research have on medical practices. What is varied today in the treatment of a certain ailment or even the legal standing on certain procedures, can easily become obsolete, unprofessional, unethical and even illegal in a very short span of time. NSW Australia nursing field is also part of the dynamic medical realm (National competency standards for the registered nurse, 2016).
Thesis statement: The NSW Australia Nursing Competency Standards have subtle influence on the nursing leadership in the country.
NSW Australia Nursing Competency Standards
Relative to dynamics in the field of nursing, there is need for standards that regulate the various element of the practice (National competency standards for the registered nurse, 2016). The Australian Nursing and Midwifery Council developed a set of standard that easily guide the various practices and create an environment where the quality practices are materialized on a daily basis with elements of professionalism. National competency standards were first developed by the Australian Nursing and Midwifery Council (ANMC) in the 1990s. The NSW Australian nursing competency standards are nationally recognized and provide for competent care and safe delivery of health care services. With the help of the National Registration and Accreditation Scheme, the ANMC became the Australian nursing midwifery accreditation council. It is thus the body that is now tasked with role of regulating nurses and midwives within Australia. As such, using the standards, the ANMAC can now gauge the performance of the nurses before they are registered and also establish which registered nurses get to keep their status (National competency standards for the registered nurse, 2016). The standards are organized into domains which include, professional practice, critical thinking and analysis, provision and coordination of care and the collaborative and therapeutic practice.
NSW Australia Nursing Competency Standards and Nursing Leadership
One of the main domains is the professional practice which relates to ethical, legal and professional responsibilities. As a nurse in a leadership position there are a lot of elements that have to be considered, in which case professional practice is one of the leading aspects. As a leader there are certain elements that guide the leadership practice in the nursing field. It is crucial that the leader understands that they have to show significant level of knowledge with reference to accountability, knowledge base with reference to the legislation that affect the nursing field. One of the elements of the nursing leadership is the fact that, one has to hold the right professional abilities that are required as a baseline (Cna-aiic.ca, 2016). This means that the nursing leader has to have the right information and practice related to the professional practices especially with reference to areas such as ethical matters, legality of the various practices and the element of professionalism of the same. As a leader there is need to stay updated on the various elements that affecting the nursing practice. In the recent years there have been changes to the nursing practice relative to the ever changing NSW Australia nursing competency standards. This means that, as a leader one has to stay focuse...
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