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Process Involved in Myofascial Release and Stretching Exercises

Essay Instructions:

Describe the proper execution of the following self myofascial release and stretching exercises and be sure to include any instructional cues that she would use as a coach, as well as anything important to watch for during your athletes execution of the exercises. Example key points, proper body positioning, placement of the SMR, etc.

a. SMR- hamstrings

b. SMR - glutes and piriformis

C. SMR- latissimus dorsi and triceps

D. SMR- pectoral group

E. Upper trapezius stretch

F. Pectoral is major/minor stretch

G. Posterior glenohumeral stretch

H. Hip flexor stretch

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Personal Training Strength and Conditioning
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Body fitness is a healthy way of life in our society today, this explains why you may often see people visiting the gym areas. Strength and conditioning are the actions that involve practical exercise to get a strong body shape and harden the skeletal muscle. To achieve the desired result during training one needs to be patient and maintain muscular contraction. There are multiple ways of doing this exercise. Based on this essay we shall be describing the process involved in myofascial release and stretching exercises in detail.
* SMR- hamstrings
This is training that involves the lower part of the body, hamstrings have a muscle that runs from the hips to the thighs and then to the knees. This exercise involves stages as shown below:
1) Simple Dumbbell good morning:
You have to be on your feet with shoulders apart and put your hands behind your back. at the same time should be holding a dumbbell. This is always the starting position before going deep into exercise. Make sure your knees are bent and the torso should be straight. Slowly move forward and make sure your upper part of the body is parallel to the floor. Hold up as much as possible and then go back to the start.
2) Banded Glute Bridge
At first, you wrap a resistant band around your thighs. You should lie on your back, and make sure your knees are bending. Make sure your feet are far from the butt by12-16 inches. Raise your hips while pushing your back to the floor, then pause for a while in this position move your knees apart then repeat the procedure.
3) Dumbbell Donkey kick
Make sure all your fours are on the floor (will newton, SMR for Hamstrings 2021), and make sure the dumbbell is at an increase of the knee. The right knee should be at an angle of 90 degrees then move the leg up and down in that position.
4) Banded -staggered deadlift
Standing on your left leg with one of your left legs having rest and band around it hold band each side and step the right leg slightly back then push the leg up and lower torso to an angle of 45 degrees.
5) Glute arm rises
Start on both your knees with arms crossed in front of your chest.
At the same time, your partner should pres down back of the ankles.
Move forward to your knees and keep your head and chest away from the knees. Squeeze the arm string and glutes and you feel like you are falling .at that point uncross the arms and maintain a push-up position on the floor ( SMR for Hamstrings 2021). At that position push out through your arms and involve both hamstrings and glutes to push yourself to the start position. Repeat the procedure several.
b.  SMR – Glutes and Piriformis
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