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Problem Solution On The Freshman 15 Weight

Essay Instructions:

You may use the solutions in your discussion post to help you get started on your outline and first draft. Teachers will provide you with an outline to help you organize this paper, which you will type and submit on Canvas. (teachers, see outline in One Drive!) All papers must include an introduction with a hook, a thesis statement, body paragraphs, conclusion, and a Works Cited page.
Other requirements:
* Format: MLA
* Word Count: 700 Words
* Sources: 3 sources (sources are uploaded on Canvas; use these only!) Students must print out the sources used, annotate them, and highlight any sentences or phrases that are paraphrased or quoted directly from each source. These will be turned in on the day your first draft is due.
Your grade will also be reduced for the following:
* Improper formatting: -5 points (15%)
* Word Count Deductions
* Not having the minimum number of sources/citations: - 5 points (15%)
please use the topic what I upset at first , ''Many freshmen students experience significant weight gain during their first year at college. What are some possible solutions to help students stay at a healthy weight?"

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Freshman 15
The freshman 15, is a risk to good health and one the major scares for the students on their first year in college. Everyone in their first year and the years that come there after wants a rocking body for their summer holidays (Gladu, 2014). However, more importantly is the ability to maintain healthy weight levels, which are in turn related to a healthy body and lower chances of lifestyle diseases. Obesity is a starting point for of the killer health risks, such as, hypertension, heart failure, stroke, sleep apnea, low quality of life osteoarthritis, anxiety, type 2 diabetes, kidney failure and even mortality. As such, there is need to make sure that as young adults one takes care of their bodies by observing their weight.
Thesis statement: Adopting healthy eating techniques and exercise are the basic solutions to obesity in freshman 15 weight gain and further reduces the chances of life threatening health risks.
Freshman 15 Weight
As youngsters get into college, this is an exciting time in their life journeys, relative to the fact that, they growing older and gaining the much-needed freedom along with coming closer to their dreams. freshman is an exciting time relative to all the newness in life, however it also comes with a common element in weight gain (Miller, 2001). Most freshmen will gain weight in their first year of school rendering them sometimes obese. Referred to as freshman 15, gaining weight as a freshman presents the students with a number of challenges. Some of the most common challenges are in the form of health risks associated with being obese. There are number of risks associated with obesity one of them being that, the student may develop heart related diseases (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 2017). These may include, heart attack, strokes, hypertension and coronary heart disease. Obesity also brings about the risk of developing cancer in breasts, kidneys, liver, gallbladder and endometrium (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 2017). It could also predispose the freshman to mental illnesses such as anxiety and clinical depression among other mental disorders (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 2017). Other health risks include diabetes type 2, Osteoarthritis difficulty in physical activities and a low quality of life (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 2017). This is relative to the fact that, other than the freshman suffering from myriad of health risks, they are also likely to suffer from social anxieties. The health conditions lead to complications with their health and ability to function optimally, while the social anxiety, leads the freshmen to hate their body image. This means that even their confidence is lost in the challenges they face. They are not able to relate with other people as they feel inadequate.
Reducing Freshman 15 Weight
There are two main approaches that freshmen should use to make sure they do not gain weight in their first year at college. This with reference to the fact that, if they do not watch their weight in their first year of college, they are likely to remain obese for the better part of their life in and out of college. This would inadvertently predispose them to health and social risks, reducing the quality of their life and even shortening their life (Gladu, 2014). Adopting a healthy diet and maintaining effective exercises in one’s lifestyle is the best approach. These two for the corner stone of a healthy youth and functional life professionally and socially. At the heart of a heathy meal is the abil...
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