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Health, Medicine, Nursing
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Proactive Health Communication Plan: Subpopulation Geographic Area

Essay Instructions:

Proactive Health Communication Plan

Through the use of scholarly formats and multimedia, the student will create a Proactive Health Communication Plan for a geographic county or state. [Students may use the same geographic area for the sleuthing journal assignment.]

Select a county to analyze from the Community Health Indicators web site:


Based on your analysis:

•  Describe a subpopulation in the geographic area that is considered at risk

•  Describe, in detail, a health risks associated with that population. These can be health promotion or health risk and crisis issues.

•  Apply a health communication concept or theory to the selected issue.

•  Develop a multimedia health promotion or crisis communication campaign to address the issue. Incorporate the use of new media tools to reach the subpopulation with appropriate health information.

• Grading Rubric for Health Communication Campaign

Exemplary 4

Describe at-risk subpopulation - Clear documentation and statement of at risk group

10 points (40/300)

Health Risk
10 points (40/300) - Comprehensive and clear explanation of a health risk, including data

elements and reasoning.

Apply health communication concept - Comprehensive presentation of theories and concepts that are

relevant to the topic and the at-risk population

15 points (60/300)

Health Promotion/Crisis Communication Plan -Comprehensive and coherent campaign effectively

incorporating multimedia

20 points (80/300)

Communication Style & Mechanics 5 points (20/300) -Exceptional organization and focus throughout

plan with no ore few errors in format or


Essay Sample Content Preview:

Proactive Health Communication Plan
Subpopulation in the geographic area
Obesity is a growing challenge to the health of many Americans and obesity rates among African American and Latinos have is high when compared to other demographic groups. As the rates of those obese and overweight have been rising steadily for decades, the challenge is how to address the problem and achieve long term positive health outcomes among African Americans. The adult obesity rate in Los Angeles is 21% compared with 23% in the state of California, and yet access to exercise opportunities is 98% in L.A. and 91% in the state (County health rankings, 2018).
Obesity is one of the main cases of chronic diseases, as individuals are more likely to be diagnosed with high blood pressure, diabetes and heart diseases. Even as the rates of diabetes are based on self reporting the problem is a cause of concern, and there could even be underestimation of the prevalence of obesity rates. Those with low incomes and less education tend to be a high risk of obesity while they face more challenges accessing healthy foods. As such, access to health resources, socioeconomic factors and health behavior affect health outcomes and ought to be considered when addressing health disparities. The prevalence of obesity among adult African Americans has been declining slightly in the past few years, but is still higher than 30% (Simon, 2017).
Health risks associated with that population
African Americans tend to have worse health outcomes compared to other groups including various chronic illnesses that have disproportionately affected the population. While genetic predisposition is one factor that explains health disparities and risks, there are environmental factors that affect the quality of care and life. African Americans have higher rates of cardiovascular diseases than other groups and this increases the risk of hypertension, worsening health outcomes and death associated with these diseases (Lancaster et al., 2014). Proper dieting and being active are the basis for maintaining healthy weight levels. However, there are various factors that influence healthy lifestyle behaviors, while the food choices available in neighbors where African Americans live affect their dieting patterns and habits. Unhealthy food options tend to be cheaper
Health communication concept or theory
It is possible to reduce the impact of obesity and other chronic diseases through behavior...
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