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Presidential Agendas on Mental Illness

Essay Instructions:

Consider a population health topic that rises to the presidential agenda level. Which social determinant most affects this health issue? How did two recent presidents handle the problem? What would you do differently?

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Presidential Agendas

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Presidential Agendas

Even though there have been different health conditions in the U.S., mental health conditions have been one of the leading health conditions. Mental health usually includes the individual's psychological, emotional, and social well-being. The research conducted in 2021 highlighted that approximately 57.8 million adults were suffering from some form of mental illness. This degree was too high since it was approximately 22.8% of the adults (NIH, 2021). Since mental health is a national and global issue, different presidents have employed different measures in the process of combating this health issue. This paper will check the measures former President Donald John Trump and current President Joseph Robinette Biden Jr. have employed and the measures I could have also employed to control this health condition.

President Trump employed some procedures to manage the mental health condition. For example, he signed the executive order, which addressed prolonged shutdowns regarding the shutdowns on increased suicide and mental and behavioral health prevention and efforts. Furthermore, since it seemed that there was critical information that the government was missing, he set up a cabinet-level working group. He mandated assessing the vulnerable individuals’ mental health conditions. The vulnerable population comprises minorities, older people, and veterans (Healthcare, 2020). This order also aimed to offer finances to support mental health treatment services. Some of these services were peer-to-peer, telehealth, and safe in-person

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