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Pregnancy-related Complications Care Interventions against Christianity's Teachings

Essay Instructions:

Dear writer,
This is one assignment of the class of "Primary Health Care of the Childbearing Family" in Family Nurse Practitioner program. The faith belief of this school is built on Christians.
I will attach one SOAP (Subjective/Objective/Assessment/Plan) note of my patient case for women's health that I encountered at OBGYN clinic in this semester. You can use this case as you interpret the case. Please integrate Christian Faith, ethics, and justice and apply one or two Bible versus as well related to Compassion, Duty, and Power of healing. Don't forget to add introduction and conclusion. Thank you for your help.
Rubrics; Women's health is rich in opportunities to demonstrate compassionate care and to contemplate topics such as ethics, faith, and justice. Women’s Health is an area of medicine and nursing that is rich in opportunities to integrate the course concept of compassion. Throughout the semester, we will discuss these topics and students will certainly experience them in clinical settings. Students will complete a self-reflection project at the end of the semester to self-evaluate their growth in the area of spiritual care and faith integration.
Choose a patient interaction or experience this semester that changed you or caused spiritual or personal growth. You may write a 1-2 page reflection or you may choose to use a creative method to express your learning (art, music, etc.).
*Total Points (20)
1. Content;Considering the concept of compassion, choose a patient interaction or experience from this semester that changed you or caused personal or spiritual growth. (15)
2. Writing; Writing is clear, and lacks recurrent grammatical errors, 1-2 pages in length OR uses an alternate form of communication appropriately (5)

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Women’s Health and Christianity
Your Name
Subject and Section
Professor’s Name
One of Healthy People 2020 is to enhance women’s overall health and well-being, their children, and their families. It has become public health advocacy for these particular groups of people who are the future of the next generations. Taking care of them, particularly the mothers encompasses understanding the conditions they are subjected to. The increasing maternal mortality has been mainly attributed to pregnancy-related complications. To eradicate this, it is crucial to monitor them before pregnancy, prenatally, and during interconception or between pregnancies (Healthypeople.gov, 2020). However, it is pretty challenging to provide adequate care regarding pregnancy-related complications because this topic is quite controversial, secondary to the intrusion of various religious groups, especially Christianity. In line with this, we shall discuss a case that we handled that intervention against Christianity’s teachings.
This is a case of a woman who had experienced vaginal bleeding after turning out positive for a pregnancy test. She was later on diagnosed with unspecified spontaneous abortion without complication. She was re-evaluated using a pregnancy test, which then turned out negative. Later on, she was advised to undergo a family planning method, which includes using any form of birth control to prevent conceiving until after two consecutive menstrual cycles to prevent recurrent miscarriages. Furthermore, this was encouraged to avoid complications such as bleeding and infection, which may harm the mother and the baby if the latter is conceived right away.
The patient’s religion is Catholic, and the patient’s education was against the church’s teachings. Contraceptive use was a taboo in this religion secondary to the interpretation of the Scripture, like what was found in Genesis 1:28, where the Lord conversed with Adam and Eve and told them to “be fruitful and multiply and fill the earth.” The believers interpreted this as children being gifts from God. This resulted in a higher fertility rate among Christians than other religions in some world areas (Turner, 2021).
While it is true that children are gifts from God, in the said case, without a form of contraception, this will lead to possible morbidity for the mother and her future child. The healthcare providers must counsel these women on the implications of not using contraceptives after an abortion. T...
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