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Pre-implantation Genetic Diagnosis (PGD)

Essay Instructions:

After watching video and attached lectures, please answer the following:

1. Description and bioethical analysis of:

-Pre-implantation Genetic Diagnosis PGD

-Surrogate motherhood

-“Snowflake babies”

-Artificial insemination

2. What is Natural Family Planning (NFP)?

3. Describe the 3 Primary ovulation symptoms.

4. Describe the 7 Secondary ovulation symptoms.

5. Describe various protocols and methods available today.

6. Describe some ways in which NFP is healthier than contraception.

7. Bioethical evaluation of NFP as a means and as an end.

8. From attached Ethical and Religious Directives for Catholic Health Care Services PDF, read and summarize ERD paragraphs #: 38, 39, 42, 43, 44, 52.

Essay should be formatted in current APA style with support from at least 2 academic sources not older than five years.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

IVF and Natural Family Planning (NFP)
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IVF and Natural Family Planning (NFP)
Description and bioethical analysis of:
Pre-implantation Genetic Diagnosis (PGD)
In pre-implantation genetic testing, profiling of embryos is done before implantation. The approach allows the identification of defects in embryos that have been created via Vitro fertilization (IVF) before pregnancy. Hence, PGD implies when one or both parents has a particular genetic abnormality, and the testing is done to ascertain if the embryo carries the same genetic abnormality (Chen et al., 2018).
Surrogate Motherhood
An agreement is often backed by a legal agreement whereby a woman agrees to bear a child for another person or persons who will become the child's parent after birth (Al Yadainy, 2020). The woman to become the child's parent after birth is unable to undergo pregnancy or is infertile.
“Snowflake babies”
Children that result from the adoption of frozen embryos IVF. The frozen embryos are donated by families that do not intend to use them after their IVF treatment or plan to use them anymore (Armuand, Sydsjö, Svanberg & Lampic, 2019).
Artificial Insemination
A technique of placing sperms into the uterus of an ovulating woman. The procedure of often done on couples that have unexplained infertility (Hansen, 2020). It is often undertaken with ovulation-stimulating drugs.
What is Natural Family Planning (NFP)?
NFP employs the body’s natural psychological changes to pinpoint fertile and infertile periods during the menstrual cycle. In other words, NFP achieves or avoids pregnancy without using pharmacological or mechanical involvement (Unseld et al., 2017). The “safe period” denotes when the woman cannot get pregnant, while the “unsafe period” is when the woman is more likely to get pregnant. The approach requires cooperation between the couples to abstain or have sexual intercourse, depending on whether they intend to get pregnant or not.
Describe the 3 Primary Ovulation Symptoms
* Change in basal body temperature. Closer to ovulation, body temperature tends to decline slightly, then increase sharply after ovulation. The sharp increase in temperature indicates that ovulation has just taken place.
* Cervical Mucus Changes. Ovulation occurs when a woman's body has the most amount of watery fluid. Near ovulation, the body produces estrogen, which causes the cervical mucus to be like “egg whites.” The fluid is critical in helping sperms swim during ovulation.
* Changes in cervical firmness. During ovulation, the cervix becomes wet and soft.
Describe the 7 Secondary Ovulation Symptoms
* Light spotting. A discharge is normal during ovulation. The discharge may range from red to brown.
* Mild pelvic pain. A mild ache in the lower abdomen is familiar. It can last up to a few hours. However, it is usually mild and short-lived.
* Breast tenderness. Breasts become tender while the nipples sore.
* Abdominal bloating. Some women may have the gastrointestinal tract filled with gas, which leads to a feeling of a complete and swollen abdomen.
* Libido changes. Some women experience an increase in sex drive during ovulation.
* A heightened sense of smell. The body becomes more attractive to the male pheromone androstenone during ovulation, hence a more acute sense of smell.
Describe Various Protocols and Methods Available Today
* Creighton model (NaPro technology). It relies on “biological markers” that are critical to women’s fertility. The markers inform the couple when they are naturally fertile and when infertile so that they can attain or avoid pregnancy (Stanford & Porucznik, 2017).
* Couple to Couple (CCL). The league teaches the Sympto-Thermal Method” and advocates for exclusive and continued breastfeeding.
* Sympto-Thermal Method. Utilizes mucus-only methods together with temperature to offer a complete view of the fertility period.
* Billings method. Uses the careful observation of mucus patterns to determine ovulation. Mucus changes occur before ovulation to create an enabling environment to allow sperms to travel to the egg.
* Family of the Americas (Based on Billings). The organization seeks to promote the use of the Billings Metho...
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