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Practicum Experience - Journal Entry Research Assignment

Essay Instructions:

Select and describe a nursing theory to guide your practice.Betty Neuman's System Model Theory
•Develop goals and objectives for your Practicum Experience in this course. When developing your goals and objectives, be sure to keep the seven domains of practice in mind.
•Create a timeline of practicum activities based on your practicum requirements.
Week 1 Journal Entry
Plz read th sample paper which I attached

Essay Sample Content Preview:
                Practicum Experience – Journal Entry  Name Institutional Affiliation
Practicum Experience – Journal Entry  Introduction             From the time of Florence Nightingale, nursing has evolved to become a more complicated, but a satisfactory profession. It has seen the introduction of nurse registration, and the assimilation of various roles that were not present back in the days of Florence Nightingale. The main reason behind this is to promote the profession and increase the quality of nursing, as well as integrating the role in health care systems so as to improve the delivery of caring services. Furthermore, several theories such as the Betty Neuman’s nursing theory have been constructed to deal with and increase the performance of nurses respectively.  The theory was designed and strategized by Betty Neuman, a registered nurse with a diploma and a degree from Peoples Hospital School of Nursing in Akron, Ohio and the University of California at Los Angeles (UCLA) respectively. She later acquired a doctorate in Clinical Psychology from Pacific Western University. Her Systems Model states, “Health is a condition in which all parts and subparts are in harmony with the whole of the client.” (Alligood, 2014) The model provides a holistic overview of the physical, mental, social and growing aspects of human beings. This model provides the backbone to my practicum, where I will develop goals and objectives for my experience (Butts & Rich, 2011). Furthermore, it helps in creating a timeline for all these activities. Betty Neuman’s Systems Model Theory             The theory comes to the conclusion that a person is a multidimensional being, who consists of five distinct subsystems. Namely, physiological (physical), Psychological (mental), Sociological (social and cultural life), developmental (growing experience) and spiritual (religion) (Butts & Rich, 2011). It has the assumption that the stressors that affect a person’s wellbeing can either be intrapersonal (within the individual), interpersonal (between two or more individuals) or Extra-personal (outside factors) (Breckenridge, 2011). It later comes to the conclusion that environment can be either internal or external and can create forces that interrelate with a patient’s state of health (Breckenridge, 2011). Moreover, it has the prospective of altering or improving the stability of the patient’s system. On the other hand, health is a dynamic condition, whereby wellness only occurs when all the systems of an individual are in harmonious work (Breckenridge, 2011). Finally, the model concludes the model theory by maintaining that the profession of nursing requires an all-rounded approach so ...
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