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The Practice of Self-Compassion in Daily Life

Essay Instructions:


Unit 5 Reflection Journal Entry Homework

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This Reflection Journal Entry homework has two activities and is worth 100 points. Each activity is worth 50/100 points.

Your Unit 5 Reflection Journal Entry will give you the opportunity to practice and reflect on another “tool” for your “toolkit” of approaches that support emotional and psychological resilience regarding unhealthy/limiting cultural standards of physical appearance, behavior, thoughts, and feelings.

Activity 1 – “The Practice of Self---Compassion in Daily Life”

This Activity is worth 50/100 points

Research shows that we can make a positive contribution to our health and wellness by practicing being kind and compassionate with ourselves, developing the habit of self--- compassion.

Do This:


a)  http://onresilience.com/2011/03/22/self---compassion---and---resilience/ 


a)  The Space Between Self---Esteem and Self Compassion: Dr. Kristin Neff at TEDxCentennialParkWomen

Dr. Kristin Neff 19:00

***Pay special attention to the segment that starts at 10:00 and ends at 13:55 --- (Threat Defense System/Reptilian Brain/Mammalian Caregiving System)*** https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IvtZBUSplr4

b)  Dr. Kristin Neff: The Three Components of Self---Compassion 6:15


c)  Optional for those who would like to go deeper in this topic: Dr. Kristin Neff: Overcoming Objections to Self---Compassion 12:00


Essay Sample Content Preview:

Unit 5 Reflection Journal
Student’s Name
Course Number and Name
Instructor’s Name
Activity 1: The Practice of Self-Compassion in Daily Life
The aspect that stood out for me is the aftermath of being critical about ourselves. According to Neff (2013), when we criticize ourselves regarding a certain imperfection, we react by attacking the problem, which, in essence, means attacking ourselves. This culminates in such effects as depression. The fact that a lack of self-compassion can cause depression surprised me immensely. In addition, the concept that self-compassion succeeds where self-esteem has failed struck me as interesting. I had never taken the time to think about how the two are related.
The two exercises of self-compassion I implemented are changing my critical self-talk and taking care of the caregiver (Neff, n.d.). After implementing them, I noted that being harsh on me is more detrimental to my mental well-being than I had thought. I, therefore, resolved to refrain from being too hard on myself by embracing and encouraging myself whenever I feel I have failed. In addition, I need to formulate more compassionate language when addressing myself, however challenging it might be.
One challenge I encountered when incorporating self-compassion practices was discarding the old habit of self-criticism. I always found myself relapsing, but eventually, I managed to accept and love myself more intensely. The other challenge was finding the time to dedicate to self-compassion. We live in a fast-paced world with myriad responsibilities at our doorstep, which makes it difficult to dedicate some time to ourselves. In connection with this, I really struggled to make enough time for myself, but I had no option but to make it part of my life.
I will definitely be implementing these practices regularly because I have noticed the extent to which they contribute to my happiness. I have also realized that prac...
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