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2 pages/≈550 words
Health, Medicine, Nursing
English (U.S.)
MS Word
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Population, Social, behavioral determinants and Health Issues

Essay Instructions:


IHP 330 Milestone Two Guidelines and Rubric 


Overview: For your final project, you will complete an epidemiological research study report based on the provided research study, “Salmonella in the Caribbean.” Throughout the course, you will complete milestone assignments that are drafts of specific sections of the final project. Because these milestone assignments are drafts of the final project, you will notice that some critical elements in the rubric are identical to those in the Final Project Rubric.


In your first Milestone, you reviewed the research study and analyzed the health issue at the core of the research study. In this second Milestone, you will summarize key elements of the research study and analyze the population impacted by the health issue. Additionally, you will complete Part F of the Health Issue section, in which you will draw connections between the population and public health issue.


Prompt: To begin, review the final project research study, “Salmonella in the Caribbean.” Then, address the following critical elements in your short paper:


I. Population: In this section of your final project, you will summarize key elements of the research study and analyze the population impacted by the health issue.

A. Summarize the people, places, and times represented in the research study to provide context for your report.

B. Describe three social and behavioral determinants strongly associated with the public health issue in the research study. Be sure to cite specific examples from the research study to support your description.

C. Describe three known disparities associated with the health of the specific population. Be sure to cite specific examples from the research study to support your description.

D. Explain how the identified social and behavioral determinants relate to the disparities you identified, and explain yourreasoning.


II. Health Issue:

F. Using your research and analysis, draw connections between the population and public health issue. Consider where you identified common elements, what you learned about the public health issue by studying the population, and what you learned about the population by studying the public health issue.



Guidelines for Submission: Your paper should be a 1- to 2-page Microsoft Word document, with double spacing, 12-point Times New Roman font, one- inch margins, and APA formatting and citations.


Critical Elements 

Proficient (100%)

Needs Improvement (75%)

Not Evident (0%)


Population: Summarize

Summarizes the people, places, and times represented in the research study to provide context for the report

Summarizes the people, places, and times represented in the research study to provide context for the report, but response has gaps in detail,

clarity, accuracy, or support

Does not summarize the people, places, and times represented in the research study to provide context for the report


Population: Social and Behavioral Determinants

Describes three social and behavioral determinants strongly associated with the public health issue in the research study

Describes three social and behavioral determinants strongly associated with the public health issue in the research study, but response is missing one or more determinants or has gaps in detail, clarity, accuracy, or


Does not describe three social and behavioral determinants strongly associated with the public health issue in the research study


Population: Disparities

Describes three known disparities associated with the health of the specific population

Describes three known disparities associated with the health of the specific population, but response is missing one or more disparities or has gaps in detail, clarity,

accuracy, or support

Does not describe three known disparities associated with the health of the specific population


Population: Determinants Relate to the Disparities

Explains how the social and behavioral determinants relate to the disparities identified with reasoning

Explains how the social and behavioral determinants relate to the disparities identified with reasoning, but response has gaps in detail, clarity, accuracy,

or support

Does not explain how the social and behavioral determinants relate to the disparities identified with reasoning


Health Issue: Connections

Draws connections between the population and public health issue

Draws connections between the population and public health issue, but response has gaps in detail, clarity, accuracy,

or support

Does not draw connections between the population and public health issue


Articulation of Response

Submission has no major errors related to citations, grammar, spelling, syntax, or organization

Submission has major errors related to citations, grammar, spelling, syntax, or organization that negatively impact readability and articulation of

main ideas

Submission has critical errors related to citations, grammar, spelling, syntax, or organization that prevent understanding of ideas





Essay Sample Content Preview:

The epidemiological research study report
Institution Affiliation
* Population
The case study Salmonella in the Caribbean dates back to the history of the pathogen Salmonella. In 1995, disease-causing species of Salmonella were accounted for three-quarters of global isolates, as reported in a worldwide survey. In the mid-1980s, it became a concern for public health in the countries of the Caribbean. It caused the outbreak of the disease diarrhea in the local populations and also involved the tourists. The surveillance system for the diseases in the areas was not robust by that time. When the system improved, it was reported that only 40% of the disease cases were reported, and the rest 60% of the population diagnosed with the disease were unreported. Trinidad and Tobago were the most affected, and they pioneered the implementation of changes in the surveillance system. In 1995-97, reports showed the distribution of infected patients between these two islands. The most significant number of cases were reported from St. George and Victoria. The age groups of the infected people were different, 48% were males, and 52% were females during different months (Indar-Harrinauth et al., 2016).
Social and behavioral determinants
The Caribbean countries had slow surveillance systems for the detection and diagnosis of an outbreak of a disease or pathogen. Communicable diseases go unreported and unobserved unless they become a threat to the health system.
Health care providers and practitioners are reluctant to the changes in systems and tests. It is a dilemma for health care to prepare healthcare providers to adopt the changes and pursue new ways in the field. In the case study, practitioners and laboratories were reluctant to report the diagnosis to the government-appointed representatives of the surveillance system.
Hygiene practices in a society have a strong association with health issues. In the case study, poor cleanliness was reported in the farms, which was a major cause of the outbreak of the disease.
Consumption of unhygienic fo...
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