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Population Health Inputs and Their Effects

Essay Instructions:

The purpose of this report is to analyse how inputs and outputs determine (affect) the health of a population. 

The report must include an introduction, which is a summary of the main points, and a conclusion which will act as a concluding key statement. A Reference list in APA 6th reference style is to be attached.

The inputs are what are put into the system, including information from the economy and the environment. What could this mean. Inputs are financial, physical structures, supplies, equipment, human resources, personnel and clients. Inputs involve resources in the form of people, expertise, materials, energy, facilities and funds. Raw materials include finances, policies, facilities,commodities and time.

Output is what leaves the system. Outputs are the results obtained after running an entire process these include the outcomes or by products of the systems activity that are returned to the environment the goods or services that a system produces. Outputs are the end result of an organizations efforts that is delivered or provided to the patient or clients.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Population Health
Population Health System
Measure of the population health the distribution and the causes is one of the most subtle elements health care development in terms of evidence and policy formulation. This also provides the backdrop against which the health care systems and the intervention programs are evaluated and redefined. One of the underlying aspects on this aspect, is that health is one of the most complex elements of the population characteristics and takes a multidimensional form and thus requires a number of metrics to establish the measure (Remmert, 2011). However, one of the simplest ways to establish the health of a population is through the aggregation of data from individuals and generate the statics that can be used in reference to a certain population at a certain point in time or period. Population health like most other complex systems has inputs and outputs, all of which affect the system in a varying number of ways, at complex levels of integration. The population health system is thus affected by a number of inputs which include aspects such as financing, policies, commodities, facilities, time and human resources (McDowell, Spasoff, & Kristjansson, 2004). At the end of the system there is the outputs which are elements that leave the system which in this case include the outcomes and byproducts of the system (Vassie & Fuller, 2003). In this case, what is delivered in terms of health care to the patients in the population defines a larger concept the outputs of the system. It is also crucial to consider outcomes relative to the health care providers as they also receive services from the health care system.
Population Health Inputs and Their Effects
Raw materials
Finances are one of the supporting pillars in public health as they form an important part of the inputs that drive the system towards the goals set out in the policies. Different countries, health care systems and health care facilities have varied ways of financing their health care programs under their specific objectives and scope. The most important aspect however, is related to the fact that, without the financial inputs the health systems regardless of their size are bound to fail, as all the resources are tied in with the financial aspect of the systems. Institutions in the health care sector along with the government agencies are tasked with the need develop ways of financing health care services. This means that they have to raise resources enough to provide the population with the best health care under the different packages to the individual patients and thus by extension to the entire populations (Vassie & Fuller, 2003). They also have to manage their revenue pools to make sure each of the health care objectives are met relative to the evolving health needs at the population level. As such finances have to be distributed relative to the most pressing health needs in the population. This way the health challenges are resolved sustainably and with the right amount of efforts (Remmert, 2011). The way that the health system is financed also determines the way that the population accesses the health services, how much they pay for these services, availability of the services that the population may be seeking at any one time and place as well as the quality of the services received (Weeks & Wallace, 2003). Health financing takes many forms all of which are geared to providing the health care programmes with the support they need to bring quality services at the point of need for the population. Financing mechanisms can be assessed through three main criteria, which include risk pooling, equity and the economic effects (Baba Djara, 2014). Under the risk pooling criteria, assessment is basically directed at testing the spread of the risk in health care. Equity relates to the fairness in the distribution of the health care system relative to the financing mechanisms in place. The effects on the economy on the other hand relates to the ways in which the health of the population affects the investment rates, labor supply, employment opportunities and other economic activities. Health care services cost money and without the proper financing mechanisms the health sector would be sent into disarray. Research, medication, equipment, facilities and resources all cost money to establish and run. Without the finances, the population health would be adversely affected without proper resources, patients would not get the right services due to lack of resources when they need them, how they need them and where they need them. This in turn will have a domino effect on most of the social and economic systems (McDowell, Spasoff, & Kristjansson, 2004). Without research, health care delivery system would not be in a position to stay ahead of health care challenges and dynamism. This means new treatment approaches and medicine to deal to mutating diseases and health conditions alongside new ones would also be out of reach, which would place a burden on the population health and by extension to other areas in the economy and society.
Health care policies form the backbone of the health care practices in different jurisdictions and facilities. To eliminate the differences in the health care outcomes the underlying disparities would have to be eliminated, which include the differences in policies at different levels. The policies at the state and federal and local levels all have impacts on the conditions that influence the population health status. One of the most crucial element to note about health and public policies in general, is the fact that they have the ability to affect all the other factors that health care systems and by extension the population health rely on. Public policies affect education, availability of health care, housing and access to food among other elements (Remmert, 2011). As such it is important to note that health policies can affect population health in two ways, which include the reduction of and/or elimination of unhealthy conditions or secondly by way of promoting all/ or some of the activities that offer support to the community and individual health efforts geared towards improving the health conditions and status of the population. Public policies regulate the aspects such as food quality standards, production, transport, labor requirements, building standards and quality standards across the board all of which have effects on the population health (Mitchell & Popham, 2008). As such, the extent of public and health policies cannot be undermined whatsoever, as they set the stage for quality health care or poor health care and this have the most direct and indirect effects on the population health at all levels of care delivery and magnitude (Vassie & Fuller, 2003). The community can be involved in the development and the creation of better policies that positively influence their health by voting in leaders who make health policies a priority, joining community health advocacy groups or simply speaking with elected leaders on ways to redefine or create completely new policies that will impact population health positively.
The elemental impact of health facilities and general public amenities cannot be understated either. For there to be quality health delivery, these facilities have to be delivered in the right conditions which implies health care facilities. Hospitals and all the facilities associated with health care play a major role in bringing the much needs services to the population (Remmert, 2011). The availability of health care services is directly related to the availability of the health care facilities be they brick and mortar or mobile. Within the health care facilities are the equipment that health care providers use to deliver care to patients. Where the facilities are lacking the ability to offer health care to the public is also hampered. This means that facilities are very crucial to population health, as they affect the availability and quality of care offered at any level. Other than health facilities, other types of facilities such as transport networks also affect population health. The ability to reach the health care facilities rests on the transport systems. In places where health care facilities are distant from one another in any geographical area and the transport systems are poor, the availability of health care to the population is hampered at two levels (Vassie & Fuller, 2003). There are different...
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