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Population-Based Nursing Care Project #5

Essay Instructions:

This is week 5 of the peroject Practicum Week 5: Create a possible Evidenced-Based, Culturally Appropriate Intervention project to improve the health of your community. Incorporate all information gathered from the community: the population itself, health data, professionals from various disciplines in the community, community assessment, windshield survey, and the literature to propose interventions. Support your plan with scholarly evidence and health data. This week your instructor wants you to access and appraise culturally-sensitive, research-based interventions to prevent and improve the health of population at risk. You may be suggesting a new intervention, supporting current interventions in place, or enhance current interventions. Please read about evidenced-based research in your textbook. Please address the following in your discussions: 1-----Share at least two prevention strategies to improve the population at risk that you feel confident are evidenced-based. Why do you think that? 2----Think in terms of evaluation of outcomes. How would you know the interventions made a difference? 3----How would you modify the intervention to ensure it is culturally sensitive and meaningful? Support your response with references from the professional nursing literature.

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Population-Based Nursing Care Project week 5
Course title:
Population-Based Nursing Care Project week 5
Falls amongst older adults is a major health issue in the community. Falls account for the majority of injuries to senior citizens in the community and are actually a primary cause of injury-related death. Beyond the impact of injurious falls on individuals and families, there is also a considerable burden on the government. Preventing falls would ease the stress on emergency departments and reduce the demand for long-term care (Chang et al., 2010).
Intervention strategies
Evidenced-based prevention strategies for improving older adults include the following: Exercise: when an elderly adult is physically active, his/her chances of hip fracture in case of a fall drop by up to 50 percent since physical exercises have a positive effect on joint flexibility, balance, muscle strength, and on bone (Robertson, Kerse & Hill, 2012). Stretching, strength-training, weight-bearing, and aerobic exercises increase lumbar-spine bone mineral density. In general, engaging in regular physical activity helps to improve balance, strengthen muscles, and prevent falls. Education: education as regards the risk factors which interact with environmental hazards and ways which the older adults can use to avoid falling could be effectual in decreasing falls. This intervention is important as it empowers the senior citizen and his or her care provider to take action that would decrease the risk of falls and injuries related to falls (Chang et al., 2010). Education can also strengthen the practices and skills of community members and professionals.
Home safety modification: this intervention is basically about providing the following very important resources in the home of the senior citizen in order to prevent falls: extra wide hallways or doors; ramps; extra grab bars and handrails; and specially equipped telephone. Others are stair lift or elevators; modified light switches or wall sockets; flashing lights; push bars on doors; proper and fitting shoes; door handles rather than knobs; and modified cabinets or sink faucets (Robertson, Kerse & Hill, 2012). Assistive technology and devices: the senior citizens in the community need to be provided with aids for personal mobility such as walkers with wheels, bed poles, wheelchairs, and canes (Chang et al., 2010). Medication: the frail older adults have to be given appropriate medications ...
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