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Polypharmacy in Older Adults

Essay Instructions:

Summary of Paper requirements: Due on Monday of Week 5

A. For the Writing Assignment The student will submit a 3-4 page essay (not including title page and references) double spaced in current APA format summarizing the impact of polypharmacy in the older adult’s population following:
1. Provide a summary of what has been written regarding the topic of polypharmacy in older adults.
2. Explain how the problem impacts geriatric clients including 2 risk factors or problems associated with polypharmacy and the consequences of using several drug therapies on the body i.e. affect on liver or kidney function
3. Address the key components of a nursing assessment of medication reconciliation including using evidence-based guidelines such as the BEERS criteria. See below or attachments on Moodle page under week 4.
Use and read the BEERS criteria guideline link
4. How can the geriatric nurse help to advocate and improve the care of older adults as it relates to polypharmacy including nursing interventions or teaching and education using evidence-based research.
5. Must include a thesis statement describing the purpose of the paper and what the paper will discuss in the introduction, must include a body, and conclusion.
6. Must have at least 4-5 evidence based references not including the course text book.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Polypharmacy in Older Adults
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Institutional Affiliation
Polypharmacy in Older Adults
Polypharmacy entails an administration of multiple medications either appropriately or inappropriately. While the practice can exist for any group demographic, it is more prevalent among older adults, vulnerable to many health risks. However, polypharmacy exposes elderly individuals to risks of adverse effects of drugs. Notably, the elderly groups are likely to encounter adverse health outcomes due to poor adherence, negative drugs interactions, and other serious side effects (American Geriatrics Society 2015 Beers Criteria Update Expert Panel, 2015). Healthcare professionals and patients’ family members find it challenging to predict medication errors. The paper will discuss polypharmacy in older adults as one of the major concerns including risk factors for the practice, key components of nursing assessment, and recommendations on ways to improve care for older adults.
Polypharmacy is a common condition among older individuals that exposes them to a wide range of potential harms. Obesity, multimorbidity, frailty, and mental health conditions are significant risks resulting from increased polypharmacy. Drug use is mutual among older individuals since they suffer from a wide range of chronic diseases. Although polypharmacy might be inevitable, it might be inappropriate for some elderly patients (Ersoy & Engin, 2018). For instance, the practice exposes elderly individuals to increased mortality rates, hospitalization, risk of falls, and other adverse drug events. An increase in the number of medications results in increased risks of adverse drugs outcomes. Research findings indicate that obesity results in increased medications and chronic illnesses, especially among the elderly.
Problem Impacts associated with polypharmacy
Polypharmacy is associated with adverse impacts, such as increased healthcare costs and reduced functional capacity among patients. The increased use of drugs increases falls among elderly individuals (Ersoy & Engin, 2018). However, the type of medication has a close connectedness to falls. Falls have emerged as severe health issues and significant health concerns among elderly groups. The associated risks of falls increase with the number of taken medications. In the contemporary world, falls am...
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