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Policy for National Nursing Shortage in the United States

Essay Instructions:

Policy Issue Analysis - due by Day 7 of Week Five
Analyze a piece of health care legislation, a regulation, or a policy issue with significance to nursing. You may identify an issue from media reports, the professional literature, or from personal interest. The policy should not be specific to a facility.
Write a 3-4 page policy issue analysis using the following guidelines and evaluation criteria. Use a minimum of seven references from the professional nursing literature in the assigned course readings and other references in the Walden Library. If they are relevant, you may use one or two professional web sites in addition to the literature references.
Since this is a policy issue analysis, there is no introductory paragraph in this assignment. Use the title of your policy issue analysis for the main heading on the cover page and the first page of the analysis. Use the following headings for the rest of the analysis.
Problem identification (1 paragraph) - 30 points
Identify a health care legislative effort, regulation or policy that is significant to nursing. In this section, provide an overview of the problem, history and current methods of funding.
Background (1-2 paragraphs) - 30 points
Contains social, economic, ethical, legal and political factors, depending upon the policy selected
Stakeholders (1 paragraph) - 30 points
There may be a broad range of individuals that are impacted by this health policy –who will this process serve and involve?
Issue statement (1 sentence or question) - 30 points
An explanation of the issue statement –or question – One sentence –two at the most
 Either a statement that explains in a statement the nature of the issue –or asks a question. As example:
 Statement: The government should fund nurse practitioner education to increase the number of primary care providers in rural areas.
 Question: Should the government provide funding for nurse practitioner education to increase primary care providers in rural areas?
Policy objectives (1 introductory sentence and 1 objective) - 40 points
 Policy goals and objectives – Either numbered or bulleted is fine
 What does this policy hope to accomplish?
 May have several goals in one policy
Policy alternatives (1 paragraph) - 30 points
 What could be done if this policy was not put into place?
 There are usually 2-3 options of how to create change if the policy is not accepted.
Evaluation criteria (1 introductory sentence and 1 criterion for evaluation) - 40 points
 How will you evaluate if the policy was effective (measureable outcome)
Summary and recommended policy (1 paragraph) - 20 points
Legislative Resources:
1. Your local state nurses association - Will have a policy and political action area - where they address policies on the state level -and what the State NA thinks should happen - are they for or against the policy.
2. If you belong to a Nursing association (Emergency room nurses, Critical Care Nurses, Nephrology Nurses) - they all have web sites -and have legislature that is currently being considered -another excellent place to check for policies that maybe important to you.
3. Federalreg and Congressweb – Has a list of proposed policies –and also previous proposals –you can always search there (congress web is another excellent resource for info)
4. If it is a state policy, look at the state government website – ( XX. stategov) –and you will find that state info.
Proofread your paper as described in the tips for success in this course and correct any typos, grammar, spelling, punctuation, syntax, or APA format errors before submitting your paper in the Dropbox. You can have up to 50 points deducted from your grade for this assignment for these types of errors, or for not using at least the minimum number of required professional literature references. Total points for assignment = 250 points.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Policy issue analysis: National nursing shortage
Course title:
Policy issue analysis: National nursing shortage
Problem identification
The identified policy issue which is significant to nursing in the United States is the problem of nurse shortage. For several years now, the profession of nursing in America has been experiencing an insufferable shortage of clinical nurses. High patient-to-nurse ratios in many hospitals throughout America result in job burnout and frustration for nurses, which are both associated with higher nurse turnover. Researchers have reported that a nursing workforce that is understaffed plays adverse role in patient outcomes (Wright, Bretthauer & Côt, 2011). On the contrary, hospitals that have low turnover of nurses typically have the lowest rates of severity-adjusted length of stay and risk-adjusted mortality. In addition, together with an increased workload, Welton (2011) reported that the shortage of RNs poses a possible threat to the quality of care.
According to a prediction by the United States Bureau of Labour Statistics, the demand for registered nurses (RN) in the country will rise from 2 million in 2008 to 3.2 million by the year 2018, representing an increase of sixty percent (Needleman, 2015). If at all possible, an adequate number of new graduates would fill the demand for nursing staffs. Nonetheless, out of the roughly 350,000 who apply to nursing schools in 2015, just about 85,000 actually graduated and 23 percent are now working as nurses (Needleman, 2015). After nurses graduate from college, roughly 33,000 of them remain in the nursing field, but fifty percent quit their first job after just 2 years. To compound this problem of nursing shortage, there is the increasing age of the nursing population and many nurses are expected to retire.
Staffing problems would increase as baby boomers become aged and retire, and the demand for healthcare services increases. This makes safe-staffing ratios a more urgent issue (Tevington, 2011). An increase in staffing of RNs has been found to be linked to a decrease in failure to rescue and hospital-related mortality, over and above decreased length of hospital stays. Without an adequate number of nursing personnel, patient safety and care might be compromised which has ethical and legal consequences since some patients may be neglected and others may receive poor quality healthcare services which is not just unethical, but also against the law. At the same time, nursing personnel themselves might become dissatisfied, distressed and overwhelmed (Welton, 2011).
The main stakeholders include registered nurses, hospital administrators/managers and patients. Nursing professionals have a vital role in America’s healthcare system. Mandatory safe-staffing ratios are needed for the purpose of ensuring the safety of nurses and patients (Hairr et al., 2014). It is worth mentioning that sufficient staffing of nurses is integral to nurse retention and patient care, whereas insufficient nurse staffing will certainly endanger the patients and will drive nurses from their nursing profession. Hospital administrators and managers should ensure there is sufficient nurse staffing considering that the quality and safety of ...
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