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Policy Formation Essay

Essay Instructions:

You will construct a policy during this assignment. This is a 2 part assignment. You must construct your policy and afterwards write the essay, both should be submitted in the same document with your policy as part 1. The word limits in the assignment pertain to only the essay, please review.


Choose a topic on which to develop a policy. This topic may address a needed change in technology, health care literacy, staffing, billing, diagnosis, etc. Using the services found in chapters 6-9 of Allied Health: Practical Issues and Trends in the New Millennium, construct a policy using the seven steps of policy formation. Address the following:

1.Define the problem.

2.Assemble the evidence of the problem or need for a policy.

3.Construct alternative solutions to the problem.

4.Select the criteria for choosing the correct solution from the alternatives.

5.Predict the outcomes of the policy changes.

6.Confront the trade-offs of not having a policy or addressing the problem.

7.Decide on a recommendation.

In a 1,000-1,250-word essay, explain your policy's intended use and evaluate the effect that your policy may have on patient care in America.

Prepare this assignment according to the APA guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Policy Formation Essay: State-Based Health Insurance Exchanges
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Policy Formation Essay: State-Based Health Insurance Exchanges
Part One
The Problem
The problem with the health care sector in the United States is the increased number of individuals without health insurance.
Evidence for the Issue
According to Hall, Levant, and DeFrances (2015), the cost of insurance has made most of the employers not to provide health insurance in the United States. Additionally, most of the employers manage the cost incurred by ensuring that the contributions from the employees are high. A big number of the uninsured people are the unemployed and the working poor. Additionally, there are those who decide to forgo the insurance cover because they are healthy. On the other hand, others are uninsurable and are, therefore, rejected by the insurance companies. Others prefer the faith-based techniques compared to health insurance.
Alternative Solution
It is crucial for the United States to offer accessible, equal and affordable health care to its citizens. That shows the need for formulation of strategies addressed at the local, federal and the state government. Among the strategies viable is the creation of the state-based insurance exchanges meant for boosting the purchasing power of the citizens (Abara, Coleman, Fairchild, Gaddist, & White, 2015). The pool formed will also aid in reducing the expenses allied to administration as well as increase the competition in the insurance health care sector. Alternatively, the state government can offer subsidized insurance cover for the people who cannot afford the insurance cover. It is the duty of a nation to ensure that every citizen gets access to health care facilities.
Criteria Used for Selecting the Accurate Solution
The criteria used to select the accurate solution are based on the formulation of policies as well as implementation of the strategic and central pats process of planning. The policy formulation in this case refers to the act of coming up with the framework while implementation is the consequences gotten direct from the decision made towards analyzing the results of the policy formulation.
The Outcome of the Policy Changes
Deployment of the policy changes will lead to increased health care for all the Citizens in the United States. The cost incurred in health care facilities will also be minimized. As a result, the people will benefit greatly.
The trade of Failing to Incorporate the New Policies
If the policies are not implemented, the cost of health care will continue being high. The services provided in the health care will be of low quality as the practitioners offering healthcare services would fail to follow the ethical and legal requiring as postulated in Medicare standards.
The United States should consider putting health insurance into consideration. This is an appropriate way of ensuring that medical services and care are provided at the lowest price as possible. It is incredibly prudent for the government to ensure that the best strategies that ensure quality health care and equal opportunities are provided to all citizens (Dart, Bronstein, Spyker, Cantilena, Seifert, Heard, & Krenzelok, 2015).
Part 2
State-Based Health Insurance Exchanges
They are also referred as market place insurances. These are online market places specific to the state. In this case, small businesses as well as individuals purchase federally subsidized and regulated health insurance by use of benefit comparison and side-by-side price (Abara et al., 2015). The patients also get the opportunity to get access to the exchanges via mails, phone or even by persons when located at certain locations.
The insurance exchange market place is laudable for its ability to save money for the patients. This is because it comprises of many consumers who come together to form a pool. The people are therefore able to pool together resources and this decreases the health insurance cost (Dart et al,. 2015). The power of individual consumers to purchase the insurance cover increases because they are able to pay the premiums as a pool of individuals. Technically, the buying power pooled together is allied to the market place competition to lower the prices for every individual. In addition, the Americans who make below 40% of the poverty level of the federal government must be eligible to minimized costs (Groenewald, Wright, & Palermo, 2015). The minimized costs are the reduced premiums achieved through tax credits as well as the subsidies obtained out of pocket. The small businesses are also eligible to tax breaks via the market place.
Most of the individual who have the ability of getting the insurance cover must acquire and maintain the health coverage annuall...
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