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PICOT: The Long-term Importance Of Breastfeeding

Essay Instructions:

A PICOT starts with a designated patient population in a particular clinical area and identifies clinical problems or issues that arise from clinical care. The intervention should be an independent, specified nursing change intervention. The intervention cannot require a provider prescription. Include a comparison to a patient population not currently receiving the intervention, and specify the time frame needed to implement the change process.

Formulate a PICOT statement using the PICOT format provided in the assigned readings. The PICOT statement will provide a framework for your capstone project.

In a paper of 500-750 words, clearly, identify the clinical problem and how it can result in a positive patient outcome.

Make sure to address the following on the PICOT statement:

1. Evidence-Based Solution

2. Nursing Intervention

3. Patient Care

4. Health Care Agency

5. Nursing Practice

My PICOT statement is already chosen.

(P) New mothers with premature infants

(I) Education on the benefits of breastfeeding

(C) No education

(O) Increased knowledge and compliance with breastfeeding

(T) Before discharge from hospital

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Breastfeeding PICOT Name: Instructor: Institution: Date: Introduction The impact of breast milk on the long-term health of an infant has for a long time been an issue of interest to researchers. What is perhaps important and yet often ignored, is the fact that breastfeeding is as important to a child’s holistic development, as is the general parental care accorded. The main focus of this systematic review is to try and properly ascertain, the long-term importance of breastfeeding and hence breast milk, to children. This is right from the time they are born, to the later stages of their childhood. Picot Question How does knowledge about breastfeeding vs. none, impact a mother’s decision to initiate breastfeeding. Population (P) In most cases, new mothers with premature infants are usually at the forefront when it comes to matters to do with provision of breast milk to their kids. They either don’t know the importance of it, or simply don’t know how much of it is vital for their infants (Ionio et.al. 2016). This would therefore be the most suitable population for study. It is a suitable population because the infants cannot respond just yet, considering they are still in their formative stages of life. They offer a great portion of study because they have a personal knowledge of any inadequacies related to their breastfeeding experiences. Intervention (I) As initially noted, there is a high chance that some of these new mothers do not know how vital it is to properly breastfeed their infants. The reason for this is that some of them might still be fleeting with youthfulness, still not yet in terms with their newfound motherhood status. Poor readiness can often result in adverse consequences for the infant, in terms of weight and overall development (Mohammadoost et.al. 2016). Education on benefits of breastfeeding is the intervention strategy in this case, as it helps create awareness on the impact. Education could be in through groups or individual visits. Additionally, it can take the form of written materials, videos or orally through talks and demonstrations (Lumbiganon, 2011). (C) No education The main comparator for the study is no education. It has been found that lack of, or insufficient education about the importance of breastfeeding is detrimental to infant overall growth and development. Current clinical or nursing practice acknowledges the fact that preterm infants cannot be placed under exclusive breastfeeding. It therefore focuses on the most appropriate time to inform the mother when to start exclusive breastfeeding (Maastrup et.al. 2014). (O) Increased knowledge and compliance with breastfeeding The measure of the effectiveness...
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