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PICOT Approach when Caring for Type 2 Diabetes Patients

Essay Instructions:

Scenario Assessment 3 Instructions: PICO(T) Questions and an ... For this assessment, please use a health care issue of interest from your current or past nursing practice. If you do not have an issue of interest from your personal nursing practice, then review the optional Case Studies presented in the resources and select one of those as the basis for your assessment. Instructions For this assessment, select a health care issue of interest and apply the PICO(T) process to develop the research question and research it. Your initial goal is to define the population, intervention, comparison, and outcome. In some cases, a time frame is relevant and you should include that as well, when writing a question you can research related to your issue of interest. After you define your question, research it, and organize your initial findings, select the two sources of evidence that seem the most relevant to your question and analyze them in more depth. Specifically, interpret each source's specific findings and best practices related to your issues, as well explain how the evidence would help you plan and make decisions related to your question. If you need some structure to organize your initial thoughts and research, the PICOT Question and Research Template document (accessible from the "Create PICO(T) Questions" page in the Capella library's Evidence Based Practice guide) might be helpful. In your submission, make sure you address the following grading criteria: • Define a practice issue to be explored via a PICO(T) approach. Create a PICO(T)-formatted research question • Identify sources of evidence that could be potentially effective in answering a PICO(T) question (databases, journals, websites, etc.). • Explain the findings from articles or other sources of evidence as it relates to the identified health care issue. • Explain the relevance of the findings from chosen sources of evidence to making decision related to a PICO(T) q uestion. • Communicate using writing that is clear, logical, and professional with correct grammar and spelling using the current APA style. Example Assessment: You may use the following to give you an idea of what a Proficient or higher rating on the scoring guide would look like: • Assessment 3 Example [PDF]. Additional Requirements Your assessment should meet the following requirements: • Length of submission: Create a 3-5-page submission focused on defining a research question and interpreting evidence relevant to answering it. • Number of references: Cite a minimum of four sources of scholarly or professional evidence that support your findings and considerations. Resources should be no more than 5 years old. • APA formatting: Format references and citations according to the current APA style. Portfolio Prompt: Remember to save the final assessment to your ePortfolio so that you may refer to it as you complete the final capstone course.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Using A PICOT Framework and Evidence to Develop Care Practices
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Using A PICOT Framework and Evidence to Develop Care Practices
Evidence based-based care is that which relies on evidence in informing and making decisions. Thus, there is a need for evidence that policymakers and care providers can use to shape services and desired outcomes. Such practices are essential when it comes to the management and treatment of type 2 diabetes in adults. Today, type 2 diabetes is affecting all populations regardless of their socioeconomic status. It implies that patients may not access type 2 diabetes standard care, especially those in low-income categories. Thus, there is a need for evidence to determine the efficacy of intensive life change interventions through physical exercises and choice of diet. These are simple and less costly alternatives that can help populations manage type 2 diabetes. In determining the efficacy of such an intervention, a PICOT framework can be utilized to establish evidence. Therefore, the current paper will apply the PICOT process to identify several vital sources informing the clinic problem based on secondary research.
PICOT Approach when Caring for Type 2 Diabetes Patients
The practice issue identified for resolution is the need to develop care practices (alternatives) that will effectively help manage type 2 diabetes conditions in adults over 18 years outside the care facility settings and exclusive of pharmacological approaches. The need to take the practice outside the health facility is to make in-house health resources free to assist other patients. Additionally, reducing reliance on pharmacological solutions is critical because it allows patients to manage the condition without much expense. Physical exercises, for instance, do not require as many investments as the drugs would cost. Further, the money that patients would spend on pharmacological solutions can streamline dietary options to enhance positive health outcomes. In essence, providing effective self-care management interventions to type two diabetes should be an effective yet cheap approach that allows all patients access to care.
Thus, based on these arguments, the question being explored is: in adult patients with type 2 diabetes (P), does intervention through physical exercise and dietary interventions (I) results in better glycemic control (O) compared to pharmacological therapy (C) as a primary intervention within six months (T)? Based on this question, the population under study is adults who have been diagnosed with type 2 diabetes. In the United States, over 24 million people have diabetes, out of which 94% have type 2 diabetes (CDC, 2020). The interventions in question include physical exercise therapy and dietary changes. These are fundamental approaches to reduce body calories and fats (exercise) and ensure healthy living and wellness (diet).
The expected outcome is better glycemic control, indicating that a type 2 diabetes patient's body responds positively to treatment or management interventions. The efficacy of the two mentioned interventions is then compared to the efficacy of the pharmacological alternatives. When the results show that the interventions are more effective than drug therapy, such evidence will inform that physical exercise and diet therapies are primary care alternatives for adults with type 2 diabetes (Davis et al., 2019). Such out...
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