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PICOT: Acute Bronchitis

Essay Instructions:

Refer to the PICOT you developed for your evidence-based practice project proposal.

Write a 750-1,000-word paper that describes your PICOT.
Describe the population's demographics and health concerns.
Describe the proposed evidence-based intervention and explain how your proposed intervention incorporates health policies and goals that support health care equity for the population of focus.
Compare your intervention to previous practice or research.
Explain what the expected outcome is for the intervention.
Describe the time for implementing the intervention and evaluating the outcome.
Explain how nursing science, social determinants of health, and epidemiologic, genomic, and genetic data are applied or synthesized to support population health management for the selected population.
Create an Appendix for your paper and attach the PICOT. Be sure to review feedback from your previous submission and revise your PICOT accordingly.
You are required to cite at least four to six peer-reviewed sources to complete this assignment. Sources must be published within the last 5 years and appropriate for the assignment criteria and nursing content.

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The annual prevalence of acute bronchitis is 5%, and most of the patients are diagnosed during the influenza season. Ninety percent of the 5% with the disease are prompted for consultation. In the United States, it is more prevalent during autumn and winter compared to other seasons. The disease is one of the significant causes of hospital visits globally, with over 10 million patients consulting with lower respiratory tract infection, particularly acute bronchitis (Singh et al., 2021; Fu et al., 2021).
Some of the risk factors include exposure to allergens and pollutants, overcrowding, and a history of smoking and asthma (Singh et al., 2021). Park et al. (2016) suggest that there has been a debate on the pathogenic agent that usually cause acute bronchitis. Some studies revealed that viruses are the etiologic agents in 8 to 23% of community cases. However, other researchers found that bacteria are the most common cause, where 25.9% are secondary to typical bacterial while 23.7% are secondary to atypical bacteria. Sputum examination also revealed a bacterial infection in 45% of the cases.
Studies have shown that respiratory diseases, including the upper and lower respiratory tract, are leading causes of workplace absences. Additionally, this also results in poor work efficiency and an increased cost for the organization (Middeldorp et al., 2020).
Health Concerns
Acute bronchitis results in difficulty breathing, blood-tinged or rusty sputum, increased cardiac rate, typically more than 100 beats per minute (bpm), tachypnea greater than 24 cycles per minute (cpm), and increased body temperature. Other findings include increased tactile fremitus and lung consolidation (Kinkade & Long, 2016).
Some of the health concerns include the progression of the disease to a lower respiratory tract infection, disease transmission, especially in closed or small spaces, presence of comorbidities, and poor immunization (Singh et al., 2021).
Fu et al. (2021) stated that antibiotic abuse had been seen in the treatment of acute bronchitis. This accounts for 70% of the time, affecting 44% of the patients, predisposing them to antibiotic resistance and increased healthcare costs. Moreover, antibiotic prescription proved no clinical advantage as most of the cases are secondary to viral infections.
The most frequently used antibiotics in metropolitan areas include second-generation and third-generation cephalosporins and macrolides in China. By contrast, rural doctors prescribe third-generation cephalosporins, broad-spectrum penicillin, and macrolides (Fu et al., 2021). According to Morley et al. (2020), the most common findings that encourage its prescription include percussion dullness and the presence of rhonchi.
Health Policies and Health Care Equity
Roberts et al. (2016) explained that the use of broad-spectrum antibiotics might be detrimental to the patient’s health as this causes antibiotic resistance, preventing the patients from gaining benefit from these drugs in the future. Due to the threat to health safety, the Healthcare Effectiveness Data and Information Set (HEDIS) provided data that may help improve health quality measures. This can be used to coordinate patient information and prevent unnecessary antibiotic prescriptions. Additionally, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention program, “Get Smart: Know When Antibiotics Work,” aided in the reduction of inappropriate antibiotic prescriptions in acute bronchitis.
Comparison of Antibiotics Versus Supportive Treatment in Acute Bronchitis
Smith et al. used a systematic review to compare the effectiveness of antibiotic use for acute bronchitis. Overall, the study revealed no significant difference between antibiotics and supportive treatment in cough suppression. One of the studies showed that the prescription of amoxicillin-clavulanic acid 500mg/125mg three times daily for 10 days plus does not reduce the number of cough frequency and duration. Specifically, its use extended the debility for 11 days compared to supportive treatment (Ibuprofen 600mg three times daily for 10 days), which only resulted in a 9-day cough.
On the other hand, Kruttschnitt ...
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