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Research Assignment Paper: Pediatric Field Work Essay

Essay Instructions:

1. Identify two (2) or more appropriate group or individual interventions to improve patient engagement in occupations based off of psychosocial, cognitive and emotional assets and deficits.
Fieldwork Assignment
In an essay of at least 4 pages, address the following questions:
Imagine you have been granted a meeting with the organization's leadership team. They would like you to describe the possible benefits of OT services within the organization.
A. Describe how Occupational Therapy Services could be used in this facility. If OT is being used in this facility, answer the questions based off of your observations of and communication with an OT practitioner.
a. Why would OT services be helpful in this setting?
b. What areas of occupation would an OT practitioner address in this setting?
c. Which client factors, performance skills and/or performance factors positively or negatively influence the patient/client/caregiver's ability to engage in this setting?
d. What evidence based interventions would an OT practitioner utilize to address the above occupations? (Must include at least 5 peer reviewed journal articles supporting the use of specific interventions discussed above. NOT JUST LISTED!)
B. Write a job description for an Occupational Therapist that could apply for a job at this facility including a typical day and weekly schedule of what the OT would do. 
This paper is for Pediatric occupationla therapy field work . I observe teh occupational therapy session in Middle school with children age 4-7 years old in the occupational therapy office. The therapist work with the children to increase their upper extrimity strength, fine and gross motor to help them write properly, visual presebtion, children with sensory integration problem, children with autism. She used diffent techniques to help the children such as paly doh, painting, educate how to tigh their shoes and buttons or zip their jacket. THE SETTING IS SCHOOL AND I WANT YOU TO ANSWER THE QUESTIONS BASED ON THIS INFORMATION AND AGAIN THE CHILDREN AGE IS 4-7 AND THE OT TREAT THE CHILDREN IN A GROUP OR INDIVIDUALY. PLEASE I NEED THIS PAPER FOR MAY 3 THANK YOU VERY MUCH. IF YOU HAVE QUESTION EMAIL ME.

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Pediatric Field Work Essay
Pediatric Field Work Essay
Essentially, occupational therapy (OT) involves the actions of a therapist to help people across a given lifespan to be able to do things that matter to them and to which they need to do. Occupational therapy utilizes the everyday activities of the patient or the persons involved in the therapy. Occupational therapy is commonly applied in helping children with disabilities so that they can participate in social situations and school activities, helping people recovering from injury to attain their previous skills and offering support to elderly people among others. During my pediatric occupational therapy fieldwork, I observed the occupational therapy session in Middle school with children age 4-7 years old in the occupational therapy office. The therapist work with the children to increase their upper extremity strength, fine and gross motor to help them write properly, visual presentation, children with sensory integration problem, children with autism. She used different techniques to help the children such as play, painting, educate how to tight their shoes and buttons or zip their jacket. This paper presents the findings on why OT would be important in this setting, areas that the OT practitioner would address, client factors that would influence (negatively or positively) the client/caregiver’s ability to engage in the setting, evidence based interventions an OT would employ to address these occupations and a job description for an OT that would fit in this setting.
OT would be necessary in a school setting with autistic children because it helps students carry out tasks vital for learning or participation in school activities. The therapists help the children in developing skills for fine motor skills, handwriting and daily living. They help the children in alleviating their sensory processing disorders and remove barriers to learning while at the same time helping them become calm and focused. Also, therapists work with school staff in offering consultation on how classes should be designed or how a classroom design will affect their learning and attention, how to arrange the seating arrangement for autistic learners and to explain the unusual behaviour exhibited by such learners at certain times. Therefore, a therapist is essential in this setting to help the autistic learners develop learning skills and carry up with their participation in learning.
A therapist working with autistic learners in a school set up has varied areas of occupation to address. One area is fine motor where the therapist helps the learners in coordination difficulties, information processing and organization. These involve writing properly and organizing their writings and paintings. Another area is self-care which involves activities such as dressing, toileting, tightening their shoes and zipping their clothes. Self-care is aimed at enabling the learners to be independent beings who can perform such activities on their own. Also, the therapist works with the learners to improve their visual presentations. These include visual paintings and drawings. Aside, the therapist addresses the behaviour patterns such as play to encourage the children to reinforce desired behaviour and develop interests. The last area that is addressed by the therapist is the management of sensory patterns. These include over reactivity to noise and distractive behaviour as well as repetitive behaviours. These areas are important to be addressed by the therapist to help autistic children to develop as other kids.
In working with autistic children in a school set up, there are performance skills that influence the client or the caregiver engaging in such a setting. One is interpersonal skills such as empathy. A caregiver is expected to exhibit internal character of feeling for the client through actions towards them. Empathy enables the caregivers to accommodate the unusual behaviours of the autistic learners including their emotions and be able to calm even when irritated. Another skill is coping skills. Coping skills enables the caregivers to offset adversity. Autistic children may engage in irritating behaviours but the coping skills will help the caregiver to overcome emotions and relate with them in a friendly manner. Another performance skill is attention span. This is the length of time that a caregiver remains attentive to the patient or the client. This will help the therapist to understand the children and know their attention pe...
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