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Health, Medicine, Nursing
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The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act. Nursing Essay

Essay Instructions:

The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA) of 2010 (section titled “Subtitle D”) identifies requirements relating to provider compliance with fraud, waste, and abuse laws. Identify three measures that your health care organization ((or health care organizations in general) has initiated, or could initiate, to comply with these measures. Support your analysis with a minimum of two peer-reviewed articles.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

The Patient and Affordable Care Act
Institutional Affiliation
The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act
Signed into law in 2010, the Patient Protection and Affordable Act (PPACA) was aimed at increasing the health insurance coverage, reduce the overall cost of health care, and improve the quality of care. The Act was also meant to reform the insurance market with special focus on individuals as well as small-group buyers and eliminate waste, fraud, and abuse in healthcare (Silvers, 2013). To address these concerns, the PPACA has fraud, abuse, and waste provisions to help the federal government in preventing improper payments. The Act also increased the requirements for the participating players, enhanced penalties for violations, and provided additional funding to help combat fraud. To comply with these laws and avoid the penalties associated with violations, organizations must take various measures. This paper seeks to discuss some of these measures.
Implementation of written policies, standards, and procedures of conduct is one of the measures organizations can initiate to com...
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