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2 pages/≈550 words
Health, Medicine, Nursing
English (U.S.)
MS Word
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Patient-Centered Care (PCC) Experience

Essay Instructions:

Please let me know if I need to send you a copy of the first half of this project, it will be the same topic with different questions. I provided the feedback and score from the first half.
The second part of your Course Project will be due soon. Make sure to include as much information as possible for part 2 of the course project. You will use the person you created in the week 5-course project.
Created a nutritional care plan for the client that Includes an evaluation of nutritional risk, listing of interventions, and expected outcomes.
Listed the goals of medical nutrition therapy for the patient and suggested an appropriate diet.
Identified and discussed whether the patient/client requires a dietary modification of the regular diet.
Described the nutrition education session with the patient and/or their family.
Identified and discussed the teaching method that will be used.
Provided and discussed potential herb/nutrient/drug interactions that may be relevant.
Task 1:
a. Create a nutritional care plan for your client. This will include an evaluation of nutritional risk, a list of interventions, and a list of expected outcomes.
b. List the goals of medical nutrition therapy for your patient and suggest an appropriate diet. Does your patient/client require a dietary modification of their regular diet? Are enteral feedings by tube necessary? If so, what formula will you use and why? Describe your recommended method of administration.
Task 2:
a. Describe your nutrition education teaching session with your patient and/or their family. What teaching methods will you use (explanation, discussion, demonstration, handouts, etc.)? In your own words, write a paragraph detailing three specific points that you will need to teach your patient about his/her new diet. In addition, give at least one tip to avoid potential herb/nutrient/drug interactions.
Written components.
Make sure that you address areas such as:
Based upon review of the diagnosis, dietary recall, social/psychological profile of the client, medications, lab values, clinical observations, what are the nutrition risks for this client? As an example, client might be at risk for a calcium deficiency age, gender, family history, low calcium intake, low BMI. client might be at risk for energy-protein deficiency due to living below the poverty level, poor PO intake, and having to feed 5 children.
Would your client benefit from a restriction in dietary intake? How might this benefit the “diagnosis”? What research would support this restriction? What would the dietary restrictions look like? Give some menu/food examples.
What goals will be set for the client for the short term (3 months)? What are the goals for the long term (9+ months)? As examples: gaining/losing a certain number of pounds of body weight; increase/decrease in a lab value; ability to write a menu for the dietary restrictions; etc.
For each goal identified, make sure to include interventions. As examples: How will the client be able to reach the weight loss/gain? What steps will need to be taken to decrease/increase the lab values?
Would your client benefit from vitamin/mineral or other OTC supplements? What would the purpose of these supplements be? What might be the contraindications for these supplements?
How will the information be presented to the client? What educational materials will be used? What additional resources would be appropriate for the client in the long term?
What is one tip that the client can use to avoid any herb/nutrient/drug interactions?
You will want to follow APA formatting for this projects. Some key features to remember are:
• Inclusion of title page-Title of paper, your name.
• Inclusion of reference page with references alphabetized
• Double spaced
• Properly documenting in-text citations
• Indented paragraphs-1/2 inch
• Font size/type-12 Times New Roman
• Third person
• Margins-1 inch all around
Your similarity score should be no greater than 20% per the Turnitin report. Here are tips to ensure that you have a low similarity score:
This is the feedback and score from the first half of the project. Thank you
Overall Feedback
My overall score was a 76%, 114/150
Thank you for submitting the week 5 project. Please refer to the project assessment for scoring/points on the assignment.
Following is the feedback on the assignment:
Selected and discussed a disease or medical condition that could possibly, or commonly, affect the individual.
The disease selected was Anemia and an introduction to the disease was provided.
Created a realistic case study using the ABCDs of nutritional assessment.
Included ABCD’s as part of the assignment submission.
Included information about anthropometrics, relevant biochemical tests, clinical assessment, and dietary intake analysis (i.e. Nutrition Assessment).
Provided appropriate ABC’s for medical condition and were specific to client. Adding information regarding clients actual intake as opposed to what client should be eating would have completed this section. Perhaps a 24 hour food recall.
Included a list of common medications that may be used to treat the patient’s condition.
Identified medications which are appropriate for medical condition. Additional informaiton to explain what EPO and iron supplements are used far would enhance this section.
Identified and discussed potential herb/nutrient-drug interactions that may be relevant.
There was no identification and discussion of potential herb/nutrient-drug interactions for medications identified or that might be taken for medical condition
Identified the client’s cultural background and gave clues as to his or her socioeconomic status and psychosocial variables.
Minimal information regarding client’s background. Additional information such as education, ethnicity, family situation, etc. would have completed this section.
Written components.
Identified references/in-text citations to support personal opinions. Make sure to review how to cite references/in-text citations to meet 7th edition APA. Included title page and reference page.. Information organized with the use of headings. Don't forget to include a summative conclusion on an essay. Note that a running header is not required with 7th edition APA. Similarity score was appropriate for the assignment.Please feel free to contact me if you have questions.to the writer:
Please contact me if you have any questions or need clarification. Thank you for all your hard work.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Patient-Centered Care (PCC) Experience
Task 1
a. Nutritional care plan
 The nutrition care plan is based on health information for a 32-year-old mother with anemia. In patients with anemia, there is a low concentration of hemoglobin in the blood. It is not a disease but a sign that comes from multiple causes ranging from insufficient diet to taking certain foods or any type of bleeding (Hauber et al., 2017). Hemoglobin is the protein that carries oxygen within red blood cells and gives them their color. The people with anemia do have enough hemoglobin. The body requires vitamins, minerals, and nutrients to make enough red blood cells from heme and non-heme iron-rich foods, such as meat, poultry, seafood, beans, nuts, seeds, and iron-rich vegetables. There is a risk the patient’s condition will worsen because of low iron, vitamin B12, and folic acid (Moll & Davis, 2017). Therefore, the intervention focuses on the consumption of foods with low iron, vitamin B12, and folic acid, plus supplementation. There is also patient education to increase awareness on managing anemia and improving health outcomes through self-care. Heme iron foods are of animal origin, and non-heme iron in plant foods and are less absorbed.
* Consumption of iron-high foods
* Nutritional monitoring
* Intake of Folic acid, Ferrous sulfate, and B12 vitamin
* Patient education 
* Monitor body weight daily
Expected outcomes
* The patient’s iron levels will increase and will be maintained at near-normal levels.
* The patient will understand anemia, the causative factors, and the treatment plan.
* The patient will understand energy conservation measures and will plan daily activities where there are frequent rest periods.
* The patient will understand how dietary deficiencies and medications affect iron levels.
b. Medical nutrition therapy and appropriate diet
Medical nutrition therapy
* Patient’s knowledge about the nutritious diet.
* Monitor and improve the patient’s ...
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