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Pathological Process in the Development and Presentation of Eczema versus Psoriasis

Essay Instructions:

Answer both of the following questions for your discussion response using the "Discussion Forum Sample."

What is the pathological process in the development and presentation of eczema versus psoriasis?

Discuss the pathological process and presentation of atopic dermatitis and its relationship to asthma and allergies.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Week 14 - Discussion Question
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Professor’s Name
April 9, 2022
1 What is the pathological process in the development and presentation of eczema versus psoriasis?
Eczema and psoriasis are some of the most common skin conditions that occur around the world. Both of these illnesses present similar symptoms, like rashes, which are usually located in similar locations in the body (Penn Medicine, 2022). However, despite the similarities between these two, one of the main differences is the pathological process that causes them.
On the one hand, Eczema is highly complex and can be caused by various external elements like IgE mediated hypersensitivity, barrier dysfunctions, and environmental factors, to name a few (Boothe et al., 2017). Because of these conditions, rashes which are usually characterized by patches of dry and itchy skin, can be usually seen.
On the other hand, psoriasis is caused by an autoimmune disease rather than environmental factors. However, environmental factors still play a significant role in triggering its presentation. This disease causes the skin cells to reproduce and grow too fast, forming a series of chapped, dry skin cells that look like scales.
2 Discuss the pathological process and presentation of atopic dermatitis and i...
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