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2 pages/≈550 words
Health, Medicine, Nursing
English (U.S.)
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Parkinson's Disease, Hypertension, Dementia, Insomnia, Alzheimer's Disease

Essay Instructions:

This assignment is designed to extend the learner’s use of concept mapping as a tool for clinical care planning. The nursing process continues to provide the foundation for organizing information and thought, whereas the mapping becomes the process for intentional critical thinking and clinical reasoning. COURSE OUTCOMES This assignment enables the student to meet the following course outcomes. CO 1. Demonstrate the nursing process while providing basic care to individuals and families reflecting different stages of the life span in the extended care, acute care, and community‐ based settings (PO#1). CO 3. Demonstrate communication skills necessary for interaction with other health team members and for providing basic nursing care to individuals and families (PO#3). CO 4. Incorporate critical thinking skills into clinical nursing practice (PO#4).

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Concept Map
Patient information
Name: W.R
Age 81
Gender: Female
Allergies: Cabbage
Code status: Full code
Diet Regular
Diagnosis: Parkinson’s disease, Hypertension, Dementia, Insomnia, Alzheimer’s disease
Medications: Atenolo50mg by mouth once a day for hyper tension, Carbidopa/levodopa 25-100mg by mouth one a day for Parkinson’s Trazadone 100 mg by mouth at bed time for Insomnia, Eliquis 2.5 mg by mouth twice a day for DVT prophylaxis.
Concept map

 Extended Concept Map:
 Nursing Diagnosis # 1: Impaired physical mobility related to stiffness and muscle weakness.
Outcome: Reducing the risk of injury and uncoordinated muscle to maintain maximum mobility
Nursing Interventions:
Screening for mobility to determine use of physical activity tools to improve mobility.
Rationale for each intervention:
Assessing existing mobility is necessary to determine muscle damage
Evaluation of effectiveness of nursing interventions:
Improved balancing and muscle strength
Patients with Parkinson’s have impaired physical mobility because of motor weakness and muscle rigidity (Schenkman et al., 2012). Hence, it is crucial to improve functional mobility and maintain independence, and where possible the daily exercise help in improving coordination and dexterity. Functional abilities of the arms and legs are affected, and advising the patient to practice walking improves balance to ensure that W.R can function independently.
Nursing diagnosis # 2: Sleep pattern disturbance related to excessive day time sleepiness.
Outcome: Create appropriate sleep patterns without changing the patient’s appearance
Nursing Interventions:
Improving the environment and identifying factors worsening sleep patterns
Rationale for each intervention:
Improving response to the environment and sleep patterns
Helps to maintain regular sleep and meal times
Evaluation of effectiveness of nursing interventions:
Improved sleeping patterns, after identifying how different sources of sleep problems interact.

Conducting sleep-wake history and assessing the immediate environment helps to identify habits that interfere with sleep patterns (Bjørnarå, Dietrichs, & Toft, 2014). The patient’s medications, Parkinson’s disease, hypertension, dementia, insomnia Alzheimer’s interact to affect the sleep patterns. The patient faces difficulties sleeping at night and improving relaxation is effective to reduce disturbance sleep patterns. Additionally, monitoring the frequency of naps helps to determine the patient’s sleep patters. Hence, the interventions reduce irregular sleep patterns to improve relaxation and health outcomes.
Nursing diagnosis 3: Ineffective self-health management
Outcome: Improved ability in performing the daily duties
Nursing intervention:
Assessing cultural and family patterns that influence readiness for change
Rationale for each intervention:
Responding to the patient allows the nurses to better understand the patient’s livesEvaluation of effectiveness of nursing interventions:
Patient’s determination to incorporate the health care regimen and taking the medications as required. Evaluation
W. R displays her behavior because of the various medical diagnoses, her age, and effect of limited mobility. This restricts the patient’s ability to maintain her wellness, and the presence of a nurse is essential in assessing the patient’s needs. Establishing trust is crucial to improving patient outcomes, as lack of social support is a barrier to self-health management and implementing the intervention (Reyes, 2010). Even as the patient suffers Dementia, Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s, giving her a sense of control will improve health outcome. However, there is constant monitoring since is necessary in meeting her needs, and improving safety.
Reflection: Communication and safety
The patient’s advanced age, insomnia, Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s, and Dementia make it difficult to do a follow up without working together with other carers. This...
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