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Health, Medicine, Nursing
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Overview of the Nursing Process

Essay Instructions:

The paper consists of three (3) parts:

1.The meaning and use of the nursing process in making good nursing judgments that effect patient care.

2.The development of a plan of care using the nursing process for a specific patient situation.

3.The preparation stage for a teaching plan to prevent a recurrence of a similar situation.

Part 1 

Review the required readings about the nursing process. In your own words, define each step of the process and provide an example for each step.

In the implementation step, what is meant by direct and indirect care as described by the Nursing Intervention Classification (NIC) project?

Discuss the three (3) types of nursing interventions (nurse-initiated, dependent, and interdependent) that applies to the patient care situation. Provide an example of each (refer to your textbook).

Explain how the nursing process provides the basis for the registered nurse to make a nursing judgment that results in safe patient care with good outcomes.

Discuss how the registered nurse evaluates the overall use of the nursing process. Identify three (3) variables that may influence the ability to achieve the desired outcomes for the patient.

How is the plan of care modified when the outcomes are not met?

How does the RN use the nursing process to make decisions about the priority of care?

Part 2 

Patient scenario

A 78-year-old man is living in an assisted living facility. He is able to walk very short distances and uses a wheelchair to transport himself to the communal dining room. He administers his own medications independently and bathes himself. Over the last year he prefers to remain in the wheelchair even when in his room. He has a history of CHF, hypertension, hyperlipidemia and lower extremity weakness. He is able to state his current medications include metoprolol (Lopressor) 50 mg once daily by mouth, furosemide (Lasix) 20 mg once daily by mouth, Quinapril (Acupril) 20 mg once daily by mouth, atorvastatin (Lipitor) 20 mg once daily by mouth. During a routine examination, his physician noted a pressure ulcer over the ischium on the right buttocks. The wound is oval about 10mm x 8 mm, with red and yellow areas in the middle and black areas on some surrounding tissue. It has a foul odor. The patient had been padding the area so “it doesn’t get my pants wet”. The physician arranged for him to be admitted to the hospital in order for intravenous antibiotic therapy and wound care to be initiated. After being admitted to the hospital his medications are: metoprolol (Lopressor )50 mg orally every 12 hours, furosemide (Lasix ) 40mg once daily by mouth, quinapril HCl (Accupril) 40 mg once daily by mouth, cefazolin (Ancef)1.5 Grams in 50 mL 0.9 % Normal Saline intravenously three times a day. The result of the wound culture identified Methicilin-resistant staphylococcus aureus. After a surgical debridement of the black tissue a SilvaSorb® (antimicrobial gel) dressing was ordered daily.

Develop a Plan of Nursing Care for this patient that includes all steps of the nursing process:

•One (1) actual NANDA-I nursing diagnosis statement addressing the priority problem the patient is experiencing. You need to provide the entire nursing diagnosis statement. For example: Acute pain, related to tissue trauma, as evidenced by patient rating pain at 7 on the 0-10 verbal pain scale. Provide a rationale, with evidence, why this nursing diagnosis is the priority for this patient..

•What is the assessment data that supports the use of this nursing diagnosis? These are the assessments you will collect to determine if the patient has this nursing diagnosis. For example: Will assess the patient's pain using the 0-10 verbal pain scale..

•One (1) expected outcome (realistic, measureable and contains a time frame). that addresses the diagnosis and meets the criteria for an expected patient outcome. Discuss whether the outcome is a cognitive, psychomotor, affective or physiologic outcome. Discuss why the time frame selected for the evaluative criteria was selected. Use evidence as the basis for the time frame and criteria. You need to be specific to this particular patient. For example: Patient will rate pain at 3 on the 0-10 verbal pain scale. Of course, you would also need to answer the rest of the items in this section..

•Four (4) nursing interventions that includes at least one (1) nurse-initiated, one (1) dependent, one (1) interdependent intervention. Label your interventions as above. Provide a rationale for each intervention that is evidence-based. Lastly, your interventions must be able to move the patient toward the achievement of the outcome. Select interventions, you as the RN can perform, that could reduce the pain and provide the rationale as to why; be sure they are evidence-based. For example: Teach patient guided imagery to distract attention and reduce tension..

Part 3 (1-2 pages)

To assist the patient in preventing a recurrence of a similar incident once he returns to the assisted living environment, the RN needs to develop a teaching plan. Use the nursing process to consider the information the RN would need prior to development of the plan. Respond to the following and be able to support your answers. You will not be developing a teaching-learning plan but demonstrating using the teaching-learning process to prepare for an individualized plan.

•How does the RN decide the format of the teaching plan, i.e., written, verbal, or other?.

•How does the RN know which information needs to be included?.

•When does the RN determine how and when to evaluate the teaching-learning process?

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Overview of the Nursing Process
Institutional Affiliation;
The nursing process remains one of the essential elements that require an understanding when entering the nursing world. It is, therefore, essential that the process is not only unstated but applied in everyday practice that involves the interactions with patients, physicians and other colleagues with a work environment (Lavoie-Tremblay, O'Connor, Lavigne, Briand, Biron, Baillargeon, & Cyr, 2015).
This paper, therefore, seeks to determine the approaches of using nursing process in arriving at medical decisions that have an impact on the care of patients. The paper will also focus on the development of a plan that entails caring and using the nursing process in solving specific patient situations. Lastly, I will also concentrate on the preparation stage involved in developing a teaching plan that may assist in the prevention of a recurrence of similar conditions in the nursing sector.
Part 1
Definition of Each Step of the Process in the Nursing Process
According to sources, a nursing process is an approach that relays critical thinking that is directed towards finding solutions to problems in professional practice. It is, therefore, essential to determining the fact that there are four steps in the process. These measures include;
The Assessment Stage
This stage requires the collection of much information involving a patient from many sources. It is empirical to determine the fact that this information can come from a patient, previous medical reports, family or caregivers among other members (Lavoie-Tremblay, et.al). In achieving this, a nurse mainly collects two forms of data; the subjective that provides the description of the symptoms is collected, and this may include worries, pain, or feelings. On the other hand, the objective data can also be determined through a physical examination and assessment of the patient from the head to toe.
This can be noted in an instance where a patient arrives at a medical facility. The nurses collect the personal patient’s information and moves into determining the patient’s physical health information to establish the patients’ health issues in the past and present. Nurses usually speak to their patients to develop what they feel wrong, the intensity of pain they feel and take the patient's signs in order to determine a treatment approach.
Diagnostic Stage;
It is essential to determine that in this stage the nurse develops the act of critical thinking in determining the appropriate approach of providing care to the patient (Lavoie-Tremblay, et.al).
The Planning Stage;
The planning phase involves the nurse and the patient and intrigues the setting of goals that are achievable over a short and long term (Lavoie-Tremblay, et.al). The nurse may opt to set a task for the patient in order to determine if this can be achieved within a provided time scale.
The process of implementation also involves the patient and the nurse including other health care professionals (Lavoie-Tremblay, et.al). The nurse undertakes the planning process and the goals of the process and puts them into action with the aim of getting the patient back on track by dealing with the issues they undergo and making changes to help them out of such situations.
The Process of Evaluation;
In this process, a nurse determines the effectiveness of the care provided to a patient and determines if the goals set are achieved (Lavoie-Tremblay, et.al). In a case where some of the goals are not achieved, the nurse may be obliged to go back to the nursing plan with the aim of reviewing the possible changes and some of the goals that were not met. This helps in determining what next approach to initiating in the process.
Direct and Indirect Care as Described by (NIC)
The direct and indirect care as determined by the Nursing Intervention Classification (NIC) is an essential element in determining the workloads of nurses as this helps in determining the required workforce of health practitioners. According to NIC, direct care intervention in the implementation process describes the treatments performed when a nurse interacts with a patient through a direct social action and counseling (Lavoie-Tremblay, et.al). On the other hand, it is essential to note that the indirect care intervention is a treatment approach that a nurse performs away from a patient. This can be done through the use of family members on behalf of the patient or on the behalf of others. These actions according to NIC have been determined to approve the effectiveness of direct care interventions.
Three (3) Types of Nursing Interventions
As one of the significant nursing interventions, it is essential that nurses articulate approaches of providing care to patients through a system that follows the nursing process. This approach requires that plans are made that aim at developing the goals for providing the patient with care. In this, the nursing interventions refer to the actions and treatment methods that nurses perform to enable a patient reach his/her practical goal that have been set (Saifan, AbuRuz, & Masa'deh, 2015). Nurses therefore put their knowledge, experience and their critical thinking skills into determining the right approach and intervention that will benefit the patient.
It is, therefore, essential to determine that there are different classifications of the nursing interventions that incorporate the entire patient. This may involve educating the patient on new medications and their side effects or promoting the bowel functioning or just ensuring that the patient is safe. The interventions, therefore, include;
Independent Intervention;
This includes the actions that the nurse may independently initiate. An example of an independent health promotion nursing intervention would include the case of Mr. James who has started a new medication for high blood pressure (Saifan, et.al). He is mainly concerned about the effects that come when he takes the drugs and chooses to refuse the medication. A nurse therefore intervenes and decides to educate the patient on the significance of the drug, its side effects and the possible consequences that would accrue when the medication regimen are not adhered to effectively.
Dependent Intervention
The dependent intervention in this case requires the order of a medical practitioner. In an instance, Mr. James has a blood pressure that is consistently at 180.100. The nurse on duty therefore informs the physician of this condition and the medical practitioner orders an antihypertensive medication to the patient (Saifan, et.al). The nurse is therefore required to administer the oral medication to the patient as directed by the physician.
Interdependent Intervention;
This response requires the participation of several members within the health care team. In the same example, Mr. James reveals to the nurse that he mainly consumes diets that are high in sodium (Saifan, et.al). The nurse, therefore, initiates a diet counseling ap...
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