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1 pages/≈275 words
Health, Medicine, Nursing
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OSHA Healthcare Overview And Compliance

Essay Instructions:

After viewing the OSHA Healthcare Overview, examine OSHA’s goals and strategies in measuring results. How can employers comply with OSHA standards? How can employees conform to the rules, regulations, and orders of OSHA? What happens when OSHA standards are violated? Do you feel the violation penalties/consequences are fair? Why or why not? Include a minimum of one APA cited reference to support your response.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
OSHA Compliance Name Course Date After viewing the OSHA Healthcare Overview, examine OSHA’s goals and strategies in measuring results. How can employers comply with OSHA standards? How can employees conform to the rules, regulations, and orders of OSHA? What happens when OSHA standards are violated? Do you feel the violation penalties/consequences are fair? Why or why not? Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) standards are necessary to ensure safety and organizations are expected to comply with these occupational safety and health standards. Employers need to be aware about the standards, but they first need to be aware about the recommended practices that ensure safety and health (Friend & Kohn, 2018). This makes it easier to identify potential hazards and when combined with preparedness and response in the workplace they can control safety and the health standards. Furthermore, employees must verify that the workplace conditions conform to OSHA standards. Employees must be aware about with all rules and regulations of the OSHA standards, while they must also be aware about the workplace rights, and when employees are vigilant they can identify violations and report compliance concerns, ha...
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