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Organizational Structure: Simple, Functional, and Divisional

Essay Instructions:

This assignment will test your knowledge of organizational structures. According to Nagy (2016), organizational structures essentially are operating manuals that illustrate how an organization is put together and works. There are various types of organizational structures. Regarding organizational structures in the health care field, an organizational structure that drives a small rural family practice would not be efficient for a large urban hospital, and vice versa.

For this assignment, you should:

  1. Firstpretest your current knowledge of organizational structure types by using this online test at the following link: http://higheredbcs.wiley.com/legacy/college/hitt/0471351768/quiz/ch13.html
  2. Watch the following video:     

    GreggU. (2019, January 14). Types of organizational structures [Video]. YouTube. https://youtu.be/Vbcpr1TS9NM
  3. In a 2- to 3-page paper, describe the three types of Traditional Organizational Design (Simple, Functional & Divisional) and provide an example of a health care facility/organization that each design would ideally follow (i.e., Hospital – Functional). (Note: You might want to consider matrix organizational structures, a combination of both functional and divisional organizational structures.)
  4. In your paper, dedicate a paragraph to the results of your pre-test. There is no need to share your answers or score. Consider your results against what you learned in the video. Ask yourself: Do you believe your knowledge was increased? Did the pre-test assist with knowing the importance of organizational structures for health care leaders? What other benefits did you obtain from taking the test?
  5. Conduct additional research to gather sufficient information to support your selection for each design.
  6. Limit your response to a maximum of 3 pages.
  7. Support your SLP with peer-reviewed articles, using at least 2 references. Use the following source for additional information on how to recognize peer-reviewed journals: http://www.angelo.edu/services/library/handouts/peerrev.php.
  8. You may use the following source to assist in formatting your assignment: https://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/560/01/
Essay Sample Content Preview:

Organizational Structure
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Organizational Structure
Organizational structures influence employees and organizations. According to McConnell (2020), organizational structures establish the reporting structure, flexibility, communication, and decision-making within an organization. In healthcare, organizational structures can influence how healthcare services are delivered. This paper examines three types of organizational structures and provides examples of healthcare organizations that would utilize each structure.
Simple Organizational Structure
Simple organizational structures, also known as flat structures, have a centralized authority with little or no middle management. As a result, it has a small chain of command since employees have direct contact with the decision-makers (Fernandopulle, 2021). It has limited work specialization and departmentalization. Due to its flat nature, this organizational structure facilitates quick communication between staff and decision-makers because the communication lines are shorter (Fernandopulle, 2021). A simple organizational structure is typical for small organizations managed by the owner, who directly delegates duties to employees. Due to limited specialization and departmentalization, employees often have multiple organizational functions. One employee might perform functions such as receptionist, marketing, and bookkeeping.
In healthcare, this type of structure might be ideal for stand-alone, privately-run specialized clinics. For example, a privately-run gynecology and obstetrics clinic can be managed by the owner/medical practitioner, supported by a nurse and an assistant. The nurse and the assistant can perform other functions, such as cleaning the premise and posting marketing content on social media. Open communication between the staff and the owner ensures the clinic is responsive to patients' needs, regulations, and other changes. These employees can cooperate to get the work done because they are not hindered by bureaucratic obstacles (Fernandopulle, 2021).
Functional Organizational Structure
This type of structure is suitable for complex organizations that require division of labor and specialization. According to McConnell (2020), this structure is highly centralized, has many hierarchical levels, and is characterized by a high degree of specialization and formalization. As a result, the decision-making process takes a top-down approach within each functional area. In addition, it is characterized by high departmentalization to ensure employees are divided into groups based on their roles or functions (McConnell, 2020). Such departments include sales, marketing, accounting, and human resources. However, this structure is the least flexible because employees must deal with bureaucratic obstacles and cannot make any decisions since al...
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