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Organizational Design, Culture, and Adaptation Essay 2

Essay Instructions:
Case Assignment Please read the following article: Improving Access to Diabetes Care in an Inner-City, Community-Based Outpatient Health Center with a Monthly Open-Access, Multi-station Group Visit Program by Gregory C. Vachon, MD; Ngozi Ezike, MD; Mary Brown-Walker, FNP; Vuthik Chhay, PAC; Irv Pikelny, RHIA; and Trudy B. Pendergraft, MSPH http://proquest(dot)umi(dot)com/pqdweb?did=1425855401&sid=1&Fmt=6&clientId=29440&RQT=309&VName=PQD After reading the article, please answer the following questions. 1. What were the issues that led to the implementation of the program? 2. Describe the program? 3. How will the implementation of the program resolve the issues mentioned in the first question? 4. If you were the manager of this program, what would identify as the positive aspects? 5. What changes would you make to improve the program? Expectations Please do NOT provide general statements, but attempt to show how this pertains directly to the healthcare field. Your response to the following case and questions should be comprehensive, thoughtful, and thorough. It should incorporate the information you have reviewed in the background readings. You will need to apply critical thinking skills to your assignment discussion. You must analyze the literature and background. You need to provide reference citations for any discussion that is not your original thought (at the end of paraphrased information and at the end of your paper). Please be sure to provide citations of sources consulted in preparing your paper in the body of the actual document itself (i.e. in addition to furnishing a refernce list). Remember, any statement that you make that is not common knowledge or that originates from your synthesis or interpretation of materials you have read must have a citation associated with it. For guidelines on in-text citations, visit the following web site: http://owl(dot)english(dot)purdue(dot)edu/handouts/research/r_apa.html The length of the case assignment is 3-5 pages. Please do not exceed the required length. You should cite at least three references in your response. Your paper will be graded on your ability to address the assignment criteria with depth and breadth of discussion. It will also be critiqued based on your writing format including proper reference citations, spacing, grammar, and spelling. Required Readings Jerry D. VanVactor. (2011). A case study of collaborative communications within healthcare logistics. Leadership in Health Services, 24(1), 51-63. Click here Accessed 02/20/2012 Roy Liff. (2011). Promoting cooperation in health care: creating endogenous institutions. Qualitative Research in Organizations and Management, 6(1), 46-63. Click here Accessed 02/20/2012 Applebaum, S. H. & Wohl, L. (2000). Transformation or change: some prescriptions for health care organizations. Managing Service Quality. Bedford: 2000. Vol. 10, Iss. 5; p. 279. Click here Accessed 02/20/2012 Coddington, D. C., Fischer, E. A., & Moore, K. D. (2000). Characteristics of successful health care systems. Health Forum Journal. San Francisco: Nov/Dec 2000. Vol. 43, Iss. 6; click here Accessed 02/20/2012 Dubbs, N. L. & Browning, S. L. (2002). Organizational design consistency: The PennCARE and Henry Ford Health System experiences / Practitioner application. Journal of Healthcare Management. Chicago: Sep/Oct 2002. Vol. 47, Iss. 5; p. 307. Click here Accessed 02/20/2012 Ghodeswar, B. M. & Vaidyanathan, J. (2007). Organisational Adoption of Medical Technology in Health Sector. Journal of Services Research. Gurgaon: Oct 2007-Mar 2008. Vol. 7, Iss. 2; p. 57. Click here Accessed 02/20/2012; Note - please read only the first sections up to the "Discussion" section. Vachon, G., Ezike, N., Brown-Walker, M., Chhay, V., Pikelny, I., & Pendergraft, T.. (2007). Improving Access to Diabetes Care in an Inner-City, Community-Based Outpatient Health Center with a Monthly Open-Access, Multistation Group Visit Program. Journal of the National Medical Association, 99(12), 1327-36. Click here Accessed 02/20/2012, Optional Readings: Cuellara, A. E. & Gertlerb, P.J. (2002). Strategic integration of hospitals and physicians. Working Paper. Click here Accessed 02/20/2012 Kovner, A. & Neuhauser, D. (2001). Health service management: Case studies. Sixth Edition, Illinois: Health Administration Press. Mintzberg, H. (1989). Mintzberg on management:Inside our strange world of organizations. London: Free Press
Essay Sample Content Preview:
Analyzing the Organizational Design, Culture and Adaptation of the Improving Access to Diabetes Care in an Inner-City, Community -Based Outpatient Health Center with a Monthly Open-Access, Multistation Group Visit Program Diabetes has so far become such a prevalent case in the United States; there are even incongruities evident in its effects that are in accord to race, ethnicity, and socioeconomic status. For instance, it has been documented that higher incidences of type-2 diabetes strike more African Americans than Caucasians; hence, they are more likely to experience diabetes-related complications as compared to the latter CITATION Vac07 \l 1033 (Vachon, Ngozi, Brown-Walker, Chay, Pikelny, & Pendergraft, 2007). Additionally, in terms of socioeconomic status, not everyone can afford healthcare privileges or insurance. Therefore, healthcare centers have taken initiative in improving its program to extend quality care for diabetes patients limited by circumstances as such previously mentioned. In particular, the implementation of a program aimed towards Improving Access to Diabetes Care in an Inner-City, Community -Based Outpatient Health Center with a Monthly Open-Access, Multistation Group Visit Program - as was facilitated by the Austin Health Center and published in 2007. Times change and hence, there constantly arises new problems to overcome; and in the area of healthcare, this principle clearly applies as well (Applebaum & Wohl, 2000). While they can go back to basics, oftentimes the situation calls for a more drastic measure so instead of that option, healthcare systems nowadays are compelled to catch up and consistently move forward to maintain efficiency in their area for their sake and for the public`s as well. And in this case, because there is a limited accessibility of a large number of people in the growing population of diabetes patients in need of good quality healthcare services, the AHC healthcare program encompasses a rather creative and comprehensive setting. In the main, their objective was "…to describe the development and implementation of a multifaceted program in an inner-city healthcare center designed to improve access to care and empower patients to take a more active role in managing diabetes" CITATION Vac07 \l 1033 (Vachon, Ngozi, Brown-Walker, Chay, Pikelny, & Pendergraft, 2007). And indeed, they did cover all bases; for one, they devised a way to make the program less of a hassle in accommodating a larger number of patients at the same time. In addition, they designed a curriculum that wouldn`t merely consist of lectures but activities that the patients would find fun and convenient. All throughout, they made it a point to keep their patients` interest and motivation in prioritizing their health and placing concern over the risks of diabetes; hence, the DRIVE (Diabetic Rewards Issued Via Everyone) day CITATION Vac07 \l 1033 (Vachon, Ngozi, Brown-Walker, Chay, Pikelny, & Pendergraft, 2007). AHC set to keep the community known to this program through posting ads in public spots. Through this initiative, AHC has already provided the opportunity to the people of limited access to healthcare to now have access to healthcare and enable themselves the proper way to manage their diabetes. Furthermore, the construction of the drive day work flow and stations were well thought-out in that no new patient will feel unwelcome or ignored in the process, what with the availability of a flow coordinator, greeter, registration station, reception area activities, vital signs station, and provider encounter stations - everything is sensibly overlooked. Not to mention the group participation and education sessions employed such as the ABC (A1C, blood pressure and cholesterol) class, the cooking class, and the yoga/meditation class. There is even a goal-setting station. At the end of the day, the patients are checked up for evaluation to see how well they are doing so far. This set-up actually encourages a lot of people, especially those from the inner community and handicapped by certain circumstances to...
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