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Online Search: Visual Representation of Different Data

Essay Instructions:

Conduct an online search to locate an example of visual representation of data provided by a healthcare organization. The visual representation must show data related to some type of healthcare management concern (e.g., emergency room waiting times, patient 30-day re-admissions, service utilization breakdowns, etc.). The visual representation could be in the form of a histogram, scatter plot, Pareto diagram, etc. Then complete the following tasks:
Include the image (with a source) or a link to the image.
Explain what information is presented.
Explain why it is significant from a healthcare operations perspective.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Online Search
Date of Submission:
Online Search
Visual representations are important in healthcare because they could be used to summarize study results (Evagoru, Erduran, and Mäntylä, 2015). Critical to the discussion is the fact that visual representations should be created and interpreted appropriately. Figure 1 below depicts histograms that were published in a study conducted by Horwitz, Green, and Bradley (2010). It is notable that the study focussed on emergency waiting times within American hospitals in 2006. It follows that the upcoming paragphs discuss the information presented in the histogram using the publication in question to clarify the information presentes in the histogram.
Retrieved from /pmc/articles/PMC2830619/figure/F1/
From the figure above, it is evident that the median waiting times for the triage assessment is skewed to the left. The diagram also reveals that the study used the median waiting time as the independent variable and the percentage of hospitals as the dependent variable. This could imply that most hospitals in America have waiting times that are below the standard median waiting time, which is not the case. As evidenced, Horwitz, Green, and Bradley (2010) reveal that the average waiting time from the study was 37 minutes, which was below the recommended standard of fiteen minutes. It follows that the authors should have reduced the scale for the independent variable for the histogram to represent the intended result. As evidenced, Kaplan, Gabroesk, Curtis, and Malone (2014) argues that using an appropriate scale when creating histograms could alter the interpretation that could be obtained from the histogram.
It is notable that the histogram in question is significant to healthcare operations. This owes to the fact that it highlights problems that could arise when developing visual representations in healthcare.Specifically, most statistical software will represent information correctly, but it is up to te researcher to use the software appropriately. Regardless, the infromation presented in the publication reveals that most hospitals should reduce the waiting times for triage assesments.
Evagoru, M., Erduran, S., and Mäntylä, T. (20...
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