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Cross-Cultural Health Perspective (Essay #2)

Essay Instructions:

BHS 414 Cross-Cultural Health Perspectives Module 2 - SLP CULTURAL IDENTITY Choose one of the following topics to focus on for the rest of the SLP. You will use the information in the selected publication as you go through the phases of applying the PEN-3 model to develop a hypothetical health education program. The following articles can be accessed in the TUI library. Iwelunmor, J., Idris, O., Adelakun, A., & Airhihenbuwa, C. O. (2010). Child malaria treatment decisions by mothers of children less than five years of age attending an outpatient clinic in south-west Nigeria: An application of the PEN-3 cultural model. Malaria Journal,9(1), 354-354. doi:http://dx(dot)doi(dot)org/10.1186/1475-2875-9-354 Write a 2- to 3-page paper that includes the following: Provide a brief overview of the health issue among your selected group, statistics about the scope of the problem, and its implications for health. Describe the Cultural Identity of the group you chose. Specifically address how each of the PEN-3 model’s three factors of Cultural Identity applies to your group and provide examples. Use subheadings to clearly show that you have addressed each of the three factors. Support your discussion with references from scholarly and professional references (not just your opinion).

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Cross-Cultural Health Perspective
Cross-Cultural Health Perspectives
The issue of febrile illnesses among children below the age of five years may be common but if not well examined, this would eventually result to serious illnesses like malaria. In the area of South-West Nigeria, these cases are numerous where children under the age of five years experience febrile illnesses and after sometime it turns into malaria. Yet, malaria has been a determinant of the mortality of such children especially within an African set-up (Iwelunmor, Newsome & Airhihenbuwa, 2014). Many children, as well as adults have died because of late treatment and negligence of the people involved. In the past years, the African countries did not take actions against malaria because they thought that it was not a serious disease. However, the massive record of the lives that continue to perish raised an alarm that every individual ought to play their part in fighting the battle of malaria. Measures of preventing malaria have been communicated amongst communities although it is still among the killer diseases within these communities.
Cultural Identity
The people of South-West Nigeria are among the Africans who initially believed in domestic treatment. Before modernization came into African countries, they would use herbs and medicine men for treatment. Thus, even though the countries have adjusted to visiting hospitals and clinics, there are some of the primitive practices that still dwell within the communities and thus lagging them behind in treatment and mortality. For instance in the research performed, a reasonable number of mother with children below the age of five years delay in taking their children for treatment with the mentality that they will be well soon, even without medical attention. The people may also not really consider going to hospitals because of their economic condition. This is because they depend on farms and other low-income jobs, while the successful individuals are not as many (Pérez & Luquis, 2008). Thus, consideration to take their children to hospital may depend on the criticality of the matter, resulting to delays that lead to death. Moreover, in most countries of especially the sub-Saharan Africa, it is very common that people will engage in numerous patterns of treatment because of their cultural practices that encourage it. These treatments at times may not be effective in corresponding with the biomedical standards. <...
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