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Nutrition for Athletes Research Assignment Paper

Essay Instructions:

In the discussion for week 11 we will be going on a webquest to find the most helpful sites for adults in both fitness training and weight management. Do you think it will be feasible for you to help with exercise counseling as well as nutritional counseling in your practice? Can you do nutritional counseling without addressing the exercise issue in some way? For our discussion this week please find a website you find helpful for clients to learn about exercise.
What do you think? You can see that I like the Exercise is Medicine.org site. Let's look at some other sites for helping clients learn about the importance of exercise or how to start an exercise program. Think about the various types of people you may have in your office. Some will be open to using an exercise professional to help. Many health care providers do not mention nutrition or exercise.
Can you work with someone who is a 10 year old athlete?
How about a 65 year old retiree?
A 34 year old mother with 3 children under 5?
Choose one of the above or someone you know and design an exercise program for that person. (Do not use yourself.) Look for an appropriate website you might use with that client. Share your website and why you chose it. Make a comment on someone else's choice. Please place the name of the website in the subject thread. Choose another website if the site is already listed. There are lot's of good choices and it should be a lively discussion.
develop a nutrition/excercise plan for a triathlon beginner,
nutrition before training, after/recovery
before the race
point out supplements to support energy, how to optimise muscle growth, recovery, building up to optimal fitness level....

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Nutrition for Athletes
Exercise is the physical activity that is structured, planned and happens many times for the purpose of modifying any part of the body. Exercise is used to enhance health, used for emotional wellbeing, and for fitness maintenance. Exercise programs are developed for individuals to use and follow during the physical activity. A well-balanced exercise program aid in building endurance and slow the many effects of aging. In reference to body bulding.com site, the following is a program of six days that a teenage girl can use when she wants to maintain a good shape especially for a sport. The site is suitable for use as it presents a well-balanced exercise program by involving different types of exercises in the program. For example, mostly compound exercises which may include squats and deadlifts, cardio exercises which aid in the cutting of excessive fats as one put on muscle and mostly standing free weight exercises which are exercises that force the lifter to control and balance weight. The program is also suitable as it provides time for resting which may serve beginners right.
Exercise Program for a Teenage Girl
Monday: This is the leg day and it involves a number of exercises such as 5*5 barbell squat and 3*20 dumbbell lunges. The teenage girl should also engage in a core training session that involves exercises such 3x15 Exercise Ball Crunch, 2x10 (Each side) Side Bends, 2x10 (Each side) Seated Barbell Twist (Montivero,2016). In the core training session the teenage girl is advised to choose exercises that are suitable for her and feel safe to her as many people complain of back pain because of the sessions exercises.
Tuesday: The teenage girl rests on this day
Wednesday : ‘Push day’- The third day is the push day and it entails exercises such as 5x5 Barbell Bench Press, 4x8 Shoulder Press, 3x8 Seated Triceps Press and a core training that entails cardio exercises.
Wednesday – The teenage girl rests on the fourth day
Thursday : This is the pull day involves exercises such as 5x5 Deadlifts, 5x5 Pull-ups, 3x8 Barbell Rows, 3x8 Barbell Rows and an additional of cardio exercises.
Friday: Friday as the fifth day, the teenage girl involves herself in an exercise that pertains her favorite sport. For example, if the teenage favorite sport is martial then she can engage herself in a heavy bag kick boxing exercise.
Saturday: The teenage girl can rest on this day but must engage in an activity such as swimming before the end of the day.

Week one

Week two

Week three

Week four


Run for five minutes and have a five minutes’ walk.

Run for ten minutes and have a ten minutes’ walk.

Run for 15 minutes

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