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Nursing/staffing Shortage in Heath Care Facilities

Essay Instructions:

Select a trend that is influencing access or equity in the health care system negatively. Include a brief history of the trend, the current status, and your thoughts regarding what needs to be done to address it. Summarize how this trend impacts the delivery of health care, the disparities in the health care system, the cost of healthcare, and the quality/safety in healthcare. Then discuss this issue in terms of global healthcare, and include any global or local initiatives, health legislative, regulations or policies that are in place currently.

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Nursing/staffing shortage in heath care facilities

The health care industry plays a critical role in at national, regional and international economy. However, cyclical economic contractions, inadequacy in medical technology, shift in public policy and local market factors are associated with different and contradictory pressures on the delivery of the much anticipated levels of the health services through the medical practitioners.
Economic Trends on Recession of Health Care
This economic contraction includes changes in the demand for the access of the medical services over recessions on organization’s and practitioners’ financial status. For instance, reports from markets across illustrating the sort of imperfect storm: falling income due to decreased demand for less elective care practices, lead to failure of patients to pay their medical bills, significant losses in the revenue that would be accrued, and less charitable giving, hence cutting the anticipated funding to meet the medical requirements in form of facilities and payments to the health practitioners and rest stakeholders (Abele & Barbacci, 2004).
A survey conducted by World Health Organization (WHO) received only a small number of responses from 12,000 physicians polled, but the fraction that responded did indicate that they witnessed seeing less patients affording health services to full measures since the recession began. Another survey by American Academy of Family Physicians also reported that fewer patients were seeking inpatient and elective service in 2009-2010. Similarly, physicians reported seeing more patients without insurance or with inadequate insurance being unable to pay full requirements for their care. As a result, some health providers are inclined to compensate for the lost income through provision of shoddy and below par medical services over extended time. Still, the management in most of the health units deals with the shortage by lowering the volumes of the services or even cutting the staff within a single unit. While this approach does not cut across the challenges in the health care in relation to the services required to counteract unpredictable health issues in a population, patients keep on streaming in large numbers seeking for the medical care.
Scaling back the capital matters create a balance between revenue generated and the wages for health workers has seen health units compromising with the standards of the health care that is needed to patients. These changes include slicing the capital requirements improving clinical and technology systems. This means that the tools and equipments used to perform various health operations then do not meet the attributes necessary for a given purpose. Poor health service means increased mortality and disease invasions to the population. For example, with inadequate tools and technological knowhow, it is difficult to study and instill necessary measures to control a deadly outbreak. This case is similar to Ebola outbreak of 2014 that claimed hundreds of thousands lives in the whole world (Singer & Baer, 2007).
Moreover, an economic contraction in the health sector is a hard to comprehend since it runs counter to the sustained growth and development. Surprising, the health demand does not match the professionals percentage required provide the health services in the world. Some of the fastest growing employments in the health sector such as therapists, technicians, nurses and assistants have been declining as hospital continue to struggle in economic lines. Cost-cutting by the health sector could deprive the community from attaining the best medical services possible.

Structural Trends
Growth and consolidation are likely to continue reshaping the health care delivery, but the legislative intervention and various changes in the technological investments could significantly determine the direction of the healthcare for the a better tomorrow. Both horizontal and vertical integration trends could see acceleration of recessions, a response that could resolve healthcare pressures.
Structural changes such as technology have created unbearable outcomes in the health sector. Most of the medical practitioners have found it ineffective to cope with outdated medical facilities hence opting to shift from government hospitals to private entities where investment in modern technology is the foundation of high-quality services. While consolidations are providing hospital systems with opportunities of leveraging their healthcare positions, most hospitals are still adamant to embrace the anticipated benefits. As a result, the prevalence of the independent practitioners has been declining. For instance, the WHO reported that primary care assistants declined by 10% from 1999/2000 to 2010/2011. Similarly, medical and surgical specialist decreased by 18% and 15% respectively over the same period (Feldman, 2003).
. These changes were as a result of physicians diverting to mid-sized health practices where they can major of health support to minor health challenges rather than tasking themselves with responsibilities in a challenge prone environment.
The health sector is also plagued by technical inefficiencies hence compromising the aspired levels of health care. This challenge is transmitted to inefficiency of the health management, where it is evident that most of the challenges observed in the health sector can be solved through a collaborative integration of the minds power. Still, the difficulties are solvable when directed to the appropriate groups of persons. Ethical and the moral standards are bound to take the centre stage, hence initiating rational judgment and decision making on the s...
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