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Nursing & Theology Literature and Applying Concept Encourage in Nursing Practice

Essay Instructions:

pls no rush:) we do have enough time to do this series papers, the due date listed below. the reason i put 3 papers as one big work is that they are related each other and it would easier for the writer to focus. the introduction and rubrics listed below and pls let me know if you have any questions, please contact me, i appreciate all the help! thank you!

Class name: Spiritual Concept analysis in Health Care ( 3 papers )


students choose the concept they will work on over the whole semester.You should choose a concept(Encourage) that is important for its spiritual significance and its relationship to some aspect of nursing or patient care. It should be a concept that you have some curiosity about or passion for -- this will help you stay engaged with research you will need to do. This concept will unfold as you explore it over the semester. Please post your topic in the Spiritual Concept discussion thread. including the introduction and thesis statement, headings, body of the paper, and conclusion. The project is divided into one major paper with three sections. Section 1 (paper 1), and section 2 (paper 2) will be stand alone papers that will provide the content for the final paper. These two papers will be submitted individually . they will then be distilled, and sharpened, and combined with your analysis to form your final paper. Paper 1 & 2 will contain more material than you will end up using in the final paper. the intent of segmenting your final paper is to allow you to submit your work for review so that you know that you are on the right track. At the end of the semester, you will give a brief PowerPoint presentation on your work to your classmates.

title of the 3 papers could be : (let me know if you have any idea, we could discuss, tks)

#1 Theological Analysis of the Spiritual Concept Encourage

#2 Nursing Literature Analysis of the Concept Encourage

#3 Nursing & Theology Literature and Applying Concept Encourage in Nursing Practice

PAPER #1: Theological Analysis of the Spiritual Concept Encourage

(pls 10 pages, reference pages are not included) the body of the paper addressing theological literature. Additional pages for endnotes and bibliography-- APA Style Paper Introduce time period (1-2 sentences narrative describing key events/emphasis during that time & cite source).

1.Introduction to concept/definition of concept in OED

2.Conduct a literature search of the academic theological literature (e.g., ATLA database,

J-Store database) for your concept.

3.Choose 20 articles to survey (a literature review)

4.Analyze these articles for their understanding of your concept

5.Write an analysis and synthesis of your concept based upon theological literature.

Note: This paper will provide content of the first portion of your final term paper.

rubric for Paper #1

1.Introduction- thesis statement, personal connection to the concept your chose (the “why” behind

your research) OED dictionary definition and

http://owl(dot)english(dot)purdue(dot)edu/owl/resource/545/1/ 5

2.Conclusion(revisit thesis, wrap up paper)

Research: Theological literature 5

2. Concept in the Theological literature Description, analysis, rigor, clarity, organization 40

Analysis & Text Mechanics

3. Adequacy of references, proper citation, quotes have page numbers 5

4. APA Format of Title page, Headings, Citations, and References 10

5. Paragraph Form/Spelling/Grammar/Punctuation/Logical Flow 10

Total 75

PAPER #2 –Nursing Literature Analysis of the Concept Encourage

(pls 12 pages, reference pages are not included)

The body of the paper addressing the nursing, is focused on the nursing literature related to your concept.

literature –Introduce time period (1-2 sentences narrative describing key events/emphasis during

that time & cite source).

1.Search the nursing and health care literature for your concept (e.g., CINAHL and PubMed databases).

2.Choose 25 articles to survey (this is a literature review)

3.Analyze these articles for their understanding of your concept

4.Write an analysis and synthesis of your concept based upon the nursing and health care literature.

Note: This work will provide the content of the second portion of your final term paper.

rubric for Paper #2

1. Introduction and thesis statement 5

2. Concept in the Nursing literature Description, analysis, rigor, clarity, organization 40

3. Conclusion – revisit thesis and wrap up paper 5

Analysis & Text Mechanics

3. Adequacy of references, proper citation 5

4. APA Format of Title page, Headings, Citations, and References 10

5. Paragraph Form/Spelling/Grammar/Punctuation/Logical Flow 10

Total 75

PAPER #3 Nursing & Theology Literature and Applying Concept Encourage in Nursing Practice

(pls 17 pages, reference pages are not included) the body of the paper– APA Style Note: This paper is a distillation and synthesis of papers 1 & 2, bringing them together into a final paper on your concept.

1.Integrate the ideas presented in paper 2 into a several page description of the nursing profession’s current understanding of the concept including any weaknesses or omissions that you see.

2.Contrast this with what you learned about your concept in the theological literature,showing similarities and differences, strengths and weaknesses of both literatures.

3.Bring these two steps together, synthesize both literatures into a discussion of what the theological literature offers to the nursing understanding and what the nursing understanding offers to the theological literature. Discuss how bringing the two literatures together can inform and shape nursing research and practice (20-30 sources).

Note: Your aim is to prepare a tightly argued, succinct paper that is roughly the length of a theory- based journal article. You will use portions of paper 1 and paper 2 and add new analytical and synthesized material to the final paper. Be sure to cite all sources; Reference list should only have the sources cited in the paper, and all sources on Ref List must be cited in the paper.

Rubric Paper # 3

Spiritual Concept Research & Application

Introduction of whole paper, concept and thesis statement(OED dictionary definition) and layout of paper (about 1 page)http://owl(dot)english(dot)purdue(dot)edu/owl/resource/545/1/ 10

Concept in the Theological literature – distillation of the entire first paper; briefly trace the history of the concept; synthesize the key elements (3-4 pages)

Description, analysis, rigor, clarity 30

Concept in the Nursing literature – distillation of the entire 2nd paper; briefly trace the history of the concept; synthesize synthesize the key elements ( 3-4 pages) Description, analysis, rigor, clarity 30

Concept: bring the nursing and theological literature together in a synthesis; compare and contrast definitions and understandings of your concept; bring it into today’s world and apply it in clinical practice Description, analysis, rigor, clarity 40

Conclusion – wrap up the paper & revisit the thesis; give final definition of concept 10

Text Mechanics

Adequacy of references, proper citation with page #s for quotes 10

APA Format for Title page, Headings, Citations, & References 10

Paragraph form/Grammar/Spelling/Punctuation/Form/Logical Flow of ideas 10

Total 150

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Nursing & Theology Literature and Applying Concept Encourage in Nursing Practice
Due Date
Nursing & Theology Literature and Applying Concept Encourage in Nursing Practice
The term encourage is used in many instances as a doing word or to describe an action of a person trying to uplift another. Further, the definitions of the term from various dictionaries happen to reinforce this idea. The Oxford English Dictionary (OED) defines the term encourage as “giving someone hope, support, or courage.” Even from this definition, the word appears to be an act that is directed to someone. Further, encouragement can also mean the act of persuading someone to do something. For the latter definition or understanding of the term, encouragement is being used to showcase the act of someone being short of confidence or the will to do something. In whichever case, two people or figures are involved in the act of encouragement. Often, encouragement is associated with spirituality or religion, whereby believers are inspired or encouraged to continue their walk of faith. The idea here is that encouraging people will help them to maintain and sustain tribulations as they journey in their faith. On the other hand, it can also be a term that speaks to the hearts of people in a hospital setting. For example, in nursing, the term encouragement mainly often entails the idea of nurses trying to help patients continue fighting. Within this setting, it is a term that denotes building or enhancing one’s desire to continue the fight against whichever condition one could be suffering from. In this paper, the goal will be to synthesize the understanding of encouragement from a spiritual standpoint and from a nursing standpoint. Here, comparisons will be made regarding how the term is used in the spiritual or theological realm and in the nursing profession. Finally, the paper will provide an analysis of the term encouragement with an emphasis on how it is used today while also showcasing its application in clinical practice.
Concept in the Theological Literature
The word encourage has many meanings, and even from a theological standpoint, it appears to attract different understandings and interpretations. However, one of the most prevalent understandings or ideas of the word encourage, especially from a theological standpoint, is that it seeks to encourage spiritual commitment to one’s faith. In one’s faith, there are numerous challenges and hardships that one faces, however, encouragement happens to be the one common term that is used to help people avoid despair and continue their walk of faith. For Christians, encourage is a term that was well captured through the life of Jesus Christ. Though a man of values and with no blemish or sin, Jesus found himself having to answer for crimes he never committed and from accusers whose anger came from Jesus’ successful mission to save souls. According to Gobble (2021), the utterance “Eloi Eloi Lama Sabachthani” from Jesus just before he died aptly exemplifies the concept of encouragement within the spiritual or theological realm. In this particular instance, Jesus was suffering, and even in his suffering, he saw it fit to still encourage believers. Gobble believes that these words were Jesus’ way of making a final plea for the people to repent and be reconciled with God.
From Jesus’ crucifixion, the idea of encourage being a word that moves people to hope and to have faith even in times of trouble is clearly captured. Jesus was on a journey whose end was inevitable. Throughout his life, he knew that his death would be painful and that he would have to be ashamed of the sins of mankind. However, despite knowing all this and the betrayal, he was to suffer at the hands of friends and people he considered family, but his trust in God and in the mission did not waiver. Throughout his life, he maintained resilient obedience to God and trusted that everything would work out for good, especially if he kept on with the journey. To Christians, there is no better person who exemplifies the idea of the term encourage than Jesus Christ. Williams & Thomson (2022) aptly note that encouragement is exemplified in the fight to continue with one’s spiritual journey despite hardships. Jesus lived such a life, and as faithful believers, Christians ought to understand that trials, tribulations, and betrayals will come, but one must be encouraged to keep on with their journey.
Another crucial element of encouragement from a spiritual or theological standpoint is that it resembles an effort to give people hope. Hope can be described using words such as faith, optimism, confidence, anticipation, and expectation. In all these words, there is a sense of inspiration and belief that things will get better. For Christians, this could mean believing that things will eventually get better. The suffering and tribulations could be hurtful, but in the end, things will work out for the best. The goal should be to follow in the footsteps of Christ, so Christians ought to respond to any calls of despair and challenges with a permanent retreat in Christ (Lamb, 2018). In John 16:33, while speaking to his followers, Jesus encouraged them by saying, “I have told you these things so that in me you may have peace. In this world, you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.” These words from Jesus himself are indeed an effort to give Christians hope. There is no denouncement of trials and tribulations, but there is a confirmation that Christ is with everyone who is fighting the good fight of faith.
The other crucial element of encouragement that is often misconstrued or misunderstood is that encouragement is for everyone. Often and especially in religious coffers, encouragement is often sold as a concept that is only for those who are hopeless and in lower positions in society. It is a term that can only apply to people who are about to give up or have lost their way. However, encouragement is for every person regardless of position in society and status. Everyone needs spiritual nourishment, especially religious leaders, who are often seen as people who have everything they need in life. Williams and Thomson (2022) indicate that all leaders, including religious leaders, need internal and external encouragement to help them lead their congregations. The shallow usage of the term and misconceptions that have been encouraged thus far happen to reinforce the flawed understanding and usage of the word encourage. However, regardless of the above, there is a widespread understanding that encouragement is crucial for people’s spiritual well-being and spirituality. Therefore, it should not be misconstrued to be a concept that is only meant for a few select people; rather, it is a concept that is meant for everyone.
One thing that appears to be a constant with regard to the term encouragement from a theological standpoint is its relationship with people’s spiritual well-being. Spiritual well-being can be explained to mean a people’s sense of purpose or meaning in life. To find one’s purpose or meaning in life, one needs a connection to something, and to some people, this can entail a connection to culture, community, values, or religion. To Christians, the sense of purpose is derived from one’s connection to Christ and the Christian faith. However, from time to time, it is possible to lose one’s standing in the acquired meaning or purpose of life. Therefore, people need to be inspired and encouraged to continue the fight or walk of faith. Rahmat et al. (2022) speak on the aspect of people being encouraged to find their purpose in life and focusing on beliefs deemed truthful. For Christians, these beliefs are closely tied to Christ and following in his example. In finding purpose, people find themselves, and growth happens, which incidentally leads to the enhancement of one’s well-being. Lifshitz et al. (2018) offer an example by noting that something as mundane as caring for the elderly can, in the end, transform a person and lead them to their purpose in life. Therefore, encouragement yields spiritual well-being, and one’s spiritual well-being brings about stability culminating in a better life. Further, with well-being being a term that is associated with different aspects of human life, the term encouragement can be said to be an everyday element or term. Klausli and Gross (2021) echo the sentiments above as they provide readers with a correlation between marriage and spirituality. Other aspects, for example, indulgence in certain habits like alcohol intake and substance abuse, can also be kept in check, especially if someone is working on their spirituality. Therefore, encouragement and its correlation with spirituality and well-being can serve as a crucial tool that encourages people to make better choices and decisions.
Concept in the Nursing Literature
History of the Concept of Encourage
The concept of encouragement in nurses traces its origin in the origins of the nursing profession in the 19th century. Historians credit Florence Nightingale as the founder of modern nursing (McDonald, 2020). At the time, the idea of women nurses was unheard of, and Nightingale saw an opportunity for females to participate in care. She believed that women could utilize their education and scientific know-how to improve patient care. This took place in 1854 during the Crimean War when the British government requested Nightingale’s assistance at the military hospital facility in Turkey. When Nightingale arrived at the facility, the mortality rate of the British soldiers fell drastically. Because of Nightingale’s efforts, the Western world recognized the essence of dignity and the value of educated nurses. Nightingale’s efforts helped solidify nursing as a profession. In America, the evolution of the nursing profession accelerated during the American Civil War. As fighting continued, wives or mistresses of the soldiers tended to the sick troops. Volunteer nursing helped save a substantial number of lives. As a result, women shaped the public perception of nursing as a profession. They demonstrated that nurses were an important component of the healthcare system. Because of their efforts, patients got the best care possible.
As nursing grew and gained recognition as a profession, so did the concept of nursing become more rooted in the field. One prominent evolution that boosted the concept of nursing was the formalization of education. The first training programs started in the late 19th century. Here, learners received instruction in exchange for facing the sick. Because of the training, nurses made healthcare facilities more humane for patients. Because of the extensive training, nurses started appreciating the importance of doing everything possible to improve the health outcome of the patients. In the 1950s, US psychologist Carl Rogers coined the term “patient-centered care.” Under patient-centered care, patients could actively participate in the treatment process in close cooperation with their health professionals (Catalyst, 2017). While the idea of patient-centered care is not directly related to the concept of encourage, it accelerated the idea of allowing clients to gain some control over the treatment process. Nurses recognized that by encouraging patients, they were allowing them to participate in self-management activities.
Key Elements
Research on the concept of encourage does not yield a direct analysis of the idea from a nursing perspective. However, literature exists on the use of encouragement to keep clients in high spirits and help them fight on. Encourage in nursing literature occurs majorly when focusing on nurses caring for chronically ill patients. Yousefi, Ziaee, and Golshiri (2019) demonstrate the important role of nurses in encouraging clients to continue fighting against chronic illnesses. The researchers note that encouraging patients with chronic illnesses prolongs their lives and allows them to participate in the care process. Griffin (2017) reinforces the same concept by highlighting the critical role of nurses in managing chronic diseases. However, the nurses do not demonstrate how the concept of encourage works for chronic patients. They emphasize that nurses must encourage their patients for better health outcomes. Nonetheless, their contribution is instrumental in appreciating chronically ill patients.
Motamed-Jahromi, Fereidouni, and Dehghan (2017) demonstrate the link between encourage and a positive outlook for patients. Indeed, a positive outlook is instrumental in how patients view the illness and how to overcome it. In the research, the investigators demonstrate that encouragement induces positive thinking and the capabilities of patients toward their path to healthy living. Here, nurses build up a fighting spirit in their clients, which prolongs their fight. Stubbe (2020) links the concept of encourage with mental and emotional wellbeing. The researcher notes that healthcare should consider the mental wellbeing of patients. Dunne et al. (2021) affirm this position by demonstrating that nurses have been instrumental in encouraging people to fight mental illness. Nurses encourage patients to speak out about their issues and engage in physical activity to enhance their mental capabilities.
The literature demonstrates that encourage depends largely on the patient’s beliefs, values, and wishes. Encouraging patients is not successful if it does not consider their worldview. Villanueva et al. (2020) emphasize the need for nurses to understand the social values of their clients. Encouragement must align with what the client beliefs to be possible and true. In essence, Villanueva et al. (2020) indicate that the success of encouraging patients depends largely on how it links to their current situation. Elizabeth, Scott, and Sarah (2020) emphasizes that encouragement must make a connection between what nurses say and the patient’s experiences. Indeed, encouragement works better when patients can relate to what nurses say. When clients are convinced that they can get well, encouragement becomes more effective.
Encouraging patients is critical in care. Baczewska et al. (2022) indicate that patients with adverse medical conditions are more likely to give up on their health situation. In such a case, the researcher underscores the value of encouraging patients. Patients at advanced stages of illness can easily give up and stop adhering to the proposed treatment plan. Fernandez-Lazaro and others (2019) support this by indicating that patients who adhere to their treatment plans have better outcomes than those who do not. With this in mind, nurses must demonstrate that adherence to treatment plans can improve conditions (Vaismoradi et al., 2020). Indeed, illness is a tough time, and patients are more vulnerable to despair, which results in abandoning treatment plans as they expect the worst. However, Alena (2020) demonstrates that patients with a higher level of hope demonstrate a better adaptation. Such clients are less likely to experience stress due to their sickness. Because of this, the clients will maintain a positive outlook on their condition.
The concept of encourage is instrumental in allowing clients to take charge of their health. Nurses are the primary care providers; hence, they are better placed to encourage their clients to participate in the process (Molina-Mula & Gallo-Estrada, 2020). Prolonged illness can weaken patients' resolve to make an effort to improve (Schiavon et al., 2017). Encouraging patients can give them success stories about other patients who were in the same condition and recovered (Molina-Mula & Gallo-Estrada, 2020). Such a move clears negativity in the mind of ...
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