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3 pages/≈825 words
Health, Medicine, Nursing
English (U.S.)
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Nursing Shortage and its Impact in Health Care

Essay Instructions:

This paper is designed to introduce the nursing student to the professional role or a nursing policy issue. In this assignment, you will have the opportunity to experience a Professional Nursing Meeting, Hospital Committee Meeting or visit and interview a local political leader/nursing leader to discuss a relevant topic that the professional nursing community is facing.

Please make this a meaningful experience and bring back information we can all benefit from. The paper should provide a robust explanation of your topic and reflect an evaluation of the meeting.

Some items to consider addressing in the paper:

The purpose of the paper.

The meetings objectives

The audience’s engagement/participation.

The presentation or educational component/organizational component.

What did you learn from the meeting or conversation?

What is the follow-up or the final outcome or benefit?

Is there a need to continue to attend these meetings?

My Interviewer spoke about the shortage in the hospital. you can talk about how the nursing shortage impact nurses and patient on the paper. and what is the hospital doing to improve new strategy

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Nursing Shortage Impact the Health Care
Institutional Affiliation
Nursing Shortage Impacts the Healthcare
With about 29 million nurses globally, nursing plays a critical role in healthcare systems and is a prime part of the entire healthcare profession (Ghafoor et al., 2021). The WHO estimates that there are 3.9 million nurses in the United States, and the American Nurses Association (ANA) projects that there will be more registered nurse jobs available throughout 2022 compared to any other profession in the country (Haddad et al., 2022). Nursing shortage impacts patient care and a country’s healthcare system, which results in a decline in the health of populations. In particular, it results in medical errors and higher morbidity and mortality rates (Haddad et al., 2022). This paper aims to discuss the nursing shortage and how it impacts nurses, patients, and the overall healthcare system. Besides, hospitals with low nurse-to-patient ratios have increased nurse burnouts and job dissatisfaction as compared to those with higher nurse-to-patient ratios. To understand the breadth of this challenge, I interviewed a nursing leader on observations about the shortage of nurses in their hospital and what they were doing to improve the situation. My interviewee provided important responses that could help in reducing the challenges in the nursing profession in the future. The purpose of our meeting with the nurse leader was to discuss the causes of the nursing shortage, strategies that their hospital was employing to deal with the problem, nurse recruitment tactics, and the issue of vaccine mandate and baby boomers in the country. Low pay and high patient-to-nurse ratios are also affecting most hospitals globally, and these factors impact job satisfaction and patient care. However, my interviewee was optimistic that with the new strategies, the hospital anticipates improvements in the next 5 years. This paper presents insights from the conversation and the lessons learned from the meeting.
In combating the issue of the nursing shortage, hospitals have different strategies for recruiting more nurses to increase the nurse-to-patient ratios. My interviewee informed me that their hospital uses advertisements, commercials, and career days where managers hold interviews at least once a month. The hospital is concerned about the issue, and they are talking to nurses to improve the situation in the next 5 years. In particular, the hospital management asks nurses what they would like to be done to improve nursing job satisfaction and overall patient care. Since the beginning of 2022, when the hospital began with the new strategy of improving nursing, they have seen improvements where nurses freely speak up, and with the conduction of a stay conversation, the strategy has...
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