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Nursing, peer-reviewed concept analysis article. Understanding Concept Analysis

Essay Instructions:

Select a peer-reviewed concept analysis article of your choice and write a response of 1,000–1,250 words. Use the following guidelines:

Include an introduction.

Describe the method of analysis, using the article and Chapter 3 of Theoretical Basis for Nursing.

Describe the steps of process and the results for each step.

Apply the concept to a practice situation.

Include a conclusion.

Prepare this assignment according to guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.

This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.

Rubix: 1. Introduction-Introduction is comprehensive; the reader knows exactly what to expect.

2. Description of method, steps in process, and results using the chosen article and chapter 3 of

the textbook. Thoroughly presents all of the information to portray a clear chronology as well

as richness of detail.

3. Application to Practice, Thoroughly presents the application to practice with rich detail and

supporting arguments.

4. Conclusion-Conclusion is comprehensive and paints a clear picture of the application concept

to practice.

5. Thesis Development and Purpose-Thesis and/or main claim are comprehensive. The essence

of the paper is contained within the thesis. Thesis statement makes the purpose of the paper


6. Argument Logic and Construction- Clear and convincing argument that presents a persuasive

claim in a distinctive and compelling manner. All sources are authoritative.

7. Writer is clearly in command of standard, written, academic English. Writer is clearly in

command of standard, written, academic English.

8. Paper Format (Use of appropriate style for the major and assignment)-All format elements are

correct. APA

9. Research citations- In-text citations and a reference page are complete and correct. The

documentation of cited sources is free of error. In-text citations and a reference page are

complete and correct. The documentation of cited sources is free of error.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Nursing, Peer-Reviewed Concept Analysis Article
Student Name
Institution Affiliation
Liu, Y., Avant, K., Aungsuroch, Y., Zhang, X. and Jiang, P. (2014). Patient outcomes in the field of nursing: A concept analysis. International Journal of Nursing Sciences, 1(1), pp.69-74.
The provision of good and effective health care is one of the fundamental codes of ethics that guides the nurses and health care providers in the course of carrying out their duties. Nurses and health care institutions are evaluated and appraised regularly in consideration to their ability to provide care to the patients in a perfect and satisfactory manner and as a result patient outcomes serves as one of the key performance indicators in the nursing profession. Patient outcomes in nursing generally refer to the effective recovery or lack thereof observed or measured in a patient after the provision of care in the course of their treatment. The aforementioned definition on patient outcomes is however not exhaustive as there are various definitions of the same by different scholars and medical practitioners who have also written comprehensive articles on the same. Nonetheless, it is widely believed that the concept of patient outcomes can be attributed to the renowned nurse Florence Nightingale who on a thorough examination of the unsanitary conditions found in health care facilities at the time significantly improved the hygiene levels leading to a considerable decrease in the mortality rates. More so, her belief that highly trained nurses had a direct impact on patient outcomes was integral in the transformation of the nursing profession. The essay examines and analyzes the concept of patient outcomes as evidenced in the nursing profession using Liu et. al (2014) article on “Patient outcomes in the field of nursing: A concept analysis.” .
Understanding Concept Analysis
Concept analysis has been at the center of the development of most of the theories in nursing through the unification of the similarities and differences found in various concepts and the eventual identification of an operational definition of the unified concept. Nuopponen notes on the benefits of concept analysis and states “The purpose of concept analysis is to get rid of vagueness around a concept and to produce clarity with regards to concepts and terminology” (Nuopponen, 2010). The Walker and Avant method of concept analysis has been widely used to produce clarity regarding ambiguousness in nursing concepts with the aim of establishing a uniform operational definition. Examples of these nursing concepts that require uniformity in their understanding include concept of eHealth, patient advocacy and the concept of patient outcomes among others.
Concept of Patient Outcomes
The concept of patient outcomes has gained significant traction over the years with both private and public health care facilities using it as a central measure for the evaluation of quality health care, making clinical decisions and to establish improvement areas in health care provision. These benefits combined with the different definitions on patient outcomes have made the concept more ambiguous and complex to analyze. However, articles such as Patient outcomes in the field of nursing: A concept analysis, provide deeper and better understanding of the concept and its attributes. The article offers key analysis on the concept of patient outcomes based on the ideas of different medical experts. It however emphasizes on The Walker and Avant method in its concept analysis approach in order to create a balance regarding the whole concept regardless of the different definitions (Liu et al., 2014).
The Walker and Avant concept analysis approach method utilizes an eight-step process in efforts to establish validity in a nursing concept and the theories behind it. The first step involves the selection of a concept which in this case regards to the concept of patient outcomes. Secondly, it’s to determine the significance of the concept analysis on patient outcomes. The purpose of the concept analysis is to clarify on the idea of patient outcomes as regarded by the different practitioners in the nursing practice and hence provide a common language in reference to the concept. The third step in the concept analysis method is the identification of all the uses regarding the concept of patient outcomes. The concept is beneficial to the nurses and nursing practice as it helps the health care givers to gauge and evaluate the standards of their services based o...
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