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Nursing Review Committees: Frequency and Compositions and Functions

Essay Instructions:



Write a 5-7 page (the page limit does not include title and reference pages) essay addressing each of the following points/questions.

Prepare your document using the APA 7th edition format, using the 12-point Times New Roman font and formatted with one-inch margins.

Be sure to completely answer all the questions for each bullet point. There should be six sections, one for each bullet below.

Separate each section in your paper with a clear heading that allows your professor to know which bullet you are addressing in that section of your paper. The headings should follow APA format. This is a guide to formulating headings in APA format: https://owl(dot)english(dot)purdue(dot)edu/owl/resource/560/16/

Support your ideas with at least three (3) citations other than your textbook (you may also cite your textbook = 4 citations minimum) in your essay.

Make sure to reference the citations using the APA writing style for the essay.

The cover page and reference page do not count towards the minimum word amount.

You will need Microsoft Word or a compatible word processing application to complete this assignment.

Save your work as " Firstinitial.lastname-coursenumber-modulenumber" in the .doc or .docx file format, e.g. J.Smith-N000-1.docx.


Describe the frequency and composition of Review Committees.

What are the functions of a Nursing Review Committee?

Describe the guidelines for critiquing the ethical aspects of a study.

What are your thoughts regarding these guidelines.

Are they necessary?

Why or why not?

What are the levels of reviews by the Institutional Review Boards (IRBs)?

Explain the different levels.

Are you familiar with IRBs?

Do you have an IRB at your institution?

How do they function?

How often do they meet?

What is an informed consent?

What are the general requirements for an informed consent?

Review one of the website below. Describe an ethical concern and how it is or was addressed by the organization:

The International Council of Nurses' (ICN) The ICN Code of Ethics for Nurses (2012)

American Nurses Association's (ANA) ANA Position Statements on Ethics and Human Rights

ANA's Code of Ethics for Nurses

Steneck, N. (2007). ORI introduction to the responsible conduct of research. Washington, D.C.: US Government Printing Office.

The Hastings Center web site

The Hastings Center's Bioethics Forum

Office for Human Research Protections (OHRP)

Office for Human Research Protections (OHRP) IRB guidebook

U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs, Human Subjects Protection

Collaborative Institutional Training Initiative (CITI)

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Nursing Review Committees
Student’s Name
Course Title
Institutional Affiliation
Frequency and Composition of Review Committees.
Each research review board has a panel of people chosen from a variety of backgrounds by the head of the institution or institution to ensure that the institution or institution's regular human research work is competent, complete, and professional. A minimum of 5 members is required. Subject rights and welfare must be protected by a board of mature and experienced members (Stievano & Tschudin, 2019). The Review Board consists of the Assistant Director of Clinical Operations, Training Director, and Program Director. The board meets once a month to review progress and suggest program changes.
The members of the committee are responsible for the management and the overall operation of the program. Their mandate includes curriculum development and implementation, teacher selection and assignment, and resident care (Stievano & Tschudin, 2019). Training Managers are responsible for developing and implementing training programs. These include didactic hands-on clinical experience, simulation training, lectures among others. The Associate Director of Clinical Affairs is responsible for providing evaluating clinical performance, overseeing clinical care, and clinical education to resident (Stievano & Tschudin, 2019). For instance, the Associate Director of Clinical Affairs oversees a resident's clinical education, ensures that the resident is providing quality patient care, and evaluates the resident's clinical performance.
Functions of a Nursing Review Committee
Nursing review boards are professional groups that evaluate nursing and make recommendations for improvement. The Commission can also make recommendations to improve nurses' working conditions and educate and train new nurses. Their functions are:
Nursing standards-setting and maintenance: Nursing review boards are tasked with the role to come up and maintain the standards of the care offered to the patients. This involves making sure that caregivers have attained the required qualifications and have the necessary skills to provide safe and effective care (de Brito & de Oliveira Santa Rosa, 2019).
Assessment of Nursing Candidate Skills: Nursing review boards take care to assess the skills of nursing candidates. This also ensures that candidates have the essential skills and competencies to become confident and confident nurses.
Oversight of Nursing Staff Enforcement: Nursing audit committees can be relied upon to review nursing staff performance. Provide safe and successful care that meets the measures set by the Commission.
Investigation of complaints against physician assistants: Nursing audit boards can be relied upon in investigating complaints against health care providers (de Brito & de Oliveira Santa Rosa, 2019). This includes investigating the genuineness of the complaint and, where strictly necessary, taking disciplinary action against the caregiver concerned.
Disciplining of nursing staff: Nursing audit committees can educate nurses. This may involve taking disciplinary measures against members of the nursing staff who undermine measures put in place by the Commission.
Guidelines for Critiquing the Ethical Aspects of a Study
The guidelines include the following;
1. Research must have definite and clear objectives to ensure that the data is collected in a responsible and ethical manner. For instance, research investigating the efficacy of new drugs to treat depression requires clear and defined objectives so that the research is conducted in an ethical and responsible manner (de Brito & de Oliveira Santa Rosa, 2019).
2. Thoughtful planning should minimize potential hazards to members to ensure their safety and well-being. In this case, consideration should be given to using sham treatment administration to downplay potential hazards to participants.
3. Informed consent must be offered by every member of the board to acknowledge that they know the benefits and risks involved in learning and that they have the right to stop thinking at any time (Stievano & Tschudin, 2019). For example, all members should be educated about the possible side effects of medications and should have the right to stop thinking at any time.
4. Participant confidentiality and security must be maintained to protect the participant's beliefs and respect. In some cases, surveys must use secure databases to ensure participant privacy (de Brito & de Oliveira Santa Rosa, 2019).
5. The information collected at the time of inquiry is used for the purposes described in the Requests Terms to ensure that requests are carried out and ethically (de Brito & de Oliveira Santa Rosa, 2019). For example, the commission prohibits the usage of information for commercial purposes.
Thoughts regarding these Guidelines
The rules outlined are essential to ensure that requests are made ethically and reliably. We acknowledge that all considerations must be well-founded to ensure that an investigation takes place. Furthermore, to ensure our members' safety and health, we need a mindset that minimizes potential dangers to our members. In order to ensure that they are aware of the benefits and risks associated with the consideration that they may withdraw from the study at any time, I also agree that informed consent must be obtained from all members. Finally, it is necessary to protect the privacy of our all members in order to enhance their respect and faith in the program. These rules are essential to ensure that investigations are conducted in a moral and careful manner.
Levels of Reviews by the Institutional Review Boards (IRBs)
The Institutional review Board (IRB) is made up of three levels: Accelerated audits, Completion surveys, and Full board surveys. The full-board interview is the primary level of testing and is required for all studies involving human subjects who are not eligible for priority or exclusion interviews. The Board's full powers of scrutiny are designed to ensure that treaty investigations are moral and comply with all reasonable directives to ensure that the benefits and risks of research are well reviewed beforehand. They are also mandated to determine whether research is likely and feasible to yield valuable outcomes. Another role is to detect possible problems with planning requests. Poorchangizi (2019) argues that this also provides direction and suggestions for further research of the practice.
Accelerated research is a simpler technique that can be used for certain kinds of queries that involve very small probabilities for human subjects. Rapid reviews save time and resources comp...
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