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Nursing Evidence-Based Practice: Recent Clinical Experience

Essay Instructions:

Discussion: Nursing Research and Evidence-Based Practice

In your practice as a nurse, you may use procedures and methods that did not necessarily originate in evidence, but instead were derived from informal and unwritten conventions, traditions, and observations. While these techniques may have merit, practices are constantly being updated and contradicted by information from scholarly research studies and professional guidelines. This new information serves as “evidence” for revising practices to improve outcomes across health care. 
Based on this evidence, you can formulate a question. In this Discussion, you consider the use of evidence-based practice in your own organization and formulate a question that you will need to answer for your portfolio project. This is called a PICOT question. You will also investigate strategies for overcoming barriers to implementing evidence-based practice (EBP).
To prepare:
•Consider a recent clinical experience in which you were providing care for a patient.
•Determine the extent to which the care that you provided was based on evidence and research findings or supported only by your organization’s standard procedures. How do you know if the tasks were based on research?
•What questions have you thought about in a particular area of care such as a procedure or policy?
•Review Chapter 2, pages 31–34 on “Asking Well worded Clinical Questions” in Polit & Beck and consult the resource from the Walden Student Center for Success: Clinical Question Anatomy & examples of PICOT questions (found in this week’s Learning Resources). Formulate your background questions and PICOT question.
•Reflect on the barriers that might inhibit the implementation of evidence-based practice in your clinical environment.
•Review the article “Adopting Evidence-Based Practice in Clinical Decision Making” in this week’s Learning Resources. Select one of the barriers described that is evident in your organization and formulate a plan for overcoming this barrier. 
Write an evaluation of the use, or lack thereof, of EBP in a recent clinical experience. Identify which aspects of the care delivered, if any, were based on evidence and provide your rationale. List your background questions and PICOT question about this nursing research topic. Critique how the policies, procedures, and culture in your organization may hinder or support the adoption of evidence-based practices. Identify the barrier you selected from the article and explain how this barrier could be overcome within your organization.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Institutional Affiliation:
Evidenced Based Practice
Recent Clinical Experience
Major depressive disorder (MDD) is considered as one of the recurrent, impairing, and common conditions that predicts the attempts of suicide, substance abuse, interpersonal problems, unemployment, and delinquency. The diagnosis and management of this disease among adolescents in America remains a health concern that affects the health industry (Davies, 2011). In one of my recent experiences, I had the opportunity of providing care to adolescents and adults who experienced MDD. In practice, I was able to note the effectiveness of the Cognitive Behavioral Analysis System of Psychotherapy (CBASP) that was used on the psychological treatment for MDD.
CBASP remains an effective treatment processes developed in the management of MDD among the adolescents. In this case, the client who is chronically depressed for a period of two years is taken through the process of CBASP treatment. The first phase of the process starts when the care provider obtained the patient’s psychiatric history, an aspect that was followed with the collection of interpersonal history (Davies, 2011). Next, the care-giver provided a situational analysis that aided in establishing past situations, with the aim of determining the patient’s copying strategies that would be incorporated in the process. The inclusion of a situational analysis in the process critically helps the patient to establish effective approaches of copying with some of the stressors and increase the patient’s capacity to increase their self-efficacy in such cases. This evidence-based process enabled the patients to cope with their situations effectively.
The Extent to Which the Care Provided Was Based On Evidence and Research Findings
As determined by Polit & Beck (2012), the element of evidence-based practice (EBP’s) remains a treatment approach that is academically and scientifically researched, proven effective, and replicated in more than a single investigation. In the application of the CBASP method in managing depression among the adolescent population clearly proves the extent to which the care provided was critically based on EBP (pp.65). This lies in the fact that the model integrated some of the proven and medically researched evidences in consideration of an individual patient’s values and the clinical experienced of providers. In other words, the process was directed towards making treatment effective for the patients through the inclusion of research and scientifically proven approaches.
Questions in a Particular Area of Care
In establishing the procedures that would be implemented in the process of using this approach in care, it is important to determine that as a care provider, there is need to establish a guideline that would be incorporated in the process (Polit, & Beck, 2012). Some of the questions that would be detailed in the process include:
1 How would the pati...
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