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Nursing Policy Changes in New Jersey: Affordable Care Act

Essay Instructions:

The IOM Future of Nursing report calls for an increase in leadership from nurses at all levels. One way nurses demonstrate their role as a leader, is through public policy change. A leader does not always carry an official title or position, but demonstrates leadership through the work and the stance the leader takes to make a change for the good of others. Nurses have been noted by the Gallop poll year after year as the most trusted professionals.
This assignment requires thought about a public policy that is needed or needs to be changed that relates to nursing, health care, or the public. Policy changes can occur by working with members of your legislature, and state or national nurses associations, to introduce a new bill and/or change to a current law in your state or federal government.
Examples of public policy includes any component of the current legislation governing health care, Medicare Part D, Medicaid, nursing regulation, medication technicians, etc.

In 750-1,000 words, propose a health policy change (that is currently a bill, a law, or may not exist at all) at the state or federal level that you believe needs to change and why.
The policy must not be a clinical care policy for individual care. The policy involved may include public or community health, legislative or regulatory, professional organization (nursing-oriented), advanced nursing practice, health plan, or hospital plan.
Include a specific section for the exact wording for the bill or change in wording of the law.
Include the plan for the implementation of your policy development, to lobbying for passage, to next steps after passage.
Discuss who would be the champion for the bill/law change from your state advocates (legislators, federal legislators, local or national state nursing organizations). Are these individuals also influential in making changes occur? Did you vote for the individual in office that you want to help you make this change?

Review different pieces of legislation for ideas on wording.
Visit your state’s legislative governmental affairs website site to understand the process your policy change could take if you wanted to introduce to into legislation.
Prepare this assignment according to the APA guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.

This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.
You are required to submit this assignment to Turnitin. Please refer to the directions in the Student Success Center.
Please Note: Assignment will not be submitted to the faculty member until the "Submit" button under "Final Submission" is clicked.

I live in the State of New Jersey so please check the New Jersey State website for the wording.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Nursing Policy Change: Affordable Health Care Act
Students’ Name
Institutional Affiliation

Policy change is very critical in creating an effective healthcare system provided by the nurses. The nurses are mandated with managerial, administrative and supervisory duties and all these responsibilities require sufficient leadership skills. Therefore, the policies guiding nursing profession should be adequately addressed in order to meet the modern healthcare needs among the nursing profession. The policy change in the nursing profession involves working closely with the legislature members, state and national nurses associations and the introduction of new bills or change of the current laws in the state or the federal government (American Nephrology Nurses Association, 2016).
Affordable Care Act
In New Jersey, there needs to be massive structural changes in the healthcare sector so as to increase the number of insured residents. The Affordable Care Act and the Medicaid are the policies that need to be changed in order to cater for the long-term services. The residents, state, legislative and the federal government have decided to develop policy changes in the healthcare in order to coordinate and deliver healthcare services to the residents of New Jersey. The stakeholders in the healthcare sector in New Jersey such as; local community leaders, nurses, locals and other medics should design a policy that will help coordinate healthcare delivery to low-income residents as well as other major changes in Medicaid (American Nephrology Nurses Association, 2016).
Reasons as to why this Policy needs to be put in place.
The increase in the cost of healthcare in New Jersey State has led to the need to introduce changes to the Affordable Care Act with an aim of providing quality healthcare services to the low-income residents. The low-income residents of New Jersey need to be given affordable, quality healthcare services through formulating policies that will increase the number of insured residents. The policy will protect lower-income residents in New Jersey from increasing healthcare costs and high medical bills through the proposed legislation (Mack, 2016).
The Exact Wording of the Bill
In New Jersey State, all proposed changes in policies take the recommended steps as the bill becomes into effective law. The main aim of the changes in the Affordable Care Act and the Medicaid is to design a healthcare policy that will make healthcare affordable to the low-income residents. All the stakeholders involved in the policy change should be in a position to establish the effectiveness of the changes introduced in the Affordable Care Act and the introduction of Medicaid. Therefore, after establishing the effectiveness of the policy changes the legal policy needs to be drafted (Mack, 2016).
The bill introduced in the legislature to be amended to facilitate the changes in the Affordable Care Act policy should be given a title that is legally recognized in the constitution. All the contents that are to be changed needs to be clearly defined and the draft should contain various sections and sub-sections. The bill should also indicate the exact date when the bill will be effective such as from 1st April, 2018. The legislature as well as other stake holders involved in drafting the bill to facilitate changes needs to be adequately informed before the final draft of the bill is signed into law (Lloyd, 2011).
Plan for the implementation of the new policy development
The Affordable Care act and the Medicaid policies change came as a result formulatio...
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