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Nursing Phenomena in Healthcare

Essay Instructions:

1. List and describe three examples of nursing phenomena in healthcare or in your practice environment.

2. Discus the relevant of one of the phenomena to nursing practice and the implication to patients' outcomes.

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Nursing Phenomena in Healthcare
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Nursing Phenomena in Healthcare
Nursing phenomena are the experiences or related experiences that influence health status and are significantly relevant to nursing practice. An example of a nursing phenomenon is burnout, a common nursing phenomenon usually characterized by a decline in a nurse's energy level (Mudallal et al., 2017). According to Mudallal et al. (2017), burnout nurses usually show mental and emotional exhaustion, frustration, decreased motivation, and reduced work efficacy. Some common causes of burnout among nurses include value conflicts, a diminishing sense of community, a lack of resources, and work overload.
Another example of a nursing phenomenon is care coordination. It entails the intentional and practical organization of all activities around patient care, including sharing patient information among all participants, including health professionals (AHRQ, 2018). Care coordination aims to achieve and attain more practical and effective care. According to AHRQ (2018), care coordination enhances timely and effective communication among all the people taking care of the patient, promoting effective, safe, and appropriate care.
Another example of a nursing phenomenon is job satisfaction. It entails energetic and positive feelings among nurses due to effective working conditions that meet their distinct needs (Yasin et al., 2020). Job satisfaction is reciprocal with nurse performance; the more satisfied nurses are with their job, the better they perform. Consequently, the better the nurse's performance, the better nurse satisfaction. A satisfied nurse has minimal chances of burnout and turnover. All three nursing phenomena that have been discussed are relevant to nursing practice. However, a key focus is on care coordination and its implication for patients' outcomes.
Care coordination can be achieved using several approaches. These include both broad and specific approaches. Effective collaboration and teamwork and management of medication and nursing care are part of the broad approaches. On the other hand, effective communication and sharing of knowledge, needs assessment, having a proactive plan of care, and critical monitoring and follow-up, to mention a few are part of the specific approaches (Health Stream, 2021)...
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