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Critique of Studies: Nursing Home Patients and Pneumonia

Essay Instructions:

Follow the instructions provided in Critique of Research Studies Instructions. Prepare this assignment according to the APA guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. This assignment uses a grading rubric. Instructors will be using the rubric to grade the assignment; therefore, students should review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the assignment criteria and expectations for successful completion of the assignment. Please label Part 1, Part 2 and Part 3. ***Nursing Home Patients and Pneumonia*** using articles from previous papers Thank you

Critique of Research Studies Instructions


Complete a critique of the quantitative and qualitative articles that were submitted in Module 3.

This assignment will be completed in three parts. Refer to the information below as a guide to the information that should be included in each part.

Follow the guidelines for the quantitative and qualitative article critiques in Chapter 5, Box 5.2, pages 112-114 and Box 5.3, pages 115-117 of the textbook.

1) Utilize a central heading to indicate that what follows is the critique of the articles.

2) The side headings of the critique for each article should follow the headings in Box 5.2 and 5.3.

3) Note that within these BASIC guidelines, there are additional references to Detailed Critiquing Guidelines found in various boxes in chapters focused on the various elements of a research study report. Use these to expand the research study and to learn specific terminology appropriate to the critique of research.

When turning in the final submission, please put in the the following order: Quantitative Article Critique, Qualitative Article Critique, References (should include the two articles, the text, and any other additional sources).

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Quantitative and Qualitative Research Critique
Quantitative and Qualitative Research Critique
Research Critique Part 1
Quantitative Study
Aspect of the ReportCriteriaDescription of ways the study meets/does not meet criteriaTitleLength
Study population identified
Independent and dependent variables identified
OtherThe title is long enough to capture the entire objective of the study as per quantitative studies.
The title has clearly defined the study population making it ideal.
Both the independent and dependent variables are captured in the title as required by quantitative studies (Steen, et al. 2002).AbstractUse of headings
Concise description of study objectives or hypothesis
Easy to determine methods used
Results apparent
Conclusion lists clinical implications
Full description allows for evaluation of study without full textThe abstract has effectively employed the use of headings that guide the areas to be covered in the study as required quantitative research as required.
The study has given a clear description of the study objective to be used in the paper in consistency with quantitative research.
The study has adopted a clear method that is easy to follow and is therefore ideal for this kind of study.
The abstract clearly highlights the results of the study thus making it easy to see what is expected even before reading the article as per quantitative research guidelines.
The conclusion does not list the clinical implications of the study and instead only points out the reason for the study and this is not consistent with quantitative research.
The abstract gives a full description that point out the basis of the entire study without going through the entire text as dictated by quantitative research (Allwood, 2012). IntroductionFully describes background of research
Identifies author’s intentThe article has no noticeable introduction but instead writes the introductory information at the end of the abstract without any heading making it fail in the criteria (Allwood, 2012).Statement of the problemOriginal problem that inspired research is clear
Lack of previous evidence and need for new study or evidence review apparent
Significance to nursing is clear
Match between study design and identified problem (appropriate for quantitative study)The article has no definite statement of problem as dictated by quantitative research.
The research gap is well formulated in the study as required.
The significance that the study has on the nursing profession has not been well brought out as should be the case (Allwood, 2012).
There is a clear match between the study design and the problem under investigation thus fitting the description of a quantitative study. Hypothesis or research questionResearch question or hypothesis explicitly stated (or reason why not?)
Questions appropriately worded to identify key variables and study population
Questions consistent with literature review and conceptual frameworkThe study clearly lists its objective as trying to identify the factors associated with decisions on whether to withhold curative antibiotic treatment in patients with dementia.
There is a lack of well structured questions to guide the study as required by quantitative study.Literature reviewLiterature search focused on current, peer-reviewed information
Literature review synthesizes evidence
Literature review provides sound basis for new study or creation of new guidelineThe literature review has incorporated much information from peer-reviewed articles as required under quantitative study.
The literature review is shallow and does not therefore synthesize all the evidence as should be the case.
The literature review points out clearly the area of study that needs focus as is ideal (Allwood, 2012). Conceptual/ theoretical frameworkKey concepts identified
Conceptual/theoretical framework identified and appropriateThe study has no clear conceptual/theoretical frameworks as demanded under quantitative studies. Qualitative Study
Aspect of the ReportCriteriaDescription of ways the study meets/does not meet criteriaTitleLength
Study population identified
Independent and dependent variables identified
OtherThe length of the title is long enough.
The title clearly establishes resident and family members as the target population.
The title has identified both the independent and dependent variables i.e. pneumonia care and nursing home.
These aspects make the title ideal for a qualitative study (Carusone, Loeb, & Lohfeld, 2006).AbstractUse of headings
Concise description of study objectives or hypothesis
Easy to determine methods used
Results apparent
Conclusion lists clinical implications
Full description allows for evaluation of study without full textThe abstract has clearly used headings as required.
The abstract does not bring out the study objective in a clear manner and this makes it fall short of the criteria.
The study is descriptive as required under qualitative research.
The results of the study are well presented in the research as required.
The conclusion does not list any clinical implications and this is not ideal for qualitative studies.
The abstract does not offer an adequate description to make the study understandable without relying on the text and this is not the nature of qualitative studies. IntroductionFully describes background of research
Identifies author’s intentThe introduction gives a full background of the study in consistency with qualitative research.
The introduction has clearly identified the intention of the author as per the rule.Statement of the ProblemOriginal problem that inspired research is clear
Lack of previous evidence and need for new study or evidence review apparent
Significance to nursing is clear
Match between study design and identified problem (appropriate for qualitative study)There is a clear problem statement that defines the need for research as expected.
There is a lack of previous evidence and ...
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