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Nursing Education Practicum Documentation (N.E.P.D.) Goals Form

Essay Instructions:

Nursing Education Practicum Documentation (NEPD)

Goals Form

NUR-665E Nursing Education Practicum – Weeks 1 and 16

Directions: Complete the documentation form. The form will expand for as long as you type. You will be submitting this document in both Week 1 and Week 16. The top section is due Week 1 and the bottom section is due Week 16.

Overall Practicum Goals (Week 1)

Overall Practicum Goals: Use the S.M.A.R.T. goal format to create goals you have for your overall practicum experience. Be sure your goals are specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time bound (S.M.A.R.T. goals). Type your five practicum goals in the space below. Consider what you want to accomplish during this practicum course. You may choose to focus in on a specific aspect of nursing education or a variety of nursing education experiences within your selected practicum setting and population. Review these goals with your preceptor/mentor prior to submission or as soon as possible.






Evaluation of Overall Practicum Goals (Week 16)

Review the goals you wrote in Week 1 and write a reflection for each one of them. Include whether or not you met your goals and provide some detail about the process.






Example S.M.A.R.T. Goals:

Delete this example page prior to submitting this assignment.

S: I will develop a learning needs questionnaire and administer it to my students to assess their learning needs regarding my lesson plan topic.

M: My success with this goal will be measured by my preceptor/mentor's review/critique of my questionnaire, discussion of the results obtained, and self-reflection on the process and results

A: I can attain this goal during my practicum.

R: Learning needs are relevant to developing the lesson plan for students at my practicum site.

T: I will achieve this goal by X date.


Assessment Description

The "Nursing Education Practicum Documentation (NEPD) Forms" provide weekly, competency-based documentation of clinical practicum activities and are utilized by learners to communicate practicum experiences to course faculty. Be sure to read the instructions on the form for information on how to complete the assignment before you begin.

In your first NEPD form, complete the "Overall Practicum Goals (Week 1)" section of the "Nursing Education Practicum Documentation (NEPD) Goals Form" by writing the overall goals (S.M.A.R.T goals or objectives) for your practicum. You will re-address these goals in the second part of the form during Topic 16 to evaluate if they have been met.

When completing the "Nursing Education Practicum Documentation (NEPD) Goals Form," use the S.M.A.R.T. goal format to write goals you have for your overall practicum experience. Consider what you want to accomplish during this practicum experience. Keep your goals broad enough to cover everything that you would like to accomplish during your practicum experience. You may choose to focus on a specific aspect of nursing education or may choose to sample a variety of nursing education experiences within your selected practicum experience.

APA format is not required, but solid academic writing is expected.

This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.

You are not required to submit this assignment to LopesWrite.




Criteria Description

Five goals for the overall practicum experience.

5. Target

19 points

Five goals for the overall practicum experience are thorough and include all S.M.A.R.T. criteria.

4. Acceptable

17.48 points

Five goals for the overall practicum experience are detailed and include all S.M.A.R.T. criteria.

3. Approaching

16.72 points

Five goals for the overall practicum experience are present and include all S.M.A.R.T. criteria.

2. Insufficient

15.2 points

Five goals for the overall practicum experience are present, but do not include all S.M.A.R.T. criteria, lack detail, or are incomplete.

1. Unsatisfactory

0 points

Five goals for the overall practicum experience are not present.

collapse Mechanics of Writing assessment

Mechanics of Writing

1 points

Criteria Description

Includes spelling, capitalization, punctuation, grammar, language use, sentence structure, etc.

5. Target

1 points

No mechanical errors are present. Skilled control of language choice and sentence structure are used throughout.

4. Acceptable

0.92 points

Occasional mechanical errors are present. Language choice is generally appropriate. Varied sentence structure is attempted.

3. Approaching

0.88 points

Few mechanical errors are present. Suitable language choice and sentence structure are used.

2. Insufficient

0.8 points

Frequent and repetitive mechanical errors are present. Inconsistencies in language choice or sentence structure are recurrent.

1. Unsatisfactory

0 points

Errors in grammar or syntax are pervasive and impede meaning. Incorrect language choice or sentence structure errors are found throughout

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Nursing Education Practicum Documentation (N.E.P.D.) Goals Form
NUR-665E Nursing Education Practicum – Weeks 1 and 16
Directions: Complete the documentation form. The form will expand for as long as you type. You will be submitting this document in both Week 1 and Week 16. The top section is due Week 1 and the bottom section is due Week 16.
Overall Practicum Goals (Week 1)

Overall Practicum Goals: Use the S.M.A.R.T. goal format to create goals you have for your overall practicum experience. Be sure your goals are specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time bound (S.M.A.R.T. goals). Type your five practicum goals in the space below. Consider what you want to accomplish during this practicum course. You may choose to focus in on a specific aspect of nursing education or a variety of nursing education experiences within your selected practicum setting and population. Review these goals with your preceptor/mentor prior to submission or as soon as possible.
1. I will collaborate with other nurse educators. Joining the online nursing educator program will help me achieve my goal. Co-learners and I will cooperate on teaching methods and brainstorm innovative ways to engage students involved in their education during my weekly visits.
2. I will establish a relationship with each of my classmates from the beginning of the class date. The students will be free to ask me any questions about our course content. After class, I will be available for any colleagues' problems or questions. Several classmates will meet with me online each day to address personal issues. By the end of the first month of school, I will know the names of all of the students.
3. I will ensure every student in our class succeed. For each student, we will review our grades after the second exam. Every student who has a grade of C or higher on their most recent report card will have an appointment set with me. I will set up one-on-one mentoring sessions for each of those colleagues.
4. I will demonstrate a variety of learning approaches. By the end of the first week of class, I hope to have gathered student input and made any required modifications to the material. It is my goal to post a new learni...
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