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Nursing Education - Plan and Analysis

Essay Instructions:

Task: Prepare an abstract for your teaching program. An abstract of your teaching program is a summary written in a scholarly writing style that represents a clear picture of teaching program.

Purpose: The abstract should provide details on the purpose of your teaching program, the type of learning environment, the audience or learners at which your program is aimed, the objectives of your teaching program.

Format of Abstract:

The text of your abstract should be 150 to 250 word count (one page).

Must be typed, double spaced 12-point font with 1-inchmargins.

Correct grammar, spelling, and punctuation are expected.

Six components to include:

  1. Background and Purpose of teaching program.
  2. Learning theory informing the teaching program (your philosophy). Already written and attached.
  3. Audience at which teaching program is aimed (who are your learners).
  4. Type of learning environment.
  5. Teaching program objectives (outline the material you intend to cover).
  6. Types of teaching strategies.
Essay Sample Content Preview:

Nursing education- plan and analysis
Emad Alsahafi
HLN720 Clinical Education in Health
There is a need to improve competence for nurses working in Emergency Department on analyzing ECG rhythms, while also improving how they monitor patients. Since few nurses hold ACLS (Advanced Cardiac Life Support Course), the training will enable the participants to recognize and improve quality of care for arrhythmia patients. The cognitive theory was chosen as the most applicable for the training, while there was incorporation of social learning and behaviourists approaches. A clinical educator can improve compliance if they have self-efficacy and the social cognitive theory highlights on the need to improve perception about ability to achieve better performance (DeLisa et al., 2004). The chosen teaching philosophy is applicable in the nursing classroom, the computer lab in the training centre since the learning environments are suited for teaching sessions.
Purpose of the teaching session
There is a need for nurses to be more competent in analyzing ECG rhythm, the nurses working emergency Department (ED), will also be able to monitor patients in ED. The rationale for the teaching is that only few nurses in ED have Advance Cardiac Life Support course (ACLS). Nurses need to understand and recognize the pathophysiological mechanisms that influence arrhythmias, for them to improve quality of care (Garcia & Miller, 2009). Garcia and Miller (2009), highlight on the need to understand the pathophysiological mechanisms related to arrhythmia. By focusing on sequences to be followed during arrhythmia recognition, the authors emphasize the need for nurses to clearly understand how to use rhythm strip. This is relevant to the aims of the training session as nurses need interpret skills when dealing with complex arrhythmia.
Benchmark information
Nurses participating in the training sessions play a critical role towards improving quality of care, while taking into account special challenges ensures that the education is more relevant in imparting knowledge. Additionally nurses help in recognizing, interpreting and managing arrhythmia, while also relying on evidence-based practice to improve patient outcome (Forfa, 2013). According to Forfa (2013), improvement during and after an education program provides necessary information that is easily disseminated, while also taking into account the systems in place. This article is relevant to the training session, as cardiovascular diseases are a concern, while nurses work in a demanding environment. The authors highlight on patient safety as being vital, while encouraging nursing practice and improving skill development facilitated better patent outcome.
Management strategy
Clinical educators play an important role in assisting nurse to understand techniques that will facilitate self directing learning (Forfa, 2013). Hence, it will be necessary to inform and engage and inform head nurse at the ED, nursing supervisors and nursing directors. Forfa (2013), reports on the results of a project to test the competency of nurses after additional practice, showed that reviewing a course had a positive result towards improving knowledge as fewer participants required remediation. Additionally, the nursing schedule will take into account the training session, whereas nurse pull out plan will also be useful when the nurses are not required during lectures. Forfa (2013), mentions that the goals and objectives of an education program should be tailored for the participating nurses, and this makes it easier to adopt changes.
Teaching strategies
There will be multiple teaching strategies including orientation, small group discussions, lectures, and performance management, one on one, and professional development. The one day training sessions integrates various learning styles to accommodate for the needs of nurses. Hence, PowerPoint slides and video/audio formats are applicable for teaching and learning. Zerr and Pulcher (2008), focused on how interactive video technology enhanced learning among nursing students. The study results are relevant to the training session, as there was better retention and improve educational opportunities. Even though, the pilot study focused on nursing students, the results shows that an environment that is interactive foster learning in comparison to traditional methods of learning. In any case, the learners need to be well prepared, while their perception of professional practice should enhance learning. On the other hand, Jang et al (2005) relied to Web-based technology to assess impact on learning about ECG. In the article, the authors point out that face-face interaction combined with Web-based learning is desirable to improve learning. Essentially, even when relying on technology, there is a need to focus on learner centred goals to improve outcomes of teaching.
The social, cognitive theory focuses on cognitive, behavioural and environmental elements and there impact on learning. Burke and Manusco (2012) highlighted on the role of simulation in learning, and integration of the social cognitive theory in learning. The role of intentionality and self-reflection was important to enhancing learning. The study is relevant given that tailoring education needs to the needs of learners, motivation and learners’ behaviour influence learning outcome. The authors rightly point out that fostering and maintaining attentiveness, while also motivating self- improvement result to better learning outcomes. Nonetheless, the training session will not rely on simulation, but still there is a need to focus on motivation in enhancing learning, whereby working in small groups was reported as being effective in improving collective knowledge.
The need to understand different learning styles is necessary in clinical education since, it allows clinical educators to match leaning opportunities with the nurses’ learning styles (McAllister, 2001). This allows learning to be more effective and successful. Nurses who utilize different learning styles are more likely to fit in different leaning situations. Hence, the nursing education plan is effective in improving learning since it is likely to challenge students adapt to different learning styles. Given that the clinical education understands that the students have different learning styles, the educator is more sensitive to learning experiences.
Small group works are incorporated to facilitate learning, as it is easier for the nurses to help out each other. Even though, nurses are expected to already have knowledge of normal cardiac rhythms, the training session emphasizes the need to better utilize life-saving interventions. According to Boctor (2013), active learning strategies are the preferred learning styles utilised by nursing students. The author points out those learners chose active-learning styles as they improve student leaning and satisfaction. The study relied on a game to reinforce information, and resulted to enhanced student learning. Even though, the study only focused on nursing students, it is applicable for learning nurses, as the study results lay credence to the need to integrate different learning styles.
Utilising critical skills and relying on self-reflection helps nurses to use their knowledge in nursing practice. Even though, improving knowledge retentions is an important aspect to improving quality of care, few studies delve into the role of teaching strategies in improving nursing competency (Sumner et al., 2012). Hence, Sumner et al (2012) studied the effect of an orientation program towards improving knowledge retention on arrhythmia. A comparison of results between those who attended the orientation program and those who did not showed that there was a need to improve the orientation sessions as they improve knowledge retention. The pre-test and post test scores following exposure to an orientation program were different, showing that nurses were likely more competent if they were exposed to an orientation program. Hence, the training session should well be planned to meet the set objectives and improve nurses’ competency.
Learning outcome for the teaching session
The participants should ideally acquire the right skills and utilize knowledge in the learning activity. The education need for the training session is that the participants will improve professionally and be confident in analysing ECG strip rhythms. The expected learning outcomes of the session should be aligned with the learning objectives as this facilitates learning (Hays, 2006). The training sessions are critical to improving knowledge on the pathophysiology of the heart and arrhythmia.
Content overview
The content of the training sessions is structured in three parts of two hours each with short breaks, and first focuses on basic information about ECG arrhythmias and recaps on what has already been learned in subsequent sessions. The first part highlights on physiology of Cardiac Conduction as well as reading the ECG strip and calculating the heart rate. The second part further highlights on the first part, and then gives clarification. The training will then highlight on the Bradyarrhythmias. The last part then focuses on Tachyarrhythmias, assessment and analysis of ECG strips.
Presently the classroom is required to facilitating education and training, where the nurses meet for lectures. To facilitate the training handouts will be repapered and handed out to each participant. A projector to present the information on the education unit as well as 25 computers installed with arrhythmia exercises.
Delivery and assessment
The teaching strategies already identified will be crucial to the success of the program, as learners may rely on one or different learning styles. Through addressing the individual needs of the learners, it becomes easier to improve learning Schupbach (2012). The author goes on to highlight on the strategies to improve teaching in a positive learning environment. To highlight on these ideas Schupbach (2012), draws inspiration from experience in clinical teaching and supervision. Furthermore, the author highlights on the need to focus on student needs and this facilitates delivery and assessment of teaching lessons.
Evaluation and teaching sessions
Evaluation is a critical aspect of education as it influences decision making, with growth in evidence-base practice resulting to better evaluation (Macdonald, 2006). The author highlights on the need on the reasons as to why the evaluation should be carried out. This through focusing on how and what to evaluate, it is easier to make decisions that improve learning (Macdonald, 2006). This approach takes into account a set of questions that acts as a guideline in...
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