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Nurses Responsibility and The Approaches to Address Patient Care in Health Literacy

Essay Instructions:

A. Go to https://nces(dot)ed(dot)gov/surveys/piaac/skillsmap/

1. Click on "Explore the Map"

2. Look at your state and county health literacy (and document)-WASHINGTON STATE PLEASE

B. Watch the video on Health Literacy http://www(dot)youtube(dot)com/watch?v=BgTuD7l7LG8

C. Review the aligned powerpoint

D. Complete the journal assignment by answering and reflecting on the QUESTIONS.


1. Are nurses ethically responsible to assess for health literacy?

2. What are the health literacy rates in your state (identify) and county (identify)?

3. Based on these health literacy rates, how can you approach evidence-based patient care regarding health literacy in your practice?

4. How do we help individuals such as Mr. Bell? (see video)

5. Reflect on the REALM health literacy tool.

6. Would the REALM work in your health setting?

7. What is your Take away from the assignment?

Note: Submit cover page and journal as one continuous word document and submit to the assignment link.

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Health Literacy
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Health Literacy
Answer 1
Nurses are ethically responsible for assessing patients' health literacy. Whenever sick individuals visit hospitals, their expectations are that they will get the best treatment or medications that address their health issues. As such, patients should not just be given medicines or get treated without knowing what is happening. Based on the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), health literacy refers to the degree to which people have the capacity to process, obtain, and comprehend basic health information so that they can make proper decisions on their health (CDC, 2021). Sick individuals should not be obliged to sign papers they do not understand. Caregivers should assess patients' health literacy and find the appropriate way of communicating with these individuals to give the best treatment and medication. When patients are well-informed about their health statuses or things they are required to do and the reason behind them, they become aware of what they are supposed to do. As such, they do not question the decisions made by nurses since they understand their significance.
Answer 2
Washington has a health literacy rate, at or below level 1, of 23%. The state has an average numeracy scale score of 262. The health literacy rate, at or below level 1, of Adams County, Washington is 47%. Adams County has an average literacy scale score of 230 (National Center for Education Statistics, 2021). Based on Washington's health literacy rates, over a half percent of the population needs nurses’ assistance in understanding basic health information. That is why caregivers should be friendly to their patients and answer all questions asked to promote health literacy and proper understanding of various treatments and medications. Health professionals should not overemphasize treating sick individuals without helping them to know why they choose a specific strategy instead of another one. For example, it appears bad for a patient to know that they have high blood pressure but do not understand hypertension.
Answer 3
Rowlands et al. (2020) define health literacy as the motivation, competencies, and knowledge to understand, apply, appraise, and access health information to help an individual make proper decisions concerning his or her health, health promotion, disease prevention, and improve the quality of life (Rowlands et al., 2020). In that case, the best approach for evidence-based patient care regarding health literacy would be to help patients understand the significance of their treatment and know why they take specific medications. The best thing about evidence-based patient care is that caregivers use tested and approved treatment methods and medicines. In particular, nurses should know how to communicate about health literacy using a simple language that patients can comprehend. When patients acquire accurate health information, they make proper decisions and feel as if they have control of their lives since they can make proper decisions pertaining to their health.
Answer 4
Individuals like Mr. Bell, a maintenance worker, fear asking physicians questions about medications. Although the person knows that if he does not read the label on medications, he should ask a doctor, it takes him more effort to visit a hospital and get the courage of asking the physician questions about medicines. Mr. Bell says that sometimes when one walks into a doctor’s office, a person feels like turning back due to the fear of asking questions (WisLit, 2010). Health illiteracy makes people shameful in asking questions since the doctor assumes that many individuals know how to read. Such people need to be encouraged that asking questions is the right thing to understand the type of medications and the reason for taking them. Additionally, physicians should not assume that all adults know...
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