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Nurse-Sensitive Indicators and Patient Outcomes Summary

Essay Instructions:

Assignment Content

This assignment is designed to illustrate the importance of nurse-sensitive indicators in relationship to patient outcomes.

Assignment Outline [Use a Level Heading for Each]:

Select and Introduce a condition or disease [* In acute care: Consider Using Hospital Acquired Condition or Value Based Conditions. In outpateint care setting: Use HEDIS masures diagnosis].

Identify the nurse-sensitive indicators that relate to your selection, and indicate if they are structural, process, or outcome in nature.

Illustrated how to employ nurse sensitive indicators to improve the outcome.

Create a plan of care showing how you would employ-incorporate the indicators to guide your plan, goals, and or actions to predictably improve the care outcome(s). Use the Following:

a. Describe the Total Quality Management Method used by your organization to improve care delivery.

b. May use the nursing process to organize your plan [however compare/contrast to the TQM method your organizations uses].

Summary and Conclusions Section: Explain how mandated quality of care practices impact your plan of care, and discuss what you have learned.

Cite at least two sources in an APA-formatted reference page.

Format: Submit a 875-word minimum, APA 7th formatted paper. Do not guess the format; APA 7th template provided to you.

APA 7th Template and Sample paper(s) provided on week 1 instructions

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Nurse-Sensitive Indicators and Patient Outcomes
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Nurse-Sensitive Indicators and Patient Outcomes
In-Patient Falls
Patient falls constitute a hospital-acquired condition (HAC) that causes significant inpatient injuries and even mortality. A patient fall is an accidental descent to the ground without or with injury to the client. Falls prevention and protection from injuries are an organizational problem that needs to be handled by all hospital professionals who could encounter an individual at risk of a fall. Preventing falls and mitigating injuries is a complex and challenging activity. Mostly, healthcare organizations have constraining priorities that place protection from injury and fall prevention management as a critical part of the nursing process. Protection from injury and fall prevention should be an organization-wide activity. All healthcare professionals and employees understand their impact and their role in cultivating a safety culture (Patient Safety Movement, 2020, p.4). This paper evaluates nurse-sensitive indicators for in-patient falls and delineates an appropriate care plan to improve patient outcomes.
Nurse-Sensitive Indicators for Falls
The “nursing-sensitive indicators” concept is vital in elaborating nursing care outcomes (Heslop, Lu, & Xu, 2014, p.2469). In this vein, nursing-sensitive indicators could imply nursing quality indicators that assess nurse’s contributions to positive patient outcomes and quality care (Lockhart, 2018, p.1). Nursing quality indicators related to falls include fall prevention practices and fall rates. Fall prevention practices and fall rates need to be tracked and counted as a crucial quality improvement initiative component. By monitoring performance, nurses determine whether care is staying the same, improving, or deteriorating in response to change practice efforts (Ganz et al., 2013, p.68). Further, constant monitoring facilitates understanding of where the nurse is starting from and whether their improvement fails are sustainable.
Nursing-sensitive indicators for falls are linked to nursing policy outcomes and processes. Fall rates are outcome indicators since they reflect patient results that are nursing sensitive as they rely on the quality and quantity of nursing care. The patient fall outcome is also linked to other medical care components and is not viewed to be nursing sensitive – these include hospital readmission rates. Fall rates are process indicators since they assess nursing interventions and patient assessments related to injuries or fractures due to falls. The nurses are also satisfied when their patients show positive progress after their pain management and care interventions (Lockhart, 2018, p.1).
How Nurse-Sensitive Indicators Improve Outcomes
In fall prevention and improvement efforts, the nurse should evaluate fall prevention practices and fall rates regularly. It is recommended that the nurse regularly monitor: (a) outcomes (falls per 1,000 occupied hospital bed stays), (b) at least two or one care process (for example, fall risk factors assessment and actions to mitigate fall risks), and (c) crucial facets of infrastructure to support optimal practices (for example, examining interdisciplinary engagement within Implementation Team) (Ganz et al., 2013, p.68).
Nursing professionals measure fall and fall-linked injury rates to evaluate their success in enhancing patients’ safety. The nurse is doing an excellent job in falls and fall-associated injuries prevention when the fall rates improve. On the contrary, if the fall and fall-associated injury rates worsen, it implies the need to improve patient care. The nurses use data to develop a case for starting quality improvement efforts and monitoring progress to maintain their improvements. In assessing the fall rates, the nurse will count the number and the occupied bed days number within their unit over a given timescale, including one month to three months. The nurse might also need to count the number of the repeated fall on their unit. Sometimes, one repeat faller could skew the fall rates for the whole unit. Therefore, taking note of repeat falls is essential in comprehending the outcome data.
Nursing Process and TQM Model
A nursing care plan is a documented nursing process manifestation or the “common thread uniting distinct types of nurses working in various areas, constituting a vital practice core for registered nurse professionals to provide patient-centered and holistic care. The nu...
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