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Nurse Manager Skills Inventory for Personal Evaluation

Essay Instructions:

Rate yourself using the results from the "Nurse Manager Skills Inventory" Topic 5 study material.
Write a reflection of 750‐1,000 words in which you identify your strengths and weaknesses related to the four content areas below:
Personal and professional accountability
Career planning
Personal journey disciplines
Reflective practice reference behaviors/tenets
Discuss how you will use your current leadership skill set to advocate for change in your workplace.

Identify one personal goal for your leadership growth and discuss your implementation plan to achieve that goal.

**I scored 11/16(novice) on personal and professional accountability
10/12(competent) career planning,9/12(competent) personal journey disciplines and 36/36(expert) reflective practice reference behaviors/tenets.***

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Nursing Evaluation
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Nursing Evaluation
Nurses constitute the majority in the healthcare profession. They are the primary caregivers which makes them critical in the healthcare system. Without nurses, it would be impossible for other healthcare professionals to cater to all the needs of the patients. Due to the importance of the nursing profession, it is critical for nurses to constantly evaluate their personal careers in order to know how better to deal with patients. In this essay, I will identify my strengths and weaknesses using the results if the Nurse Manager Skills Inventory.
Regarding personal and professional accountability, I scored 11/16 which makes me a novice. Despite being a novice, I have ensured that I deliver on my commitments. I have proved that I can be trusted to do what I say I will do. When I make a commitment to a client or staff member, I ensure that I fulfill what I have said. Additionally, I have a strength of accepting liability when I make a mistake. I have discovered that taking responsibility for mistakes is an effective way of becoming better in my profession. However, I have not been a good timekeeper. With strict timelines, I have not been in a position to balance the demands of the profession.
Regarding career planning, I scored 9/12 which indicated that I am competent. One of my strengths is that I have managed to maintain a five-year plan. The plan has assisted me to work towards what I want to be in the next five years. I keep on making adaptations and alterations to ensure that I achieve my nursing goals. Furthermore, I have been involved in various professional nursing organizations. In these organizations, I have learned the aspects of the nursing profession. I have used the skills I have gained in professional nursing organizations to improve the way I undertake my duties. One area that I have done well is in making an incremental increase in my educational attainment. I have not done much to increase my educational qualifications to be better prepared to take advantage of future career opportunities. Another area of weakness is the inability to network with other professions. I have not emphasized more on networking which has made it challenging to meet more healthcare professionals.
The area of personal journey disciplines is my greatest strength. In this area, I scored 36/36 in which makes me an expert...
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