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NURS6053: Interprofessional Organizational and Systems Leadership

Essay Instructions:

Taking a Stand 
Your Name 
NURS6053, Section 4, Interprofessional Organizational and Systems Leadership 
Date Here 
Taking a Stand
This should be a 4 to 5-page paper. Page count does not include a title page or reference pages. In this paragraph, you will introduce the conceptual frameworks of the constructs of ethics, moral, or legal standards. Use a support to help define it here. Should have a minimum of three to four sentences for this topic. Then you will add the purpose of this paper in the last sentence of this paragraph. Be explicit what you will be discussing. 
Ethical, Moral, or Legal Dilemma
Consider an ethical, moral, or legal dilemma that you have encountered in your work environment and describe it. Mentally survey your work environment, or one with which you are familiar, and identify a timely issue/dilemma that requires you to perform the leadership role of moral agent or advocate to improve a situation (e.g., speaking or acting on behalf of a vulnerable patient, the need for appropriate staffing, a colleague being treated unfairly). The I would expect you to use your APA resources from the Walden Writing Center to correctly cite and reference your work. The Walden Library is an awesome place to find your evidenced-based support.
Analysis of the Moral, Ethical, and Legal Implications of Situation
Discuss the moral, ethical, and legal implications in this situation. Each new topic will have a new paragraph. Support your perspectives with literature to support and cite correctly. What ethical, moral, or legal skills, dispositions, and/or strategies would help you resolve this dilemma? Define the differences between ethical, moral, and legal leadership.
Role as Moral Agent or Advocate for this Specific Issue
Discuss and describe your role as the moral agent or advocate for this specific problem for the Situation discussed in the previous heading level. Finally, consider the values and principles that guide the nursing profession; the organization’s mission, vision, and values; the leadership and management competencies addressed in this course; and your values and reasons for entering the profession. What motivation do you see for taking a stand on an important issue even when it is hard to do so? Be sure to support your perspectives and view with literature. Use current literature – that is within five years to support your work. Use correctly cited material. Do not use contractions or use too many directly quoted material. Use more paraphrasing here.
Self-Assessment and Leadership Styles
Consider your leadership styles identified by your self-assessment in this section. Use the week one Keirsey Temperament Sorter self-assessment results to discuss in this area. Again keep the paragraphs with one topic and not too long. Cite the Keirsey Temperament Sorter (n.d.) like this when sharing the source outside the parenthesis. Then if you cite your results (Keirsey Temperament Sorter, n.d.) like this, when citing within the parenthesis. Be sure to reference correctly also. I included the correct way to reference the Keirsey Sorter in the References.
Also, include if the leadership styles acted as a barrier or facilitation during this dilemma. Describe this here. Cite appropriately. The link to the Keirsey Temperament Sorter is at Keirsey Temperament Sorter (KTS-II). (n.d.). Retrieved from http://www(dot)keirsey(dot)com/ 
Wrap the paper up here. Be sure you do not add any new information in conclusion. 
Cianci, A. M., Hannah, S. T., Roberts, R. P., & Tsakumis, G. T. (2014). The effects of authentic leadership on followers' ethical decision-making in the face of temptation: An experimental study. The Leadership Quarterly, 25(3), 581–594. doi:10.1016/j.leaqua.2013.12.001
Keirsey Temperament Sorter (KTS-II). (n.d.). Retrieved from http://www(dot)keirsey(dot)com/
Laureate Education (Producer). (2012a). Ethical, moral, and legal leadership.Baltimore, MD: Author.
Marquis, B. L., & Huston, C. J. (2015). Leadership roles and management in nursing: Theory and application (8th ed.). Philadelphia, PA: Lippincott, Williams, & Wilkins. 
Of course, you will include a minimum of five sources one of which would include the Keirsey Sorter as listed above. Your references will be alphabetized. Moreover, have a hanging indent. These are just examples for you. You would use this format for all your references for this paper.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Planning Change in the Trauma Unit
Institutional Affiliation:
Planning Change in the Trauma Unit
Health facilities countrywide are attempting to decrease the amount of time patients spend in the trauma unit. At the point when hoping to reduce time, the health and safety of the convalescent need to be maintained. The Mount Sinai Hospital unveiled their new trauma center leading to the execution of new approaches in an endeavor to decrease the delay period. A practice, that was on the verge of being dispensed with assigning the prioritizing of patients in the trauma center. This paper is motivated in clarifying the consequences of the end of patient prioritizing, portray particular change to tackle the subject, talk about the office’s legation objective and the corresponding changes, deliberate on how the change will be managed to control the new rules and portray the parties that might be included with dealing with the adjustment.
Ethical Dilemma of Eradicating Triage
At the point when a victim strolled to the trauma center at Mount Sinai Hospital, they are prioritized by the nurse (RN) on duty; their ailment recognized, then taken to the proper room. With the opening of another trauma center, the prioritizing procedure had been eradicated to diminish the patient to practitioner time. This now means that the nurse on duty has to perform the full triage in the chamber. Every space is prepared to treat any victim brought for emergency services, implying each room had all the essential facilities, all except those in the restricted zones that dealt with critical conditions. They were then relegated rooms by the staff. Considering that other patients are not visible when the nurses are at their stations, such as seizure patients, this meant that they would not be placed in secluded rooms. Therapeutic patients were not to be put in controlled units where the critical patients are monitored. The management recommended that faculty that did not have any skills or knowledge in medicine, be allowed to allocate rooms to patients. A registered caregiver ought to look after the patient, in any event, to choose the allocation.
Analysis of Ethical Dilemma Eradicating Triage
There have been concerns raised to the administration in regards to the procedure of the clerks prioritizing the incoming victims and having their exams done in rooms they specify. The non-medical staff has been allocating rooms to patients assuming their conditions, yet they do not have the skills and experience in nursing. Security and wellness are the main issues causing the worry. For instance, an emergency team called ahead to the hospital informing them that they found an individual on the ground with known alcoholic history. The clerical team accepted the unconscious individual and sent him to the ward on the assumption that he was just inebriated. When a nurse came to perform a check-up, it was discovered that the victim had no alcohol in his system and had collapsed due to unclear reasons. It is estimated that he was on the ground for approximately 60 minutes, had accumulated fluid in the peritoneal cavity, and could barely breathe. The patient had to be moved to another room that could handle his deteriorating condition, but the chief nursing officer had to be located, and after approximately fifteen minutes he was transferred to the trauma Unit.
Furthermore, there were numerous interferences amid the triage procedure, which is an essential stage for patients entering the trauma center. While the medical attendant was triaging, several hindrances caused the chief nursing officer to leave the patient and attend to more critical patients leaving his care to other caregivers. This action caused by interference of non-medical staff in the first place may have compromised his health (Johnson, Motavalli, Gray, and Kuehn, 2014). Examples of such intrusions consist of staff informing the RN of a telephone call telling the medical attendant another new patient is awaiting examination. At the point when the attendant intruded, it meddles with focus and can influence the quality of care being given to the patient (Johnson...
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