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NSOLS Assignment: Any Successes or Challenges you Faced

Essay Instructions:

I have already pasted what I did at the first meeting. It is below. What you write. One page per progression. You will need to use your imagination. Answer the 4 question below like I have answered. Except, First page will be for progress from what is written below, then second page is what would be the next progression from page 1 that you write and then page 3 will be progression from page 2. I f you have any questions please feel free to ask. 
First meeting: 1) Report on any successes or challenges you faced while implementing the commitments you made at your last meeting.
First Meeting
2) Make sure your goal is SMART.
*S*pecific: Avoid generalities! Your goal should have specific details so you know what you’re achieving.
*M*easurable: Make sure you have solid criteria for establishing your progress toward your goal.
*A*chievable: It doesn’t have to be simple or easy, but it should be possible.
*R*ewarding: Your goal must be something that is meaningful and worthwhile.
*T*imely: Having specific dates for beginning and finishing goals keeps you on track.
Goal: I want to live a healthy life by practicing healthy eating as well as engaging in physical exercise every day. Ideas/Suggestions from team members - Ensure that I take enough water every day. - Apply for a gym membership - Always ensure that I take in a lot of fruits daily.
3) Based on the ideas and feedback you received from your team, what action steps have you committed to taking by your next meeting?
I will develop a weekly meal plan of healthy foods. Also, ensure that I run for two miles every two days. The other days doing some time of other exercising such as yoga or aerobics.
4) How have the Society speakers or SNT meetings helped you achieve your goals or changed your life?
No, since this is my first meeting, as well as taking into count living a healthy life style takes time. I hope to use all the ideas and suggestions given by my peers as a guideline for beginning my journey to living a healthy life. Our next meeting will be 8/26/2016 at my home.

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I had various successes on the commitments I made, one of which is that my self-esteem and self-confidence has greatly improved. Being on a healthy life journey is life changing to my self-worth and my emotional, physical and social life are headed in a better direction, another thing is my health is improving, healthy living is at the forefront of this. Exercising, healthy meals avoiding alcohol have increased my energy and made me stronger and my general health is better than before.
Goal: I want to live a healthy life by practicing healthy eating as well as engaging in physical exercise every day. Ideas/Suggestions from team members - Ensure that I take enough water every day. - Apply for a gym membership- Always ensure that I take in a lot of fruits daily- Always ensure that I take a lot of vegetable daily- Ensure that I am on a strict healthy diet.
I will develop a weekly meal plan on healthy foods. Also, ensure that I run for two miles every two days. The other day doexercising such as yoga or aerobics. I will stick to regular exercising by beginning slowly and gradually progressing to the minutes or the hours I put into exercising. I will also engage in walking every day. Like I had mentioned before activities like yoga will help in developing my mental health. In regards to this, I will watch on my sleeping patterns and sleeping hours of between seven to nine hours daily. I will engage in mind games like puzzles, socialize and network, taking vacations or holiday during the weekends, and lastly I will try new things in my life like going to the aquarium and visiting the national museum or new activities like hiking and team bonding exercises.
No, since this is my first meeting as well as taking into count living a healthy life style takes time. I hope to use all the ideas and suggestions given by my peers as a guideline for beginning my journey to living a healthy life.Our next meeting will be 8/26/2016 at my home.
These strategies help in preventing disease occurrence in my body. One of the things in healthy living is safety. This has prevented any injuries in my body since I drive safely; I avoid tobacco and excessive alcohol use that are unsafe and risky behaviours in our society. In addition, my health is getting in check; my BMI calculations are having a healthy weight rating that is a very huge success in healthy living. Moreover, I do not also engage in the intake of illicit drugs. Despite the successes ...
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