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2 pages/≈550 words
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English (U.S.)
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Not All Instructional Strategies are Deemed Effective

Essay Instructions:

Assessment Description

Create a Literature Review containing two peer-reviewed, Evidence-Based Practice (EBP) sources that align with your own ISP and PICO(t) with appropriate APA format.

A literature review analyzes how current research supports the ISP and PICO(t), as well as identifies what is known and what is not known in the evidence. Students will use the information from their ISP and PICO(t) Statement Paper to develop a 500-minimum word count literature review that includes a title page, introduction section, a comparison and contrasting of two peer-reviewed Evidence-Based Practice (EBP) sources that align with their own ISP and PICO(t), a conclusion section, and is prepared according to the guidelines found in the APA style Guide.

Grading Rubric – Literature Review

Proper APA title page and APA formatting 20%

Introduction section 20%

Compare and contrast two peer-reviewed EBP sources 20%

Reference and citation of two peer-reviewed EBP sources 20%

Conclusion section 20%

You do not need to submit this assignment to the Grammar and Citation Tool.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Not All Instructional Strategies are Deemed Effective
For the nursing students (P), how effective is the use of problem-based learning (PBL) (I) over Simulation-based learning (SBL) (C) strategies in enhancing the theoretical and practical skill scores (O) when utilized over a 2-month training period (T)?
Introduction Nurse educators are nurse practitioners who utilize both theoretical and work experiences to enhance their knowledge about a specific topic in nursing. The theoretical aspect ensures that the nurse practitioner is updated with the current advances in the field, including the use of technology and the novel practices, while the work experiences prove the usefulness of the theoretical perspectives. Combining these two leads to the birth of evidence-based practices (EBPs), which have been proven to be significant in guaranteeing patient safety. Nurse educators must learn teaching strategies that are essential in employing EBP knowledge and skills to enhance communication and practical skills necessary to ensure high-quality care. Nurse educators must align their teaching strategies to their administration objectives (i.e., hospital administration, academe, and others). However, not all instructional strategies are deemed effective (Horntvedt et al., 2018). Thus, in this paper, two instructional strategies in nursing education from EBP sources shall be compared and contrasted to demonstrate the advantages of one instructional strategy over the other.
The Instructional Strategies from EBP Sources
PBL and SBL are two strategies that have been widely used in the nursing practice, especially in undergraduate education. Sayyah et al. (2017) explained that PBL principles lie in dividing a class into many groups and then introducing a problem in the form of questions, and each group shall discuss the answers. The solutions shall be presented in class. The activity’s goal is to enhance the nursing students’ mental activity and allow them to design, execute, and analyze the effectiveness of their solutions. The success of PBLs is controversial. However, based on this systematic review and meta-analysis, PBLs have better outcomes than lecture-based strategies (LBS), the traditional form of teaching, in the undergraduate medicine-related courses, such as nursing. The researchers searched internationally-accredited databases, including Scopus, PubMed, Embase, and others, using key terms such as “problem-based learning,” “learner-centered,” “PBL,” and others to search for literature that compares the differences between the two. The researchers only included high-quality papers that fulfilled the exclusion criteria and excellent methodology to ensure that the study would be generalizable. Statistical methods were employed in analyzing the results. Th...
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