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Nursing Essay: NLN Reflection Paper

Essay Instructions:

For this assignment, consider your passage through the RN-BSN program through the lens of these core values and concepts. Write a reflection discussing your transformation into a professional BSN prepared nurse.

How do you incorporate the core NLN values into your nursing practice?

How have the NLN integrating concepts supported the end of program outcomes in the RN-BSN program for you?

Think of all the courses you have completed in this program and consider the impact each has had on your nursing practice.


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NLN Reflection Paper
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NLN Reflection Paper
The National League for Nursing (NLN) is an organization for nursing school leaders and nursing schools that ensure the nursing practice is excellent. The organization provides all its institutional and individual members' services like; public policies, professional development, grants for research in nursing, testing services, and networking opportunities. The institution members represent all nursing education programs beyond agencies, healthcare organizations, and the higher education board. In this essay, a reflection on how I will incorporate NLN core values in my nursing profession. I will further discuss how the integrating concepts in NLN have contributed to RN-BSN program outcomes, and the impact the RN-BSN courses have on my nursing practice will be addressed.
The core values of the NLN are nursing judgment, human flourishing, spirit inquiry, and professional. As a nurse who is a member of the NSL organization, I have to practice all the organization's core values to ensure my profession's efficiency. Human flourishing involves applying the skills acquired to help patients, their families, and the community achieve human capacities. My acquired knowledge in nursing should impact the lives of the people around me by developing their abilities.
A nurse's responsibilities are crucial to patient outcomes, meaning that I should make the right judgments during my practice as a nurse. The decisions that I make concerning my patient's welfare should be the best of all to promote the well–being of the patient and offer them protection. From all the acquired knowledge and my nursing experience, I can ensure that I implement the perfect action on the patient's behalf. Making the right nursing judgment will help me build a good reputation, which will help my healthcare facility get more recommendations.
Professional identity is the nurse's ability to portray a commitment to practicing their profession in an evidence-based manner, reflecting integrity, advocacy, and safety. From the way I perform my duties, professionalism should be portrayed to provide quality care to a wide range of patients, families, and the community. My nursing practice should be evident-based, meaning that scientific theories should support it because science is the nursing foundation. Spirits of inquiry concepts are essential, and I should incorporate them into my career. The medical sector keeps evolving since the needs of patients change when new diseases erupt. I should be an evolving scholar who helps develop nursing science by identifying research questions that need to be studied. I should be involved in critiquing research works published and usin...
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