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Advantages and Disadvantages of the National Health Care Coverage System on the Elderly

Essay Instructions:

For this final case assignment, your task is to write an essay in which you address a current national health care coverage component:
President Obama and signed into law a National Health Care Coverage system to provide all Americans with access to health care and affordable health care coverage. There are many debates going on in the media regarding the components of this law with regard to the elderly, women, minority groups, employers, employees, etc.
1.Suppose that you are a health care policy analyst. Identify and describe a component of the new law with regard to it's impact on one group (several examples are provided above).
2.Then, describe and analyze at least one advantage and one disadvantage to this health care coverage component.
Assignment Expectations
You will be expected to provide a scholarly basis for your response. Your opinions should be justified with evidence from the literature. References should be cited properly in the text of your essay, as well as at the end. Several scholarly references should be cited for this assignment. Please limit your response to 2–3 pages.
Your paper will be evaluated based on the rubric criteria

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Advantages and Disadvantages of the National Health Care Coverage System on the Elderly
Institution of affiliation

Advantages and Disadvantages of Obamacare on the Elderly
The National Health Care Coverage System initiated by the government led by President Obama helped improve the elderly health care signed into law in 1965 as Medicare and Medicaid (Schakowsky, 2012). However, misinformation being circulated has led to debates that create myths of false accusations about the health care plan. This article aims to describe and analyze one advantage and one disadvantage of the National Health Care Coverage System with regards to the elderly group of citizens in the USA.
The Obamacare improves health care for all USA citizens. Principally, it has added new benefits and strengthened the financial positions of Medicare and Medicaid. With regard to quality improvement of medical services for the elderly the health care program has made various provisions that help to make health care favorable for the elderly citizens. Increased payments to hospitals and health providers have led to increased quality improvement. The provisions of the new law allow channeling of a percentage of financial support from Medicare to hospitals depending on their performance (Schakowsky, 2012). Quality measures that reflect on frequent and expensive conditions like cardiac and pneumonia management are used to determine a hospital’s performance. The provisions in the program dictate that the Medicare payments should be made with adjustments that are established from the quality and cost of care provided (Schakowsky, 2012). Therefore, health care professionals providing high quality and cost-effective services get the best rewards. The programs also require that centers such as the hospice and rehabilitation centers provide reports on quality ensuring that services offered to the elderly are constantly of high quality (Schakowsky, 2012).
The creation of new incentives in the health care sector has helped to improve the quality of medical attention given to the elderly. Records show that nearly one in f...
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