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2 pages/≈550 words
Health, Medicine, Nursing
English (U.S.)
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National Commission for Health Education Credentialing

Essay Instructions:

1. Describe the major responsibilities for health education specialists in the four major settings

2. List the advantages and disadvantages of each of the four settings

3. Identify at least three "non-traditional" settings in which health education specialists may be employed

4. Provide several action steps that can be taken to help prepare and get one's first job in health education/promotion.

(You can answer the questions separately it does not have to be in essay format) The reference page does not count towards the assignment. (2 sources)

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1 According to the National Commission for Health Education Credentialing, health education specialists have seven primary responsibilities. First, they are responsible for assessing any resources, capacity, and needs required for health education/promotion. Areas where health is low should be identified to assess resource availability and other needs to improve the setting. Second, health educators are responsible for planning any health education/promotion. Once the health needs of a particular setting are established, health knowledge should be communicated, and the initial step is to formulate a plan, considering its feasibility. Third, health educators execute such health education/promotion. After planning, health education is then provided to the setting that needs health awareness or improvement. Fourth, health educators engage in research and administer evaluations regarding topics on health education/promotion. As a health educator, programs, including other policies, should be evaluated and set realistic and measurable objectives. Fifth, health educators are the ones who conduct and organize the health program. This responsibility includes being a good manager with the capacity to perform administrative duties and supervising other staff. Sixth, health educators are expected to be a resource person who should answer any health questions and guide the community to understand health concerns better. Lastly, health educators' roles include advocating, communicating, and promoting health and health education and the profession itself (Cottrell, Girvan, &...
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